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    Eist ower
  1. What is all this nonsense about Shetland defending their title? They lost that chance when they decided not to go to Rhodes. Anyway, it looks like it will be very expensive for the team to travel to Aland. So far one player has said he can't go. I wonder if the others have found out if they can get time off work for the 10 days or so required. Does anybody think that the team would be better off focusing their resources on competing in Scotland?
  2. Who said they will definitely be going? Are you refering to this story from Da Times?....http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2008/10/07/football-squad-will-go-to-island-games/ I can only think that Neil Riddell is trying to get into tabloid journalism. The actual quotes from Magnus Flaws fail to back up Neil's statements of "SHETLAND’S footballers will definitely be taking part in next year’s Island Games, it has been confirmed." & "only one member of the squad said he definitely would not be making the trip". Must give him some credit though. It's unusual for a story in Da Times to come from a source other than Shetlink
  3. 20th sept premier league Unst 2 - Whalsay 4
  4. Friday Sept 5th Premier |League Spurs 2 v 4 Delting Celtic 8 v 0 Yell Scalloway 2 v 3 Whitedale Whalsay 5 v 0 Ness Unst 1 v 3 Thistle Monday Sept 8th Premier League Whitedale 4 v 0 Ness Utd Yell 0 v 9 Whalsay Spurs 2 v 1 Scalloway
  5. On the point of teams being forced to play in the A league, I'll write something similar to what I wrote in the Shetland Football 2007(?) thread. The teams in the A league (otherwise know as the Shetland Football Association) voted for this insane rule to protect their own interests. In doing so they successfully made the Burra team fold. I doubt they will care if Yell go down the same road. They care more about having enough teams in the A league than they do about the good of Shetland football as a whole. If it is proposed to change this rule at the AGM then the same old argument will take place. It ends with something like this..... "weel whit's tae stop any team dropping doon tae da B league"...... "we dunna want da same situation as we hed afore whan it wis a 6 team A league". Then the vote takes place......Delting, Whalsay, Thistle, Spurs, Celtic, Scalloway vote for one team clubs to play A league only. Ness, Unst, Yell, and possibly Whitedale (depends if they still remember they were struggling for players not so long ago) all vote for the good of Shetland football as a whole and say teams should play at a level where they are competitive. Not enough votes to bring about change. The only solution would be for the teams who want change to stick two fingers up to the A league (otherwise known as the SFA), and say if you don't change the rule we'll join another league. If they don't agree then they'll be left with a 6 team league, which is what they don't want. Of course we might see the clubs cooperating with each other and forgetting about their own individual agendas
  6. Sorry, been very busy with my new job and have neglected my duties (and the Shetland games have also caused a bit of confusion). Thanks for bringing me up to date Marshall. We may have to declare this round void.......opinions please....... Whitedale 1 V 3 Spurs Thistle 5 V 1 Yell Whalsay 3 V 2 Scalloway Delting 4 V 2 Celtic I'll get the latest table up in the next day or two.
  7. From the Parish Cup AGM thread... I remember thinking it was a bad idea at the time, but didn't bother complaining because....... I figured that since this was voted for at the AGM, it must be what all the teams wanted With the season all but over, it's now time for people to start ignoring the posts of "attend the AGM".
  8. Premier League Friday 22nd Unst 1 v 2 Scalloway Yell 1 v 4 Whitedale
  9. Premier league 15/8/08 Thistle 3 v 2 Celtic Yell 0 v 4 Spurs whalsay 2 v 3 Delting Premier league 16/8/08 Ness utd 3 v 2 Unst
  10. I was thinking there must be some games on Friday night. Does anybody know (penfold)?
  11. Premier League Friday Aug 8th Spurs 4 v 1 Ness
  12. Premier League 1st of August Celtic 1 v 3 Spurs Thistle 2 v 4 Delting Premier League 4th of August Delting 4 v 1 Whitedale Ness United 1 v 3 Thistle Scalloway 7 v 0 Yell Spurs 5 v 1 Unst Whalsay 3 v 1 Celtic
  13. Sorry about the reduced service recently. As soon as I get back Eist, full service will resume Monday July 28th Yell 2 v 4 Ness Wednesday July 30th Spurs 1 v 3 Whalsay Celtic 2 v 3 Whitedale
  14. Friday July 18th Whitedale 2 v Thistle 3 Ness Utd 2 v Celtic 5 Spurs 1 v Whalsay 4 Saturday July 19th Unst 2 v Delting 5 Monday July 21st Celtic 2 v Whitedale 1 Ness 1 v Scalloway 3 Yell 0 v Spurs 4
  15. Oh, no need for my in depth explanation The easiest explanation would be to say Frankie is a cheat but he actually isn't
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