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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/11/16 in all areas

  1. Claadehol

    dumped dogs

    I realise that dumped pets are a tragic problem in this country, but surely we should be looking at the figures regarding those already in RSPCA kennels before importing from Spain and elsewhere. Please dont make accusations of canine rascism here it just makes sense doesnt it? Apparently there are major problems with puppy farms in Romania shipping in large numbers of various breeds. These breeders are not regulated like those here it seems. People are running businesses and making big money importing these unfortunate animals and it needs to stop.
    1 point
  2. I ordered a nice new TV from amazon on sunday (sorry local retailers, I did look in your shops and I dont mind paying a little extra to buy something locally but I cant afford to throw away £100) I was delighted to see that it was to be delivered by citylink, That WDA parcels guy is always fast. I didnt expect it to be this fast, the TV left the midlands on monday morning and arrived on my doorstep today (Wednesday) at 12 noon, and this was free delivery. I thanked the WDA guy for his speedy delivery and was told the reason he is so fast is that he delivers all over every day. I will make my decision on which internet shop to buy a certain item from not only by cost but by who is delivering it. I would say that here in shetland you cant beat the Royal mail and WDA parcels. Anywhere else and you know the item will get to Aberdeen or Lerwick fairly quick but after that who knows how long it will lie in the toon before someone bothers to come out and deliver it. I had a new laptop I'd ordered a few years ago reach the depot in Aberdeen of a company I wont name and it simply dissapeared. If I hadn't bought it with my credit card and been able to just get the money back I dont know what I would have done as when I phoned the company I ordered it from the said that thier records showed that I had recieved it. Anyway. Rant over. I just came on to say City Link is great because that WDA guy is great. I'm off to play wi my new TV.
    1 point
  3. I think the problem is that people have a nostalgia for a time when they had a local postie who knew them by name, lived in the same area and had been doing the same route for years. Unfortunately routes are now way bigger and staff turnover is significantly higher. Plus your friendly Postman Pat didn't have to deliver multiple mailshot's, catalogues and assorted junk within a set time-scale or be promptly sacked. Additionally, people didn't order most of their stuff online, from vendors who usually address it with a misspelled name and some vague assembly of letters that is supposed to represent an address (and I'm not talking about a postcode here). Add this to the fact that many people (although not all) have no house name or number visible whatsoever. Even if you choose something outrageously pretentious that somehow marries the Nordic Tongue with a character from Star Trek, at least it's a name. I am, of course, looking at this from the delivery guy's point of view for reasons that are probably obvious. Needless to say I don't want to get into a protracted debate about the relative merits of various delivery firms (I'd like to keep my job), but I would suggest that sometimes people may be unaware of the logistical pressures companies and staff are under these days, and that to simplify the problem by stating that "X company is crap" is a tad unfair to the vast majority of front-line workers who are usually just trying to do their job under increasingly difficult circumstances - not to mention the crappy weather...
    1 point
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