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  1. Apologies if it's been said already (a.k.a. not trawling back through 25 pages since the topic was started) but............ perhaps a lot of the problems would be solved if the SIC reinstated a traffic warden Ideally one not affiliated to any community or political group and therefore hopefully above any influence by anybody who actually believe themselves to be more important than anybody else. (newsflash to those people: you are not. Your rear exhaust vent generally points downwards just as mine and the rest of the population's does). Didn't know the last warden personally but he seemed an affable chap whenever I passed by. From mutual friends I understand he was subjected all sorts of abuse while doing his job; shame on those people.
  2. Mr Robin Williams, RIP. YOu brought pleasure to, and entertained millions. A comic genius, rest in peace.
  3. DITT & Jim Work. Super stars! I can escape again
  4. no answer earlier, nor with Ness, but I will be on to them 1st thing in the morning, thanks.
  5. Please can someone recommend a good reliable locksmith, preferably one with a emergency response or 24/7 service. My main (and only) door to the house is locked shut (if it makes a difference, Its a wooden door with a mortice lock). thank you! p.s. Oh yes.... I suggest if anybody has got Santander home insurance with emergency home assistance, they use the policy for toilet paper, it's more use. I'll be cancelling mine very shortly. p.p.s police won't help either, not even with a suggestion of a locksmith to call
  6. IS it just me that recalls the amount of criticism Northlink took in the first 2 or 3 winters after taking over from P&O for sailing in rough seas? "Oh! It's disgraceful, they shouldn't have sailed, chairs fell over" Is a synopsis of the comments at the time. Now they're getting criticism for not sailing in rough seas. Make yer flaming minds up critics. Grrr
  7. I must admit to becoming slightly bored by the southeasterlies, especially when it comes to getting in & out of a car for work at the Knab.
  8. Stilldellin, what camera (and zoom) is that you use? I try, with a 'bridge camera (x30 optical zoom) but mine are nowhere near as good as your pictures... and for some reason I really struggle to get the horizon level - it invariably slopes from left to right
  9. I think most lads and aging lads have been there, done that (although personally not in Shetland). Speaking as an aging "lad" nowdays, having had a couple of more than capable cars, one of which was a "performance" car (and damn me, it did!), I smile to myself now to see (cheap), incapable cars and modified with ridiculous spoilers etc which make not a jot of difference to their performance.... but as I said, been there, done that. Live & let live, it's a sign of getting old criticising the 'bairns' ROFL.
  10. Michael Moore has been replaced by Alistair Carmichael as secretary of state for Scotland as a reshuffle of Conservative and Lib Dem ministers in the coalition government takes place. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24427138 Is this good or bad??
  11. maybe there is a bit of a conspiracy going on... SIC logic (problem): Desperate to build a new high school on some of the land behind the Clickimin Coaches going in & out, and needing turning space and parents doing the "school run". All those pesky cars using the leisure centre are going to be a bit of a problem. If only some of the cars can be relocated SIC answer: Close Lochside Motors, use H&S as the excuse Encourge leisure centre/football users to use alongside road parking, (those reluctant to will soon get fed up battling coaches in/out of the narrow access road and move too) Hey presto, Clickimin car park not nearly so busy Build nice shiney school with plenty of space for coaches
  12. I filled up in Aberdeen on Wednesday 22nd Aug, half a mile from the ferry for £1.35 a litre. Coming off the ferry Thursday morning I noted unleaded at £1.51 a litre And they say we're not being ripped off. Yeah right.
  13. I had a look at Tooway myself a few weeks back. I'd suggest you check out forums first (not shetlink! ) to see what others have to say about them. Personally I'm still undecided.
  14. How do you suppose they manage in Guernsey? The Isle of Man?Jersey? the Faeroe Islands, and others. PS. Had you not noticed, Scotland already has it's own currency, a currency that a lot of retailers in England wont accept. I believe the Channel Islands & the IOM are UK dependencies, when it comes to defence. Scotland doesn't have it's own Coastguard Regarding England (retaillers) not taking Scottish currency, I stopped asking years ago and just hand it over without batting an eyelid... not one of them has refused to take it for some time; maybe it's because I don't go with bundles of notes.... mind I don't go anywhere with bundles of notes. I think when considering the issue of how Scotland would fund itself, the relative populations Scotland (5,222,100 (wikipedia 2010 estimate).) and England (51,456,400 (2008)) should be considered. In a very simplistic way, I imagine that being one of 56 million (UK total) my tax bill would be lower than if I was one of only 5.2 million funding a country. p.s. I wish I had bundles of notes
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