Sure there's a bit of troll in all of us and, what you have read was pretty tame but, it wasn't just that thread, it was every thread that certain individuals posted on. Example of low-level trolling; After using the "Ignore" function, is it within the T&Cs to place "Ignoring ABCXYZ" or, "not responding to ABCXYZ" in your sig. Almost certain to infuriate the target poster and, if required, you can ignore/add as many names as you like. God, it's a bit playground mentality, and as you say Colin, would likely just infuriate folk. How can you follow a thread if you can't see half of what's being posted, people responses to the bits you can't see would not make any sense. It's just not something I would choose to do, but everyone to their own. If anyone is ruffling too many feathers, then surely the moderators should step in more to calm the waters and reduce the need for people having to ignore folk or folk leaving. It seems this has all been a bit of shutting the gate after the cow has bolted, then shooting the wrong person for leaving the gate open.