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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/19 in all areas

  1. > Shetland voted resoundingly to remain in the EU that > democratic cry has been completely ignored. Some parts, other parts less so.. https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/general-election/shetland-district-had-highest-leave-vote-in-scotland-1-4359193 > Shetland district ‘had highest Leave vote in Scotland’ > Two remote communities in Shetland returned the highest pro-Leave vote in Scotland, > analysis of last year’s Brexit referendum has found. The 567 voters in the combined polling > districts of Whalsay and South Unst returned a Leave vote of 81 per cent - the highest north > of the border so far identified.
    1 point
  2. ^ I don't see what's different. The Brexit referendum questions were 'Remain' or 'Leave', if we're now finally heading for a 'no deal' leave, that's exactly what the country voted for, and a 'no deal' leave means exactly the same now as it did at the time of the referendum, and always will mean exactly the same as it did then, 'no deal' cannot change what it is. Folk weren't asked to vote to 'Leave, but only if we can get a deal we like', that wasn't an option on the ballot. A plain 'Leave', which was what was voted for, can only mean spin on our heel and walk away empty handed. Those punting about the idea voting 'Leave' meant anything else that simply walk away with nothing, are wishful thinkers trying to re-define the English language. As regards Scottish independence, the possibility that we might be leaving the EU was already out there and known when the last Scottish referendum was held, and it obviously didn't scare enough voters to plump for Scottish independence then. Similarly, when the Brexit referendum was held, it was already out there any known that the SNP would consider the UK leaving the EU a 'significant change' and would be seeking another Scottish independence referendum, the SNP never missed an opportunity to say so, but obviously the threat of Scotland leaving the UK in the event of Brexit didn't scare enough of the UK in to voting against it either. By all means, once Brexit has occurred and if Holyrood decides the outcome is intolerable for Scotland, let them hound after another Scottish independence referendum all they want, but we've already done referendus in the relatively recent past for both Scottish independence with the threat of Brexit on the table, and for Brexit with the threat of Scottish independence as a result on the table. Doing it again is either going to change nothing, or add to the confusion and prolong the agony. The biggest problem with running another referendum on either Brexit or Scottish independence so soon after the last one, and before anything has actually changed, is that with the losers in both having done nothing but deny the results since the last ones, and use every method they can lay their hands on, including the obtuse and bizarre, to discredit and overturn them. Are they any more likely to accept the outcome(s) of either referendum if they were to be re-run and produce the same result as previously, and if in re-runs went 'Yes' to Scottish independence and 'Remain' in the EU, do they really expect the losers in that scenario to behave any differently than the losers have in the recent referendums we've had.
    1 point
  3. Good god what a lot of drivel in this article! Crime has reduced by 50% thanks to the increase in officers? I'd be interested in seeing more detail in those statistics. In Whalsay we rarely ever see a policeman so it is no wonder crime figures are down, Police Scotland have closed their recently built police station. When asked why Police are no longer stationed in the outer Isles the Chief Inspector replied they do not have the resources, where has the increase been? They have supported our internal ferry service? Everyone must be aware that they are consistently refusing to fully fund the revenue service, let alone commit to the capital funding of the much needed replacements. They have forced the Council to draw from it's reserves in order to make a balanced budget. Far from fighting to improve transport they are hindering it! Externally, they have bought unfit for purpose vessels that are under capacity. They have introduced parking charges at Sumburgh, are relocating air traffic control to Inverness and are refusing to pay air traffic controllers enough wages to hinder them going on strike (you might claim this is HIAL but they are just a Government quango). He also totally fails to mention the SNPs raison d'etre - Scottish Independence. Why that I wonder? Could it be because Shetland voted No and is traditionally against Scottish Independence? Shetland Islands Council has had it's funding cut by the SNP Government over and over again, more so than any other area. They are making conscious choices to starve local government of funding and force them to make cuts, how is that supporting rural communities? Mr Wills must think we are blind and have very short memories! https://www.thenational.scot/news/17785143.tom-willis-snp-good-shetland/?ref=fbshr&fbclid=IwAR3KGli_C_NMRtFuX495hAe9jOAGE29MRNMny-RnQnJcgI1o74oCADnZF5I
    1 point
  4. So no Brexit candidate and Debra Nicolson is standing for the Greens. I'm surprised The Brexit Party haven't fielded. I expect they'd have done quite well in Shetland.
    1 point
  5. Is there a course on "common sense" Plenty of folk are well educated and highly qualified but lack "midder wit"
    1 point
  6. Well said Ghostrider, well said! Everybody getting everything free is ridiculous and leads to systematic abuse and waste. As for the university education I agree wholeheartedly. How many more students do we need leaving the uni with degrees that prove useless re future employment. Philosophy degree holders who end up working at Tesco for instance. It all has to be paid for by somebody, it aint free..... Money saved by scrapping free prescriptions for everybody would save a fortune for a stretched NHS. Spend money on those in need and where it is needed.
    1 point
  7. It doesn't need to be, and arguably shouldn't be an either/or scenario, but that unfortunately is what everything has become in the 21st C. - If you're not with us you're against us mentality rules. All of these things are good, but in proportion, moderation and where appropriate. Free prescriptions are fine and well for life saving drugs and for folk who cannot afford to pay. For everything and everybody, not so much. Free and subsidised nursery places have their place too, for low income workers and for those currently unemployed with a firm offer of a low income job, but difficult to justify for most of the rest. The public purse should first and foremost buy in nursery spaces from commercial enterprises where they are available, and should only provide them where demand outstrips supply. Costs needn't be extortionate, they needn't even be excessive, the public purse knows how much it would cost them to provide such places themselves, all they need to do is offer commercial providers a price less than that amount, take it or leave it, and everybody is happy, and better off. Free education is great, but when it extends to every Tom, Dick and Harriet over 16 getting it on demand, its gone too far. A good basic education from 5 to 16 should be plenty to set everyone up to start out in life, over 16's should only be getting free education if they have a demonstrated talent for the subject, and/or there is a shortage in a particular field. Don't get me started on crofter's livlihoods and the Scot's Govt. They've left nothing to destroy after the way they've carried on these last 4 years.
    1 point
  8. ^ Considering the majority of SIC 'manager' types and a few Councillors came in da Sooth Mooth, the push for sporrans, haggis and Gaelic to be imposed upon us by the SIC isn't that outlandish. Left to Councillors we're almost certainly safe, but let that bunch of un-elected suits in plush offices who are the ones who actually run the show, get an idea in to their head, and they take some stopping. Anyhow, whose going to stand for the Brexit Party in this, they'll get my vote.
    1 point
  9. Where does the Lord of Forvik stand on all this? Would they even allow him on the boat to go back and fore to Holyrood if he won?
    1 point
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