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Everything posted by Windwalker

  1. BBC, SKY, ITV, all the national and local newspapers and various political blogs are all reporting the progress of the Alistair Carmichael case and the scandal which led to it, are they also "ald gossips?"Nope, some of them are just poop stirrers:-)
  2. Difficult to tell if the silver car sped up or if the black pickup just didn't have the power to get past. In my book the black pickup, should have realised his manuover was dangerous and eased off and pulled back in behind. Knowing the bit of road, I doubt the pickup had a clear view of the road ahead. Just watch the recording car as he reaches the same point and you can't see round the corner.
  3. Wow! A few seconds later, he would have met all those cars head on. I've never seen someone overtaking for such a distance on corners where he/she could not have seen what was coming. What a twatt. Very dangerous and stupid. whoever was driving shouldn't be behind a wheel. They are an accident waiting to happen.
  4. God, your exuberance couldn't be any clearer, it's really rather sad that you seem to be getting so hyped up over this. Perhaps you need a hobby Not exuberant or hyped up I'm afraid, just disappointed, dismayed, embarrased mixed with a smidgeon of contempt.I've voted Lib/Dems in the past, I certainly won't be making that mistake again in a hurry. Maybe if our MP had done months ago what most MPs do when they get caught wrongdoing and resigned, I could've learned how to play the fiddle or something right enough, instead of reading some of the weird and wacky stuff on here Come on now Capeesh, your not fooling anyone. You can hardly wait to constantly spread the news on here, news that we are all capable of reading and noticing ourselves. A bit like an ald gossip . It's just a pity that folk seem to enjoy to hang, draw and quarter someone on public forums rather than let due process take its course, and in addition seem to get so much satisfaction out of other people's troubles. You say you won't make the mistake of voting lib/dem again, I can only assume from that statement that you believe any future lib/dem candidates cannot be trusted, a rather strange view to take. I don't know who you support, but I'm assuming it's SNP. Perhaps you should start judging some of their tactics and if you believe that the party is responsible if an individual member misleads the public, you won't find any parties left to vote for I'm all for action to ensure our politicians are above board, but I think this case has been blown out of proportion, clearly for political purposes.
  5. God, your exuberance couldn't be any clearer, it's really rather sad that you seem to be getting so hyped up over this. Perhaps you need a hobby
  6. What was Salmond's lie about currency? I certainly can't remember one, could you elaborate?I presume you actually mean his "lie" about having received guidance regarding Scotland's EU status, for which he referred himself to an independent inquiry and was cleared of any wrongdoing.Unless there is a currency lie I'm overlooking?He may have been cleared of wrongdoing, but he clearly, in my opinion, misled the public. May not be illegal but very questionable. Would you trust him any more than you would trust Cameron. As I said before too much is being made out of the whole issue,. I always wonder what the motives are of a few individuals who have gone to so much bother. If it was due to politition dishonesty, they could have tarred and feathered a few others long before this.
  7. Of course it wouldn't, nor if any party other than the Lib Dems had won. What would be the point of taking Alistair Carmichael to an election court hearing if he hadn't won the election? What did you mean to say here? Because Salmond certainly never claimed Scotland would "remain part of the UK" after March 2016 had the referendum delivered a Yes vote. That would be rather contrary to his beliefs...Sorry I meant to say part of Europe
  8. Ahw come on, do you really think this would have got this far if the SNP had have won. In my opinion this is nothing other than sour grapes and clearly an attempt to get a second chance at election. Whilst I agree that our MPs should all tell the truth, I see this as a drop in the ocean compared with what's gone on before with all parties. It was a stupid thing to do, but no one died. Get over it. Now do you think it was ok for Alex Salmon to state that Scotland would remain part of the U.K. If it went independant, when the powers to be were clearly saying this was not the case. In my opinion he was trying to deceive the electorate. ? But that's ok isn't it ? Totally blown out of perportion and an absolute waste of money if you ask me. Rap his knuckles and move on.
  9. Come on Kavi, every time someone comes on here suggesting they are considering a move to Shetland, your "negativity" stands out considerably. You just need to read past posts on the subject. I'm all for giving a non "rose tinted" view, but let's not run the place into the ground. Everyone's experience may be different, so I'm just trying to give my opinion. It may not be the same as yours. I don't wear rose tinted glasses, but I've always been a glass half full person. The OP clearly stated they were looking to buy a property, so your reference to housing is irrelevant to the issue. Of course non of these issues exist outside Shetland, do they?
  10. Doom and gloom! For heavens sake, this suggests that everyone that arrived left again. If this was the case we wouldn't have the large numbers of ' non natives' on the islands. Shetland is full of incomers, people who have moved here and decided to stay and make it their home. In fact every second house near me contains non natives, many who came for work and married a local spouse, and many who settled and have had families. Yes the winters are long, dark, usually windy and rainy but we also get the occasional mild winter. We get very few days snow, and you can expect some gales in the winter, usually at least one where damage is reported. Of Course you never here of bad weather anywhere else. There are plenty of stuff to get involved in both summer and winter and we have excellent leisure facilities to keep you indoors in the worst of the weather. It's what you make of it yourself. Summers are hit or miss and the temperatures are considerly less than you would get down your way, but I have tanned arms as I spend a lot of time gardening. Cost of living is a good bit higher, but that has to be weighed up against what I believe to be a far better quality of life. Like most, I need a trip south for shopping at least once a year as there just isn't the choice here. Shetland is not for everyone and most either love it or hate it, personally I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I live in a good community with many friend both locals and adopted locals. As for health issues, we have people all over the Isles with health issues and they continue to get a great level of care from the health services. Your doing the right thing by coming here and having a look around. Shetland has a great reputation for being friendly and welcoming, but we have our idiots like everywhere else. I hope you enjoy your visit and like what you see.
  11. If my memory serves me, I seem to recall one if the group leaders, many years ago, telling me that the Recreational Trust owned the boat and paid for its upkeep and the Scalloway boating club helped look after it and helped with trips out. Don't know who currently owns it.Disability Shetland own and manage it. Not aware of the setup you describe there, if it was ever the case it hasn't been for many years now as Scalloway Boating Club certainly haven't been involved recently.Thanks for the update. As I said it was many years ago. Having spoken to a friend he could tell me that the Recreational trust did look after maintenance, insurance and the like some 10 years ago, but no doubt it has changed hands since then. Regardless of who is now responsible for the boat, it's a shame that something which was provided for less able users is now being sold. I'm sure getting out on the water for pleasure, fishing etc would have been a great experience for those with disabilities. The running costs must have been a drop in the ocean to the Charitable Trust. But I suppose their money is better spent employing a publicity officer or whatever the title is.
  12. If my memory serves me, I seem to recall one if the group leaders, many years ago, telling me that the Recreational Trust owned the boat and paid for its upkeep and the Scalloway boating club helped look after it and helped with trips out. Don't know who currently owns it.
  13. What I don't like is that you can no longer do a weekly shop as the use by dates are so short. So it's costly to get there especially when they rub your nose in it by giving you a receipt for cheap fuel. I've had a number of items which have gone off before the use by date and was told I should have brought them in before the date ran out, but it was cheaper to dump them then having to run into town. try buying a loaf of bread that you can use before the date runs out. As for the home delivery, the last time I looked I could not find a slot for 8 days. So haven't bothered since. Collection is an option but again half the stuff has to be used within a few days, so I'd rather go in and get stuff from the back of the shelf, or find something else. Great sellection and no issues with staff.
  14. George, did you think before you wrote the above or are you just trying to get a reaction? Firstly, yes, people want the Shetland Times to report what actually happened, but let's be honest they don't need to print the actual words to let us know that "unacceptable" language was used. After all this is a family news paper and I would not be keen to have my kids reading this. The more you put this language in print, the more normal it becomes. Radio Shetland managed to report on this same issue without resorting to swearing on air. Perhaps their reporters are more able to write a report in a professional manner in comparison with the Times ones, who just copy what's said. Now as for "you don't have to read it" attitude, well your wrong, we buy our local paper to read and I for one do not want the Times reporting go down the road of the red top rags, which I refuse to buy. It's a local family news paper and should report with that in mind. The only person with their head in the clouds seems to be yourself . Probably worth noting that Shetlinks standards do not allow swear words, which many would find offensive. As my parents used to say ' this would never have been allowed in Basil's Wisharts day' it's a pity the Times can't find reporters who can provide a story without reverting to such poor standards.
  15. Windwalker

    Dump Fire

    And I'm astonished you've missed the picture! It doesn't need to catch fire to generate heat, it is already generating enough heat to combust. Therefore the heat exists under the ground and its maybe not such a daft idea that this could have been captured. The question is, would it be cost effective. Try putting your grass cuttings in a black bag, leave it for a week and youll be surprised how hot it becomes. I've often thought, are we missing a trick.
  16. I decided to report a number to ofcom, but as I was completing the form it wanted too much private details, plus it said something about having to share these, so I wiped the form and gave up. We used to be told that they couldn't do anything about these calls when they are coming from international numbers, but it also seems they do little even when it's UK numbers. And to rub our noses in it, BT have put up all their phone charges again.
  17. I used to get lots of these scamming calls and lots from " windows" so I went to the expense of putting in a new BT phone with truecall, which allows me to stop all international calls other than those I have in my phone book. I also have set it to screen all withheld numbers. So for a while I had no more nuisance calls. But now I'm getting these calls saying that the bank has charged me when they shouldn't or that I have recently been involved in an accident which wasn't my fault etc, and because they do not withhold the number, my phone rings. The calls are usually at teatime and are from numbers beginning with 02 or 03. I barr the individual number, then a few days later a new number calls. I thought this type of nuisance calls were not allowed. If you google the number it always tells you it's a scam so why can't BT pull the plug on them?
  18. "Not everyone agrees but a national neighbour watch operated along the lines of the ROC useing eyes and ears, would certainly help to keep Britain safe." As far as I can see, very few agree. Do you really want to live in a community, where you feel you are being watched all the time by nosy, interfering neighbours, and run the risk of being accused of something your innocent of ? Because that will be the outcome. One of my neighbours was raided for drugs, with their door smashed in, handcuffed on the couch and their property searched. When nothing was found the police asked if they new of anyone who might have a grudge against them. Upsetting and degrading and as their house was raided the rumour mongers now gossip that they must have been something in it. So tarred for life. Your idea will result in little success, but will tie up the authorities in tittle tattle, hearsay and gossip. lets leave it to the professionals, not interfering amateurs who love to curtain twitch.
  19. I took one look at it and felt it was too bland to have any substance, plus does NHS Shetland really need to have results of a survey to tell them that their dental services are totally inadequate. I think they've known that for the last ten years and despite huge waiting lists done sausage all about it.
  20. This is an excellent idea BigMouth. they could have two days a week with no traffic, other than disabled, to see how this affects business. Surely the shops can organised deliveries etc out with these two days. It would be worth trying it for a trial period of say six months to see how it affects people using the street.
  21. When I travel with the boat, I make up a small meal and sometimes take a small bottle of wine with me in my luggage as I refuse to pay their extortionate prices. I'm quite happy to eat my meal in my cabin. If northlink think they are taking the wine off me, they'll have to fight me for it:-). What next, will they take the crisps and sweets off the kids. This is a lifeline service which already costs an arm and a leg. When will the Scottish, sorry, "Central Belt" government realise that. so , northlink, is the scanning of people's luggage a safety issue or a way if trying to ensure you screw as much sales out of folk as you can? Whatever, it's over the top. Can't wait to board with my small bottle of wine and see if they try to take it off me, I'll quite happily tell them to stuff if and take a flight instead.
  22. I'm not convinced by your suppliers excuses, WW. I've had shedloads of deliveries via Parcelforce here on Yell with no issues whatsoever. If it's Parcelforce, then their is remit is to leave the standard PO printout through the letterbox if they can't deliver. Personally, I'd smell a large rodent somehwre..... Yeh, that was my first thought but he included a scan of the receipt in his email. I get stuff from parcelforce all the time without problem, and he says he's not had many problems with them up until now. But one failed delivery and one lost is the current status. Hopefully the 1st class mail one will arrive.
  23. Just had a con flab with an eBay seller who had sent me a small light parcel through parcelforce . First one was returned to him as a failed delivery ? Despite no notice left at mine. Second one he sent has never turned up two weeks later. He's now going to try sending a third time using first class post. As he says this is costing him and he's unlikely to send stuff to Shetland in future. Parcelforce needs to get their act together.
  24. DOG FOOD. First time it happened it was Arden Grange lamb & rice 12kg. It wasn't tampered with as such, it looked more rat eaten to the extent the bottom of the actual package had been gnawed through also. Second time was Nature Diet, a cardboard box containing something like 15 cartons but whether or not the box had split or not we couldn't tell, given the amount of duct tape ... but two of the cartons had just been stuck with duct tape to the outside of the cardboard box. Third time (the photographed item) was Arden Grange chicken & rice 12kg and this time it really does look like the outer packaging had been cut open with a knife. With the latter two incidents, I have visions of a drugs dog indicating a 'positive sign' and getting very excited with what they had discovered. Edit:- PS Amazon are sending a replacement for the last order - £27 worth. Time to change Ghosties diet. Try him with a bacon roll
  25. I would get on to the deliverer and ask for an explanation. I have had a couple of parcels which had burst open, but these were then placed in a clear package by the post office with a notice that the parcel had been burst in transit. Whoever wrapped yours up wouldn't be invited to help me wrap my Christmas pressies
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