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The Guernsey Football Manager Is A Moron

wally jumblat

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No wonder your all so unhappy over there its probaly raining, and theres not enough sheep for everyone.....also are football is the best.....the only good player for you lot was that bald bloke.....to scared to go to rhodes are we bless....not use to the heat or sun over there are you because there aint any thats why ha ha ha!

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No wonder your all so unhappy over there its probaly raining, and theres not enough sheep for everyone.....also are football is the best.....the only good player for you lot was that bald bloke.....to scared to go to rhodes are we bless....not use to the heat or sun over there are you because there aint any thats why ha ha ha!



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Good work Frankie....


So we now know that our new friend from Guernsey can't find a bride and has a fascination with bald men....


As I said...I' don't think it worth getting in to an argument with him.


I don't for one moment think that he represents the thoughts of the people of Guernsey.

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Its a shame you cant stick to the football side of things....and another thing you only have one nice football pitch that aint got sheep on that is....you should be good at football all it is over there is old scabby grass and sheep everywhere oh and rain...its like bloody alderney....why dont you just call yourselfs lerwick delting........

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Its a shame you cant stick to the football side of things


You're the one that started whirring on about the sheep, rain and lack of sunshine kid, not us.


I think we would win if we cheated and fielded a team of so called pros.....CHEATS CHEATS......don't remeber us using Matt the God at any games.....still at his age would be better then any of your players


Ok son, you have had your "fun". Can you run along now and spout your bile elsewhere please.

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