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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/02/18 in all areas

  1. I think you would like Yell , its a very short ferry journey to the mainland plus it has everything you need . couple of local shops , swimming pool and fitness center , I think there is a café there as well, there is council housing there not sure of the demand.
    1 point
  2. gafynandrew

    SIC HQ - Whitehoose

    Lets see your proof of that......
    1 point
  3. Shetland is a fine place to live. Though the test of it all is normally through the winter which is extremely dark and at (most) times, extremely windy. Personally, I like it, the seas are wild and it helps you appreciate the spring and summer more! Housing, you have little to no chance of social housing around Lerwick unless you fall under a number of special circumstances. Though the further you move out into the Islands, the higher the chance. Unst, Yell and Whalsay have housing available for example, and you will definitely be as far north as you will get from a housing perspective! Though as a note, if you can pick up a job before moving here you will stand a far better chance of getting a better placed house. Transport to the North is poor, but to the south it is "slightly" better. You should pick up a zettrans timetable online which will give you a better idea http://www.zettrans.org.uk/Though you will normally get a lift if you stick out a thumb. Work wise. A lot of casual work is seasonal, so you may have a chance of a number of part-time jobs through the summer; grass cutting, fish work and the like. In the winter it's a peerie bit hit and miss. Though Scorrie noted already a number of good options for you on the Islands. I cycle on Shetland, just keep a mind that many folk use the road as a motorway, with many going well over motorway speeds, so make sure you are well and truly visible and remember, the bus here does not take bikes (madness), so if you cycle you're pretty stuck with it for the day. Positively though. The air is clean. Crime is minimal to none (ignore that TV show!). I never lock my door (mind, it maybe different in Lerwick). There is always something to do and the summer days are long and mild, and Shetland folk are some of the nicest in the world. Good Luck!
    1 point
  4. You asked a question, you got an answer. I'm inclined to ignore the scheme as proposed but one can live in hope that the pilot scheme and, no doubt, the associated increased costs, will demonstrate that this isn't such a good idea as they (the SIC) were first suckered into. Introduce a more island-proof, island-friendly, user-friendly recycling scheme and I'd be more inclined to participate.I don't get that 'they' were suckered into anything... correct if I'm wrong but I thought they had some sort of obligation to do this as the Scottish government is a signatory to the charter for household recycling/ zero waste driven thing, which is why we have a new scheme that drives things in a certain direction. The legislation states that rural areas are exempt. There is also island-proofing legislation which means what might have to apply in Mainland Scotland does not have to apply here. In addition, they are basing their savings on getting other local authorities to use one of our facilities but despite the fact that there are not currently enough suitable facilities throughout the UK, there are no guarantees that other local authorities will use our facilities (No doubt they have existing contracts in place) plus other suitable facilities are currently being built in the UK (so they will be our competitors). Add also into the mix that the legislation states that local authorities have an obligation to encourage recycling; but see again re exemptions. The legislation they are relying upon is based upon an EU Directive but again, rural areas are exempt from part of the Act into which said EU Directive is included. So in essence, they don't have to do it but they are doing it (the SIC) partially because of the forecasted savings of something like £28k.
    1 point
  5. Colin

    Underage drinking

    Don't care one way or another what age a person is when they take a drink or two and, I don't care to much whether they do it responsibly(?) or not but, there have always been (and always will be) busybodies who want to poke their noses into other peoples lives.
    1 point
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