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Everything posted by DizzyKipper

  1. what does it mean in Scotland? To me it's a nonsense word.
  2. If you got your router from your ISP they might upgrade it if you change to their ADSL2+ package, Plusnet seems to. Marvin is the best one to talk about ping times not me. It is all the speed of light but the number 'hops' you make the higher the ping. I'm hoping that plugging the fibre in might eliminate a few hops and save us a few ms.
  3. I could be wrong here, but isn't he correct? I mean, the potholed 'A road' over the microwave has now been replaced with a fibre 'motorway' to the mainland (and is linked to Shetland Telecom fibre), but the upgrade to the Lerwick exchange is to ADSL2+, not fibre. So they wouldn't be able to offer a fibre connection to you. Or I could be very wrong and look very silly When I called Plusnet yesterday(see above) I asked about BT upgrading in my area to ADSL2 and fibre optic, he said that he could see(?) there was ADSL2 but there was no fibre optic coming up on his search. I didn't question this as I have no idea about tall this technical stuff. Still had no email from Plusnet regarding me be switched over to ADSL2 Sorry I had a typo in there - corrected in red. Plusnet ADSL2+ FAQ http://www.plus.net/support/broadband/speed_guide/adsl2+_faq.shtml
  4. At least it won't matter if the microwave mast gets blown away now And, at the moment, it looks like Xmas and boxing day are reasonably quiet. I'd rather have wind and snow than wind and rain, but strong winds, I find them very stressful, even after putting earplugs in!
  5. I thought the 'N' referred to a wireless standard, following on from A, B, and G. If you got your router in the last couple of years it should be OK, check your website manufacturer. Maybe a firmware update would fix it - not sure on that. If you got it from your ISP, they should have be able to tell you. Hmm mine is 2008...
  6. I could be wrong here, but isn't he correct? I mean, the potholed 'A road' over the microwave has now been replaced with a fibre 'motorway' to the mainland (and is linked to Shetland Broadband fibre), but the upgrade to the Lerwick exchange is to ADSL2+, not fibre. So they would be able to offer a fibre connection to you. Or I could be very wrong and look very silly
  7. Is your router compatible? On an up note, I didn't have a bad ping or speed tonight Fingers crossed it stays like that!
  8. ADSL2+ does. Look at the graph, it has increased the distance you can be and still get a connection. If it was borderline before, it should connect now. However I believe it's fibre that takes no account of distance. You're always going to be limited on copper.
  9. The last week, since they've been messing about connecting the cable in Lerwick seems to have sunk mine in the evening. It's great now (11.30pm), earlier in the evening it was like unlinked's. 1-2Mb (instead of 6) and ping jumping from 60-500ms. To be fair to plusnet, I don't keep getting 'restart you router crap' from them, I'm just waiting for them to reply re my phone line being fine. Somehow I don't think it's what they're doing. I will go to higher customer reps on the forums soon though, they have always been great.
  10. Pft evenings a thrid of normal speed and a ping 200-300 Told Plusnet and sent them a WinMTR reading. Sigh. Everyone else?
  11. Maybe capacity was increased at Lerwick. Plusnet query on BT exchanges still says Jan-March for ADSL2+, but the record was last updated in August so may be useless. What was the connection like for non-Lerwick people last night? I had high ping again but the speed was fine. Now it's great, tonight, well we'll see. Shri in India says my BT phoneline has no problems.
  12. Looks like they fixed something in Lerwick BT Major Service Outages : LERWICK 12021: LOSS OF SERVICE Update Number INITIAL/FINAL Detected 13/12/2012 10:12 Started 13/12/2012 10:09 Actual Clear Time: 13/12/2012 10:22 Area Codes 01595, 01957
  13. Apparently I have a phone line problem (my broadband phone line isn't working even though I rang plusnet on it) and they want me to sort that before they do anything alse. As expected this eve, the ping when up and the speed went down. Guess I have to contact BT instead now!
  14. South mainland people I guess. UPDATE Burst Main 13th December 2012, 21:02 ZE2 A burst water main has been located near Dunrossness, customers here may experience loss of water supply, low pressure, and discoloured water. A squad is on site to carry out the necessary repairs and will restore supplies as soon as possible. http://www.scottishwater.co.uk/contact-us/current-service-updates
  15. I was recently thinking to myself how this autumn/winter has had no bad windy weather... and how nice it would be if it was always like that. Unfortunately Magic Seaweed says bad from Fri 9pm until Sat 12pm (red force 9) Met office says same, gusts 79mph for south end (+10mph for me usually) same time frame, and over 70mph all night. Check your wind speed here. Search for your own location, it gives lots.
  16. Just been contacted by Plusnet again, just sent them results from a non-java BT Wholesale speedtester. They are supposed to get the results directly (although they didn't). Anyway speed is fine now. I told them I will do it again tonight; and I told them *again* that there is no point sending an engineer to me, as loads of people have problems, and my connection is good. I don't want to be charged when they find nothing wrong! He also said that dips in speed can be expected but that halving the speed in the evening is not normal. Really? I believe he sending it back to the 'speed' people, with the recommendation they lean on BT further up.
  17. I closed the ticket as this morning I had 6mb and a great ping. This is what I normally have even when others are bad. Normally I can synch to exchange with SNR 4 or 5. I love my connection. I think lerwick has its own problems, I would not like to live there! This evening my ping is jumpy again and the download speed is around 2mb. Not as bad as last night, but not what I normally get. I'll add it to the ticket if I'm able.
  18. This is why I normally hesitate to ring Plusnet... usually a few hours later it's fixed. I've closed the ticket. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2367326631.png
  19. I told him I had restarted it earlier on and it had made no difference. He got me to do the speedtest again while the call was active to see if it made it change. He said I was the first person he had spoken to who knew what their SNR was! Don't believe that. He got me to confirm the postcode (Z?? as in Z for Zulu??), as he had never come across it before
  20. There is a party shop opposite Frank Williamsons by the Toll Clock. They do repairs at the party shop on certain days.
  21. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2366513296.png I know, I know, as I said I'm lucky. Anyway I have just rung Plusnet and he confirmed my connections are all OK. He's monitoring the line for 24hrs and it's been escalated to a higher level. I told him that it's multiple exchanges and other ISPs, and the chances are it's something 'further along'.
  22. Mine dropped too late last night but came on again... Used it this afternoon and didn't give it a thought, until I went on to play a cod4 game and had pings from 70 (normal) to 600ms. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2366461060.png Normally I am lucky and have a great connection, with 6-6.5 Mb. The speedtest graph was more like the himalayas. Can't do the BT speedtester. Router stats Downstream Upstream Data rate(Kbps) 7328Kb 448Kb Noise Margin 8 22 Output power(dBm) 122 199 Attenuation(dB) 36 18 I restarted it and so the data rate is lower and the SNR higher than normal.
  23. One of his books got me hooked on stargazing when I was a kid. RIP
  24. Indeed. It would be dreadful if all you toonie fashionistas had to wear sensible shoes! Didn't see this until now, unfortunately. As you can see from under my picture, it says 'South End'. So, I'm neither a Lerwick resident nor a 'fashionista'. In fact I have a walk to the bus stop on a single track road, which is quite often full of mud or less savoury animal waste products. So I usually wearing walking boots with a good sole, especially when being soaked and wind blown. That sensible enough for you? When you have to carry your shopping from Tesco, to and around town and then go to the co-op, I can assure you you'd rather do it *without* breaking something. In addition I'm sure there are plenty of old folk that appreciate it.
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