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Jo Biden (& US Election)

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Joe Biden brags about getting Ukrainian prosecutor fired

"In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company. Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using US loan guarantees as hostage while demanding Skokin be fired."

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You really do appear to be flogging a dead horse here Watter as nobody is arguing that Biden is some sort of model of virtue; he's clearly not. I also doubt most anyone is clicking through to the articles from very dodgy sources you're linking to as they seldom say what you claim they do.

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^ It's probably poor show to quote myself, but...


It's not really a story though. It's just news agencies reporting on how other news agencies reported the 'story'. It's vapour, and elements of the right are getting their knickers in a knot because the centralist 'mainstream' media aren't taking the bait.

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"centralist 'mainstream' media"... lolwut?

'You go to search and you type in "Donald Trump" and it's like all negative and when you type in "Joe Biden", it's all positive.
Because it's skewed by the owners of the drivers of the algorithm.'


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^You do know how to pick your sources - The Post Millennial  :ponders:


D- must try harder.

The source is irrelevant, as it just links to the project Veritas video evidence of the google employees, admitting that their search engines are rigged algorithms and corrupted by leftwing political bias. As is Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, almost all mainstream media and the entire liberal media complex.

What sources do you suggest are worthy Roach?... CNN, BBC, the Guardian, the independent?...

Yeah right!

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The source is entirely relevant i.e. if you don't see the relevance of using a discredited, right-wing, white supremacist linked imma-not-even-using-the-word-news source to try and make a point about left-wing bias then I'll continue with my face-palming, thanks.

Discredited by whom? Your favourite leftwing fact checker perchance?

How about you address the video evidence presented and the fact of the google employees admitting that they rig search results?...

I'll preempt your response and reply with a 'Didn't think so!' to save time later.

Bad faith actors using bad faith arguments, running on the well 'established truth' of Orange man bad!, as described by an entirely corrupt and partisan media establishment.

Where's the next link coming from?... The Southern Poverty Law Center? The ACLU? Snopes maybe?...

Do me a flavour!


"Orthodox reality on a plethora of subjects is  supposedly settled and anyone who disagrees with it is labeled with a wide variety of negative and slanderous identity badges. The current favourite is conspiracy theorist."


(Cue the flat earth strawman deflection)



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Your source is entirely questionable by a mile. Since you appear to be missing why, may I suggest you Google it. Or Bing it if that's too left-loving a thing to soil your cache with. It's not hard to find.


I'm not watching any videos you post as I've done that before; I'm getting on a bit and time is not for watching rabid right-wing nutters froth on. You carry on though!

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I agree that the source is very relevant, and there's a vast difference between good quality investigative journalism and opinion masquerading as news.


Also, it's a little tiresome when folk are just posting links to articles and videos and don't bother engaging in conversation or have the courtesy to reply to the responses to their posts. 

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I agree that the source is very relevant, and there's a vast difference between good quality investigative journalism and opinion masquerading as news.


Also, it's a little tiresome when folk are just posting links to articles and videos and don't bother engaging in conversation or have the courtesy to reply to the responses to their posts. 

Project veritas has a way better record than the bloody BBC or CNN.

Did you see the one on the illegal ballot harvesting for the democrats? interesting stuff!

What do you say about google making sure that their search engines manipulate data to play partisan politics and interfere in elections by giving a false picture of reality?... like the fake news does.

They've all done a very good job at lying to the masses, dividing the nation, fostering hatred by promoting identity politics and generating unending Trump Derangement Syndrome in the low info folks.

No wonder all the democrat cities are on fire and rioting for about 130 odd days now.

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