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Everything posted by Windwalker

  1. Carmichael will stop at nothing to get his way. An awful lot of his supporters were happy to view what he had done as not worth getting uptight about. They felt that it should be brushed under the carpet and forgotten about. Can I assume that you won't be voting Lib Dem either? No. Until something better comes along I would still vote for Carmichael before the SNP. At least he has had to come clean and will face the consequences of his actions. I would assume he will work very hard for us in future in order to rebuild trust. as for the SNP, well lied about European membership post independence, lied about cuts to health budgets, need I go on. Of course it'll be ok for the SNP to make "mistakments" For the record I don't condone what Carmichael did, but I, like a lot of people put it into perspective.
  2. To answer your question would mean they have to tell the truth, that this is more about trying to get the SNP candidate in, then it is about Carmichael's error. It's this 'we'll stop at nothing to get our way' attitude that puts me off ever voting SNP, well that along with independence and double standards.
  3. Carmichael is a liar and has been forced to admit it. Look how many people around here were willing to ignore it, let him off with it and just forget what had been done by their M.P. That doesn't speak too well of the people that were only too happy to, and probably still do, live in denial. Oh for heavens sake get off your soap box, your axe has been well and truly ground down to the handle. The problem with quotes like yours above, is they are completely misleading and inaccurate. Having read through most of this it is clear there are two main points. Those who think he should be hung drawn and quartered and those who accept he made an error, but that error should be dealt with appropriately and we shouldn't allow the campaigners against him to decide the punishment. Of course if you make statements like " people living in denial" suggests that only you know best. He made a mistake, he has been chastised particularly by the witch hunters who obviously have their own agenda and he will be dealt with by the appropriate authorities. Hopefully he will continue to serve the islands in the future. It's just a pity that those baying for blood are so selective when it comes to lies being told by other parties.
  4. As Paulb suggested you could try for a flat share. You could try an add in the classifieds, you never know!
  5. Thats the best piece of advice I've heard come out of the Housing Office. Unless of course a mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance, backed up by jumped to conclusions based on nothing but their own prejudices and fantasies is what a person expects from a landlord, especially a social one. Then I'm sure being with them instead of a private let would be just swell. If I could by any means afford private rent I would Ghostrider! But it's utterly impossible unless you're earning silly bucks. Unfortunately my the only option I can afford is of the "mediocre property and mediocre service, delivered with patronising dictatorial arrogance" variety. I'm a young, hard working girl who's found herself in hardship and I needed a platform to vent my frustration at the system. You're being very condensing, all in all quite nasty towards me, and there's really no need. Actions of a bully. Neepjelly, obviously your under pressure just now, but read ghosties post again, at no time was he having a go at you, he was clearly hitting out at the housing department, with whom he's had some experience. I feel for young people today, who are struggling to find somewhere to live at a reasonable price. It can't be easy and I understand this must be a worrying time for you. I do hope you manage to find something suitable.
  6. I've always felt our local officers were very approachable, however as things become more controlled from "central" Scotland, I'm finding you can't even reply to someone in the local station without having to speak to someone in Scotland and answer a pile of questions before being put through. It leaves me feeling we no longer have a local police force, but one completely controlled from the central belt. Whilst I appreciate that officers have to be well protected for their own safety, it's sad to see them dressed like storm troopers, with so much stuff, I'm sure any wannabe burglar would have no problem out running them due to the weight of equipment they have to wear. Unless people like Tavish stand up to changes being made doon sooth, we will soon end up living in a police state. Good on him for having a go. It would be interesting to find out if there has been any actual savings made from having one police force in Scotland, or no doubt has it cost more money or has cuts in services had to be made to balance the books. Whilst there has to be many benefits in all forces in Scotland working closer together, I'm not sure having one force was the best way forward.
  7. Now your just putting words in my mouth. Where did I say I don't mind dishonesty? Of course I suppose it's all right for you to release a statement suggesting I don't mind dishonesty. now I hope you will hand in your resignation or shall I start a campaign. Double standards again.
  8. it would have been up to his voters to challange him. if your so upset start a campaign. else it sounds like a bitter unionist. hopefully this may sink into mps minds do something dishonest expect to pay. no matter who. imagine blair would have been done over iraq. ha ha bitter unionist ! Now you jump to conclusions. Just because I feel the "campaigning" is over the top and double standards are being displayed hardly sets me out as a "bitter unionist" as for starting a campaign, I would far rather devote my spare time to helping those who need it.
  9. Holding an MP to account is a bit different to "baying for his blood"As for Alex Salmond and the "lies about the EU" every newspaper and news channel in the country talked about little else for weeks. I can't think of a politician in the UK who has had more media scrutiny than Alex Salmond. The two big differences between the two cases are, He was cleared by an independent inquiry of breaking ministerial code. He was voted in as the MP for Gordon after the allegations and inquiry. Yes, in other words he lied and got off scot free.
  10. It's a pity that those baying for carmichaels blood weren't so quick to respond to Alex salmons lies about the EU. One thing I can't stand is double standards. It's just a matter if time until the snp muck it up, then it will be interesting to see how many on this thread go suddenly quiet. Mark my words. " it will happen".
  11. The most sensible quote I've read is on Shetland news and is a quote from the Labour Party. Not sure how to link it here, but it's easily accessed. Its at the bottom of the news item and sums it up very well. Haven't voted labour for years, but who knows, if they keep speaking sense As for the witch hunt, no doubt led by snp. I think this just goes to show what methods they will use to get their own way, god help us if they get in, in Shetland. Funny how they haven't started a campaign to find out who leaked the lies that the enquiry had cost 1.4 million, which is now proven to be " a lie". But I suppose they like to be selective about what lies to challenge. Wonder when they will try to raise funds to get to the bottom of that one. I had considered voting snp, but could not as I totally disagree with the breaking up of the UK. I thought if they dropped that, they might be worth a vote. However the way they are behaving and will seem to stop at nothing to get their way means I could never consider voting from them.
  12. God you are desperate. If folk have spare cash to throw away, can I suggest that they give it to some worthwhile cause, the elderly, young, disabled or even the cat and dog home. This really is getting ridiculous. I wonder who's behind this witch hunt ?
  13. No, simply because I'm not convinced we can get anything better to replace him.
  14. Yes, but did he know that at the time or did he just see an opportunity to have a go at the opposition. They were all at it, I mind thinking "it would be fine if some of the local candidates would tell us what they would do, rather than slate the other candidates" most look for the opportunity to down the other side, unfortunately this back fired on him.
  15. More money wasted by the M.P that is supposed to be working "honestly" on our behalf. Time for a wee by-election, methinks too!!! Of course there is no costs involved with arranging another by-election The guy was caught, has apologised and let's be honest, it's not the worst crime in the world. he allowed his aid to leak a memo, he didn't break her legs. There all at it. Find me a politician who hasn't twisted something or told white lies at some time. I
  16. Oh crikes a politician has had to come clean. It's the ones who have yet to come clean I would worry about. This smacks more of the snp greetin because they didn't get in, the same greetin they did after the vote for independence didn't go their way. I'm fed up of hearing Salmond squaking about how there needs to be another referendum. The people voted no. Live with it. I'd still trust Carmichael long before I would trust any of the snp crowd. God he's not the first politician to make a bad judgement. He released an email, he didn't kill someone. I'd weigh up the positive stuff he's done against this stupid episode which sturgeon is doing her best to play up. Let's wait and see how many mistakes she makes.
  17. Your likely right Urabug, but the outcome would be different, they would be selected by the people and could be unselected at the next election. I'm concerned why so many have resigned in such a short period. Having served on committees where I have seen one small group sicken those who don't agree with their views, resulting in most level headed people giving it up, just to see the group recruiting more of their buddies and taking over, I'm not sure the current selection process with the SCT is the most suitable, considering its dealing with huge amounts of "Shetlands" money.
  18. The only thing that surprises me is the system of electing Trustees. We now have those, whom none of us voted onto this Trust, selecting the new Trustees, it's just not on and smacks of jobs for the boys. ie; if you don't meet the approval of those who are there already you won't get in. It's the public approval which should matter. It's very commendable that these people are willing to give up their time to serve Shetland, but it's time to see a public election where individuals are to serve a four year stint, and the public can decide if they are worthy of re-election. As I've said before, I'm sure there are many trustees who's heart and head are in the right place, but the present system is undemocratic.
  19. I've not commented on this thread so far, simply because its not been of interest to me. I have used some of the services Cope offer and commend them on the work they do to provide meaningful work for the less able in our community. However as they use public funds, they, whether we like it or not, are therefore open to public scrutiny. It seems clear that some people are concerned whether these funds are being used to the best advantage of those whom Cope are there to support. In my opinion, for what it's worth, cope seem to be doing little to provide information to the public by whatever means to clarify its work and how it uses the funds. It is not difficult nor that expensive to keep it website up to date and provide information. After all they found the money to rebrand and publicise that part of their work. Any organisation using public funds are answerable to the public and will be required to provide information and reports of how things are going. The board of management or whatever they are called should make this information available to the founders, ie us. Whilst I agree with you that some posts from some individuals on some forums can lead to wrong or suggestive information, Your swipe at this "forum" and your quip about ill informed statements, doesn't do anything to help with clarity, but suggests to me that only the privileged know what cope is doing with the grant they have recieved. Whilst I believe and assume that the management and board! of Cope are in fully compliance with the conditions of the grant, it's clear that others have some concerns. I would therefore suggest that Cope could simply update their website giving the public some more information about their work, how this work has benefited their workers and how they have used their funds to the best advantage of those they are providing the service for. And for the record I reserve my right, in accordance with the rules of many forums to use a pseudonym.
  20. Oh heavens!. I wonder how all our youngsters so far, have managed to go to university and become doctors, lawyers, teachers etc and some of them still speak with a strong dialect. Universities are full of people from all over with many different dialects. They don't all speak the queens English. Like someone said, we can all cannap when we have too, but our dialect is special and different and should be held onto.
  21. Wow! Perhaps vulnerable, particularly the elderly. These schemes are aimed at them. I know many elderly folk who have been in demanding management jobs, who have been taken in by these scams. To suggest they are either stupid or greedy is being a bit unfair. Some elderly people have lost their whole life savings due to these scammers. As far as I can see, the postman/woman is in the best position to see if someone is getting loads of these, and I assume some type of reporting system will try to inform people who can help them understand it's all a scam. The post office is legally bound to deliver mail that has been posted, they don't have a choice. At least this may help identify those who are being bombarded with this junk and provide some useful advice to discourage them replying to it.
  22. This is very true, when my mother passed away, and the house was empty, I didn't renew the licence, after receiving numerous warnings from them, with various threats of court action, I eventually wrote to them to say she had passed away. But that made no odds, the warnings still arrived. I eventually sent the a copy of the death certificate and a letter threatening legal action against them for harassment, and the letters stopped. No apology or confirmation etc. It isnt good enough that they are allowed to continue to threaten folk in this manner.
  23. It is good to see the post office taking a positive role in trying to reduce the mountain of junk mail, which are targeted at the elderly. An elderly friend of mine got about 3-4 mailings a day, all with misleading " you've won a fortune" on the front. I found her one day writing out a cheque for £14.50 to order a "special" bag of mints. The box looked huge in the picture but contained half the weight of a bag that could be bought from the coop for 89p when I raised concern about it, she said that she had to order to get her guaranteed prize. Luckily she was sensible enough to eventually agree it was a scam and after that she would ask me to look through the piles of mail to see if any were genuine. I'm yet to find anything that was. As for nuisance phone calls, I put in a set of the new BT phones, which allow you to select the type of calls allowed. I barred all international calls, except friends, who's numbers are stored in the phone. I also put all withheld calls through the " must say who they are first" as I think, why should someone who knows my number hide theirs from me, the system allows the health centre to say it's the doctor, my phone then rings and says doctor and I can accept the call. Those who ain't willing to say who they are just don't get through and I'm not disturbed. I haven't had any nuisance calls since. Now if I can only find a way of stopping them ringing the mobile. The latest one is" according to our records you were involved in an accident recently" I've had that call about 5 times in the last two weeks
  24. Yip and I've just shaken my head in despair concerning the above quote! As one of the "small handful of commentators" who still use Shetlink, I don't think it's fair to group everyone in the same pot. Interestingly, on this rare occasion you visited Shetlink, it seems you did so just to be negative and bitter, (your words). Pot, kettle
  25. If they were to write it in plain English, then they couldn't charge so much, as most would think "I could have wrote that" fill it with gobbildy gook, then folk think it must have been written by a specialist. My issue is, who appoints these over educated idiots to write this difficult to read documents and agree such ridiculous prices. Surely some of the high paid "executive" managers could have thrashed out eight pages. Do they really need to appoint all these expensive consultants.
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