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trooter last won the day on August 20 2020

trooter had the most liked content!

About trooter

  • Birthday 24/08/1973

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  • Interests
    Angling, photography, metal detecting.
  1. Does anyone know what the story is with the recent installation of roadside poles with solar panels is? The roads appear to have been cut in a grid pattern too.
  2. I think it's just the BBC channels that are available, it's a pity more isn't available as I'd like something different to listen to in the car. http://www.ukdigitalradio.com/coverage/postcodesearch/
  3. I think it's still the same owner, an elderly man. There used to be 2 men that ran it, keeping it open 24 hours a day. Just the 1 now which would explain the haphazard hours.
  4. Don't think you can get Classic FM. The only DAB stations I have seen in Lerwick are Radios 1 - 6, worldservice and asian network. The other option is internet radio giving you thousands of channels, but no Radio Shetland!
  5. Thanks Paul, I'll join the club. I am already a member of NCMD and would encourage others to join too. I have checked the burnt mound is not a scheduled monument.
  6. I'll maybe take you up on that Frances, I see there was a WW2 camp there too. Always a chance of a nice button or badge from a military camp.
  7. Having found SMDCHS and this thread when looking for info about Romans in Shetland I would be interested in joining the club. I notice there is no fee mentioned, would I be right in thinking you are still to set up a committee and would then sort out fees etc.?
  8. Here's another, not as bad as the black pickup but still close to corner by the time he pulls in.
  9. You'd need something reasonably powerful, a small car will struggle.cars have weight ratings as to what they can tow. What do you have?
  10. The sheltie is 18 ft but is reasonably manageable single handed. Some slips are easier than others for a one man launch.
  11. Yes the petrofac guys are bad but so are many of the locals. Several mornings lately I have been overtaken by a boy racer who has proceeded to overtake the cars in front of me into the face of oncoming cars or around blind bends or crests of hills, not long before he kills someone!
  12. Taken on 21 April Royal Navy Westland Lynx by GordonW73, on Flickr
  13. Ok it's a while since I posted or used Flickr, how do I put pic from Flickr on here now?
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