Most short assured tenancies give you a 1 or (more usually) 2 month notice period, which is considered a fair enough amount of time to find somewhere else in the private sector, and I assume this is what you've been given? By refusing to compromise and consider outside of Lerwick, or look at a smaller property, you are effectively making yourself homeless. This shouldn't be the council's problem and they aren't obligated to house you in your desired area/house size in such circumstances. I received 2 months notice and immediately got myself on the council list and began searching for private rental, however.. as stated all over this website, it's far to expensive to consider. I'm going to hazard a guess and say you're not willing to pay £1000 + a month for rent? Well, neither am I... it's completely unrealistic. I'm not refusing to compromise. I don't drive, and can't rely on someone to get me to work as everyone works different rotations. On my housing form I'm willing to accept any size of property at present, because at the moment I'm in a b&b and my belongings are spread far and wide across Shetland. It's easy to make assumptions when you're not in the position of someone else, and people should maybe take that into consideration when writing their comments. I have all number of reasons for staying in Lerwick and don't owe anyone a justification for that. The council look into your case to make sure you are not "making yourself homeless" and they did not feel this was the case. My case is a particularly popular one at the moment as rent prices are soaring and landlords see this as a business opportunity, tenants are getting their notice to quit, and have no other option but to approach the council.