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Everything posted by Windwalker
On the issue of Community Councils, I agree with Ghostie that they have likely had their day. Thier remit is now so small the cost of operation can no longer justify them. I saw our local CC as nothing more than a private club, who would make decisions which affected the comunity, without any discussion with them to get their views. To be honest I could no longer name one person on our CC now. Time for a review and some new system .
This topic started with rubbish being disposed off illegally since the demise of skips, well now the council have agreed to drastically cut the opening hours at the waste management centre. (See Shetland news). If the council continue to make it more difficult for rate payers to dispose of our rubbish, I would think folk will revert to ower da banks. The excuse is so that it gives staff more time to sort the rubbish. I thought the public did that by putting it in the right skips which were then taken to the incinerator. So unless you can get to the dump between 1pm - 6pm weekdays or 11am - 3pm weekends, your up turd creek. So if you finish work at 5pm rush home to take the garden rubbish to the dump, by the time you get there, there will be a long cue and they'll shut the gates. This is a reduction of service from 12 hours down to 5 hours mon-fri and from 8 hours down to 4 at weekends, over 50%. In addition we will have to store all our cans and bottles for a month until they collect them rather then drop the at the recycling points weekly as suits and all this will cost the council another 40 grand.
Car tax disc to be axed after 93 years
Windwalker replied to MuckleJoannie's topic in National & International News
Obviously and annoyingly another hit at the motorists pocket, as if the road tax is not dear enough, they they penalise you for selling your car. This will also mean that any prospective buyer will not only have to fork out for insurance, but road tax as well before they can drive the car away. There is no reason why the DVLA cannot refund parts of a month, any bairn with a calculator can break a months cost down to days and work out what the true refund should be. If and when I sell my car, I will make sure it's on the last day of the month -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
Mmhhh! Looks like 'whatever' or 'Gorch' has lost his voice. In my experience the majority of Glaswegians are great people who are open and welcoming, however, like Shetland there are the few exceptions, where you get the occasional daftie, who is full of bravado. My experience also shows me they are also full of wind. Let's hope we can now all get on with pulling the country back together and work towards making it a better place for all. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
Whatever, it's very unfortunate that you have shown yourself as a bitter person, who has drooped to the level of issuing threats to all Shetlanders who, like yourself all have the right to cast their vote in a democratic way. As someone who was very undecided until a few days before the vote, I am delighted that I voted no, as I didn't believe that the questions I had, had not been answered. Having voted, I am now, after reading your post, sure that I made the right choice. Shetland in the hands of the central belt with the threats you make would worry me greatly. Someday Scotland and its people may be ready to go it alone, and if that is the desire of the majority, then I will fully accept democracy. But if your telling me that Glasgow will then get its own back by punishing Shetland in some way, I can assure you that Shetland will not roll over, but will do its own thing, and take its oil with it. Where will that leave you. I would love to know what your business is, as I do a lot of business with companies in Glasgow and hope and pray yours isn't one of them. Because if so I certainly don't want to do business with someone with such an attitude. Having spoken to a couple of Glasgow business friends this morning, they are disgusted with the content of your posts and would also boycott such a business. Sometimes it's best not to sh*te in your own nest. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
???**!!!??? -
Distracting internet website ads
Windwalker replied to CrunchieSquirrel's topic in Science & Technology
Not only that, but they are aimed at you. If you look for a new kettle on say Amazon, you will see the ads on Shetlink are likely to be for kettles. We are being bombarded all the time with 'so called' targeted advertising. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
With all the serious of the night, that made me smile. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
whereas the guarantees from westminster are rock solid... even if each set of promises could attain half of what they propose, i know which i'd prefer. Each to their own, but the old saying of " better the devil you know" comes to mind. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
that's until you factor in the recent massive find in the clair field, 20,000 barrels per day, double the initial prediction... bonanzayou might want to revise that figure up a touch. and imagine, we could have 4bn added to the budget rather than taken away as per westminster plans. Yip and we all lived happily ever after can't you see how getting £4bn is better than having £4bn taken away? Yes, if that were to be the case but there is no guarantee that Scotland will get all Alex Salmond thinks it'll get plus the cost of setting up an independant country and all the money that they will blow trying to get their way will soon see the cookie jar empty. -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
that's until you factor in the recent massive find in the clair field, 20,000 barrels per day, double the initial prediction... bonanza you might want to revise that figure up a touch. and imagine, we could have 4bn added to the budget rather than taken away as per westminster plans. Yip and we all lived happily ever after -
100 Days to Scottish Independence Referendum
Windwalker replied to Who Knows's topic in National & International News
Hopefully Scotland will see through the mist that the SNP have produced and realise that walking down the middle of a misty steekit road in the dark, may prove how brave we are, but of course we can't see what's coming. The sh*t will only hit the pan if independence goes ahead! then all you will see is Salmond blaming everyone else as to why things are not going as expected. By then it's too late. In my opinion the time isn't right and the SNP have done little to answer the questions that are important to folk who are thinking with their heads and not their hearts. They have done a good job of selling the brave heart image, but not the finances. This is like buying a house, without seeing it, knowing its cost, how much the repayments will be, how high the interest is, or what condition it's in. I keep hearing the argument, Scotland will get the government it votes for and not have the Tories thrust in us. How does this work in Shetland?. Shetland will not get the government it votes for it will get whatever the central belt votes for. Salmons only interest in Shetland is oil revenues and if he gets his way, Shetland will be lucky to get the scraps from the table. If the yes camp win, and Shetland is strongly no, then Shetland must seriously look at what other option can be considered. -
the problem is that you didn't complaint about something or moan about someone, that'll usually get a lot of replies and the usual arguments Your best bet might be to speak to Market house in Lerwick, they should have details of groups who could help.
Stop moaning and bickering and enjoy this place.
Windwalker replied to Ichorus's topic in User guides and tech support
You could end up being the only one left then -
Whaur did i say you canna criticise? Exactly Whaur? This is the argument of those that winna pit dir money whaur dir mooths ir. Perhaps you should change your name to Windtalker?Now pull your horns in a bit. Your post, and I quote ...."I expect all the critics to be upstanding and contest at the next election. I reckon though there will be a moorin o excuses as to why dey winna." .... says to me that if people shouldn't criticise unless they are prepared to stand. As an electorate we, you, me, have the right to question what our elected members are doing, if people chose to use this forum to vent on, then that is their right and not illegal. Starting name calling does nothing to strengthen your opinion on the matter. Fair point on the Windtalker comment.Why i didna expect a sense of humour bypass. My bad. So why are you not proffering your services for election. I looks from your opinion wir missin oot? I would love to see whaur i said venting your opinion was illegal? You seem to be fond of Fairy stories.Hi Siccar, I didn't say you said it was illegal, that is my opinion. As for standing for the council, it's not something that interests me, but that doesn't mean I can't have a view on what they do, or don't do. I haven't had a humour bypass, you just caught me at a bad time as I was fed up with a certain individual who seems to think that his is the only opinion that matters and can only see black and white, no grey areas. I must admit I did find your "windtalker" jibe quite amusing when I went back to read it again.
Doesn't seem to be happy unless he is stirring things up so, you could always try what myself, and a lot of others do, just ignore the troll and don't acknowledge any of his posts. Thank you Colin, that's good advice. I'll see how long it takes for the digs to start.
Your unbelievable, you make your mind up that I've said something I didn't, then you say it is true, just because of my lack of initial denial. You make up and quote, your weird version of what you think I said or didn't say. I never indicated that I was going to look at a budget, I just said, you don't know what I'm doing. Christ you couldn't make it up. So I'll tell you what suits me. It's to give up getting involved in this crap, and as the only way to stop you nip picking my posts is not to bother posting. So Pete you can have it all your way. Have a nice day
What you wrote You don't know what I'm doing about it laddie, so please get your facts correct before having a go. Then I said this Laddie, hehe. You gave the impression you were working on the budget... I really am still waiting on this, if you are still getting on with it. However, as money has been mentioned, it is interesting to note that roughly, every member of the population on Shetland has about £4955 spent on it a year compared to say Lancashire that has only has about £519 spent per head of population, that being 1.4 odd million. Perhaps there may have to be reductions so you can afford the cuts imposed, shouting about past spends does not solve the present situation. Anyhow, nothing has happened, so, we are watching the space you have left with this. Though, not being exact with the phrase now will give you more grapeshot to sling around and totally miss the point. However, it is not important, now is it? What is important is the apparent failure of Shetland to elect a council that will "man up". In the eyes and thoughts of a few who comment openly about this. I do agree, you cannot sack the council, Siccar, although blunt tends to be right in their observations. As usual Pete you make something up out if nothing. Just because I said " you don't know what I'm doing about it" you have decided that I should be preparing a budget and have to report back to you! As I've asked you before on here, please do not try to put words in my mouth or twist what has been said. For your information what I was doing about it was meeting with my councillor to discuss my concerns. Nowhere did I say that I was working on a budget.PLEASE DO NOT MISQUOTE ME Or make things up to suit your argument. I don't need lessons from you regarding the definition of a bully. In my book a bully can be someone who deliberately stirs up other folk through misquoting, suggesting they've said something they didn't and jumping at the chance to have a dig.
To be fair, Windwalker did say she was working on the budget, or at least intimated this in another thread. Though, worryingly, missed out certain financial factors in other threads. We were told to "watch this space"Can you please refer me to where I told you to "watch this space" as apparently my elderly memory must be failing me.
To be fair, Windwalker did say she was working on the budget, or at least intimated this in another thread. Though, worryingly, missed out certain financial factors in other threads. We were told to "watch this space"As usual Pete you remind me of a school bully. You find folk to pick on, then as soon as someone else has a go at them, your in there like a shot getting your dig in. Bullies always need an audience. I've given up on a number of threads because of your digs and inaccurate quotes as have a few before me.
Whaur did i say you canna criticise? Exactly Whaur? This is the argument of those that winna pit dir money whaur dir mooths ir. Perhaps you should change your name to Windtalker?Now pull your horns in a bit. Your post, and I quote .... "I expect all the critics to be upstanding and contest at the next election. I reckon though there will be a moorin o excuses as to why dey winna." .... says to me that if people shouldn't criticise unless they are prepared to stand. As an electorate we, you, me, have the right to question what our elected members are doing, if people chose to use this forum to vent on, then that is their right and not illegal. Starting name calling does nothing to strengthen your opinion on the matter.
I don't think the answer is " if your not prepared to stand you can't criticise" nor is it sitting behind a keyboard complaining anonymously. (Although I suppose if read by the right people, this may have some effect). Maybe we should all take more responsibility and ask to meet our councillors or attend more meetings that the council hold, so that we can be more informed and raise our concerns. I'm not sure how a mass resignation of councillors would help. The positions just need to be filled again and who says they will be any better, never mind the experience and knowledge that would be lost. There are some genuine councillors who do a good job and unfortunately the usual bunch of wannabes or those who think they are something special. That will likely always be the case. Perhaps we, the electorate need to give more thought about who we elect and why we think they are the right person to represent us. How often have you heard someone say ' I hope they get in, as they will stir it up'?
I see, so in your world the electorate should not be able to criticise elected members, unless they are prepared to stand themselves.! Now wouldn't that give the current bunch a free hand to do what they want.
They are damed if they do and damed if they don't. At least our prime minister took the time to get himself here, regardless of the reasons behind his visit. He obviously felt it important enough to make the effort. Is that not his job? I'm not a conservative voter, but I'd much rather have a visit from our prime minister, who didn't offer lots of bribes, than one from the first minister, who virtually made offers, conditional on us voting for independence. You can guarantee most promises will fall through if he were to get his way.
I look forward to Shetland leading the way with renewables, it can only be a good thing. Without the inter-connector renewables will pass shetland by, yup, wait until wave and tidal can earn enough to pay for the connector, by then I think the boat would have long sailed and any benefit passed back to Orkney and the West Coast. Thanks for the lesson and threat, much apreciated. As you well know, there was no "threat" involved in my post. But if you see it as a lesson I'm happy you appreciate it.
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