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Scottish Government's proposed Hate Crime legislation


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The SNP want to make it a criminal offence to have possession of what they deem ''imflamitary material '' so in effect book burning . Will the Bible or some other religious books  be classed as ''imflamitary materiel '' considering some of there content ? We seem to be heading towards a situation with the police raiding peoples homes to check their book shelves for books the SNP don't like with a SEVEN jail sentence for offenders    https://beta.parliament.scot/-/media/files/legislation/bills/current-bills/hate-crime-and-public-order-scotland-bill/introduced/explanatory-notes-hate-crime-and-public-order-scotland-bill.pdf

Edited by Watter
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The SNP want to make it a criminal offence to have possession of what they deem ''imflamitary material '' so in effect book burning . Will the Bible or some other religious books  be classed as ''imflamitary materiel '' considering some of there content ? We seem to be heading towards a situation with the police raiding peoples homes to check their book shelves for books the SNP don't like with a SEVEN jail sentence for offenders    https://beta.parliament.scot/-/media/files/legislation/bills/current-bills/hate-crime-and-public-order-scotland-bill/introduced/explanatory-notes-hate-crime-and-public-order-scotland-bill.pdf

Same type of law has been rolled out in New Zealand knowingly possessing or sharing objectionable material carries up to a 14 year jail term



By the way new Zealand has a Chief Censor and that is his actual job title "Chief Censor"

Will Scotland get a Chief Censor?

Edited by NullVoid
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