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Davie P

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  1. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in Scottish Government's proposed Hate Crime legislation   
    Where in the article does it say anything about making sexism "punishable by 7 years in jail"?
    The seven year maximum 'hate' sentence is usually reserved for assault or other serious crimes which are deemed to have 'hate' as a primary motivation.
  2. Like
    Davie P reacted to MuckleJoannie in RIP Peter Green   
    In my opinion his finest moment.

  3. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in black lives matter   
    That clip is taken out of context from his speech, and he certainly did not say "Scotland is too white"
    The clip posted above is a list of facts. Does listing facts mean he has "lost it"?
  4. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in black lives matter   
    Where's the evidence of "BLM / ANTIFA" involvement?
  5. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from NullVoid in black lives matter   
    Indeed. I generally come here for some robust and challenging debate which appears to be scarce on 'social' media where discussions seem to comprise exchanges of polarised oneliners, rapidly followed by insults. 
    Indeed also. Posting a link isn't debate. I'm genuinely interested in other people's opinions. If I wanted to read stories from the Daily Mail I'd go to the Daily mail website. 
  6. Like
    Davie P reacted to Claadehol in black lives matter   
    Same effect, (if not worse) on the victims Davie, and I would suggest the treatment of these Indian victims is a damned sight worse than all the rascism in this country, real or perceived.
    I dont see any mass protests on this one, or the Chinese treatment of muslims come to that.
    I remember going into a pub in Wolverhampton because my train was delayed, some years ago, everybody that was in there was black including the musicians. Everybody stopped talking, the band stopped playing, and it was made very plain I wasn't welcome. I remember sitting down in a pub in Surrey next to two black guys, nodded hello, and was told immediately, "we don't like white people."
    Had that been the other way round it would have been a rascist issue.
    I just changed seats.
    There has been atrocious behaviour in the past by the white western population, the appalling tragedy of slavery, but let us remember the black leaders in Africa were quite happy to sell their own people. Some of these leaders' descendents are probably in positions of power to this day, there will be no apologies there. Nor will there be apologies from the Arab slave trader nations who sold a huge quantity of Africans. 
    The vikings traded in white slaves from Europe, so did the muslims when they had a foothold in Europe. These slaves were white!
    I'm afraid I don't feel responsible for any of the slave trade, being white isn't my fault, and I wasn't a part of the trade, I wasn't around then.
  7. Like
    Davie P reacted to NullVoid in black lives matter   
    I am of the view that there is a well meaning but harmful Anti-Egalitarianism forming a kind tat strengthens sectarianism rather than weaken it.
    The rise of fatherless homes correlates with the Uptick in arrests and prosecutions among the so called “Black Community” in the US Just look at the timeline.
    But to say that the impact of more single mothers has been negative to society involves tipping a sacred cow.
    I am not talking about widows there have been a very clear cultural shift that has created these circumstances.
    Racist police are a good scapegoat but if its racist police why is the same thing happening to poorer whites as families start to break down in their “Communities” for lack of a better term?
    How often do you hear the phrase “Black Community” or “Asian Community”?
    Its textbook Communalism!
    And who is never grouped into a “Community”?
    The takeaway is that unconsciously these groups are being paraded around as something to feel sorry for and ignore the fact that the black people being arrested are usually troubled individuals.
    Instead of looking into fixing broken homes the solution proposed by the left is to instead ask the police to give them the soft touch and “Check our privilege” in some far left religious atonement ritual.
    Africa is Synonymous with Poverty porn and it has instilled the idea that these people need constant help and donations,
    Even Africans make fun of this.

    Rather than things like stability, investment, Infrastructure etc

    I see so many parallels between that and white middle class activism as the BLM White saviors probably feel as though they are Mother Theresa who are looking to change the minds of racists int their white bread community.
    No racists found well just harangue about systemic racism or unconscious bias without pointing to actual examples of racist laws, protocols etc,
    its like how Religious leaders said god lived in the cave but when people go into the cave Religious leaders said god was on the mountain top and when people climbed the mountain to find him Religious leaders said he had moved to the sky and when airplanes flew Religious leaders said he was in space and when astronauts landed on the moon
    well perhaps Angles fly higher than space.
  8. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Frances144 in black lives matter   
    I support the principles of BLM, so presumably I'm part of 'they'. You may think I engage in Craptavism (whatever that is), but what do you mean by "protesting potential government overreach due to the lockdown poses the risk of a reformist movement actually forming as a result."?
    Are you interested in discussion, or is it just a case of throwing some theories and vague sentences around and expecting folk to try to decipher what you mean?
  9. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in Rainbow Flag   
    What do you mean by "this type of flags"?
    What point are you trying to make by referring to the rainbow flag as a "multicolored rag"?
  10. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from tirvaluk in black lives matter   
    I believe absolutely in freedom of speech and the right to protest. As Voltaire is attributed as saying, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    Yes I am indeed claiming that "Black Lives Matter" has been allocated(?) to a particular group/ideology". It is a well known global movement and as far as I'm aware, the "...lives matter" phrase was not commonly used in other contexts - until recently, and in response to BLM.
    And no I did not claim that anyone using "All, White (or any other colour)" is racist. I refer you to my previous post.
    In my experience, people using the "white lives matter" or "all lives matter" tend to be on the right of politics and use the phrase as an objection to BLM. It is absolutely their right to do so and to hold those views. It is the mock naïvety of folk bandying the phrases around and pretending they don't understand that the phrases have rightwing political and social overtones that I find tiresome. I'm sure there are people who don't know the context, but I suggest contributors to this forum are not among them.
    If this is directed at me, I assure you I have singled out many groups for support over the years, generally because I feel those particular groups are treated unfairly.
  11. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in black lives matter   
    Yes, 'he has a point' if you think that a far right group flying a banner as a countermeasure to an equalities campaign is a good thing.
    To add to the 'point', it was flown during a brief anti-racism protest over a stadium hosting a sport which has been blighted with endemic racism.
    Folk might think that 'White lives matter' is just an innocent phrase used as a reminder that white lives do indeed matter, as do all lives, but like it or not the phrase has been adopted by the far right and has a context beyond just the semantics of the actual words. If folk don't want to be associated with that ideology, then best not use the phraseology. There are many ways to express support for equality but using 'white' or 'all' 'lives matter' is obviously an objection to the 'black lives matter' movement. 
    However, if folk want to add far right underpinnings to what they're posting, then go ahead.
    It would be a helpful time saver if folk would just admit to being racist and give up with the 'yes, but, whatabout....' farting around.
  12. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Capeesh in black lives matter   
    Yes, 'he has a point' if you think that a far right group flying a banner as a countermeasure to an equalities campaign is a good thing.
    To add to the 'point', it was flown during a brief anti-racism protest over a stadium hosting a sport which has been blighted with endemic racism.
    Folk might think that 'White lives matter' is just an innocent phrase used as a reminder that white lives do indeed matter, as do all lives, but like it or not the phrase has been adopted by the far right and has a context beyond just the semantics of the actual words. If folk don't want to be associated with that ideology, then best not use the phraseology. There are many ways to express support for equality but using 'white' or 'all' 'lives matter' is obviously an objection to the 'black lives matter' movement. 
    However, if folk want to add far right underpinnings to what they're posting, then go ahead.
    It would be a helpful time saver if folk would just admit to being racist and give up with the 'yes, but, whatabout....' farting around.
  13. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from XAM7102 in black lives matter   
    Yes, 'he has a point' if you think that a far right group flying a banner as a countermeasure to an equalities campaign is a good thing.
    To add to the 'point', it was flown during a brief anti-racism protest over a stadium hosting a sport which has been blighted with endemic racism.
    Folk might think that 'White lives matter' is just an innocent phrase used as a reminder that white lives do indeed matter, as do all lives, but like it or not the phrase has been adopted by the far right and has a context beyond just the semantics of the actual words. If folk don't want to be associated with that ideology, then best not use the phraseology. There are many ways to express support for equality but using 'white' or 'all' 'lives matter' is obviously an objection to the 'black lives matter' movement. 
    However, if folk want to add far right underpinnings to what they're posting, then go ahead.
    It would be a helpful time saver if folk would just admit to being racist and give up with the 'yes, but, whatabout....' farting around.
  14. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Roachmill in black lives matter   
    Yes, 'he has a point' if you think that a far right group flying a banner as a countermeasure to an equalities campaign is a good thing.
    To add to the 'point', it was flown during a brief anti-racism protest over a stadium hosting a sport which has been blighted with endemic racism.
    Folk might think that 'White lives matter' is just an innocent phrase used as a reminder that white lives do indeed matter, as do all lives, but like it or not the phrase has been adopted by the far right and has a context beyond just the semantics of the actual words. If folk don't want to be associated with that ideology, then best not use the phraseology. There are many ways to express support for equality but using 'white' or 'all' 'lives matter' is obviously an objection to the 'black lives matter' movement. 
    However, if folk want to add far right underpinnings to what they're posting, then go ahead.
    It would be a helpful time saver if folk would just admit to being racist and give up with the 'yes, but, whatabout....' farting around.
  15. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in black lives matter   
    And what about it? Is it something you want to see taught in schools then?
    And does that mean people shouldn't raise awareness of other issues too?
    So you know the opinion of the majority of Shetland? And some folk going for a walk with some posters is inflaming hatred? Whose hatred? Your hatred?
  16. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in black lives matter   
    Nonsense. I just googled ‘British prime minister’, and despite the article’s claims, there was a picture of Winston Churchill.
    Come on folks, let’s actually discuss the matters in hand rather than wasting each other’s time with spam
  17. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from George. in black lives matter   
    You've just posted an image with no source or context. What's your point, or are we playing whataboutery?
  18. Like
    Davie P reacted to Roachmill in black lives matter   
    Davie, the fact that you try and explain / challenge things in a very peaceable way is a credit to you.
    That said, it's not hard to grasp the basics of why and where BLM comes from. It's also not hard to grasp why some folk fail (or choose) not to do so... which is why BLM is a thing in the first place.
    Thankfully there's plenty of young uns showing a better grasp of things.
  19. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Frances144 in black lives matter   
    With the greatest respect NullVoid, I find your posts to be difficult to follow. I've just wasted nearly 2 minutes watching a man rolling around in some mud and read an article about some people failing to grow their own food.
    What is your point? 
  20. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Roachmill in black lives matter   
    ^ you appear to be completely missing the point Urabug. No-one is suggesting people who commit crime shouldn't be brought to justice. BLM is a campaign to address systematic racism. 
  21. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from XAM7102 in black lives matter   
    Fair point, and thanks for an interesting link XAM7102.
    The BLM movement has caused me to research and rethink many subjects related to slavery and human rights issues, and many of these subjects have been raised by 'what about...' comments.
  22. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from XAM7102 in black lives matter   
    Your points are all valid, but they are also 'whataboutery'
    That kind of logic would dictate that folk shouldn't protest about anything unless they're going to protest about everything.
  23. Like
    Davie P reacted to NullVoid in black lives matter   
    That’s a parody of a BLM poster but there is an accelerationist movement to test Poe's law with it, but its not really too far from what some on the neopuritans who endorse BLM believe.
    It would be difficult to prove for a number of reasons we don’t even have a reasonable headcount of how many BLM members exits and what percentage is peaceful.
    I go off the rate of Arson and the body count instead and focus on America because that is where the main events the BLM movement focuses on happen.
    I have 3 conspiracy theory websites that say that Chicago has had a record breaking amount of deaths due to the continued rioting.
    The conspiracy theory websites are BBC.co.uk, telegraph.co.uk and chicago.suntimes.com
    For some reason this sort of thing tends to happen when BLM show up going back to Ferguson in 2014
    BLM does not exits in a vacuum and there are other factors at play and it is impossible to ignore the new religion of intersectionalist
    Lots of names are applied to it "Woke culture" "Regressive left" "Cultural Marxism"
    Whatever you call it is irrelevant what matters is what does or does not constitute Blasphemy and heresy in this new religion.

    When you support a movement rather than an idea you don't just get the parts you agree with you get a package deal.
  24. Like
    Davie P got a reaction from Frances144 in black lives matter   
    A classic retort to any group that are campaigning for equality, and one that is worth unpacking. 
    You claim that the BLM objective is to turn the tables to achieve dominance. That implies you believe that “the white US population” is currently dominant. Is that status quo one that you support?
    Do you believe all groups who advocate for equality in fact have an agenda for dominance and/or revenge? If not, how do you know which groups are actually campaigning for equality and which have a hidden agenda for dominance?
  25. Like
    Davie P reacted to admin in black lives matter   
    A general point on posting videos and links to articles:
    Please make sure they are relevant and where practical provide summaries and/or key quotes so people can decide whether to invest their time further engaging with the content.
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