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Everything posted by Windwalker

  1. Good for you, you must have all the freebies worked out, but I kinda think your just taking the "pee":-) In reply to post 6
  2. I wonder if your being serious or just a bit flippant here. If you are seriously looking for a free trip to Aberdeen, I doubt that will happen. Unless your a pensioner and may be entitled to free trips on the boat, if that still exists. I recall seeing something that pensioners who were resident got two free trips on Northlink. Don't know if that's still the case though. Otherwise you will just have to do as we all do. Safe our pennies over a period of time until we can afford it Of course, it could be that you are suggesting you know of someone who has managed to get free hospital flights and not go to hospital. If that's the case you should contact the health board as this would be quite unacceptable.
  3. Sure there's a bit of troll in all of us and, what you have read was pretty tame but, it wasn't just that thread, it was every thread that certain individuals posted on. Example of low-level trolling; After using the "Ignore" function, is it within the T&Cs to place "Ignoring ABCXYZ" or, "not responding to ABCXYZ" in your sig. Almost certain to infuriate the target poster and, if required, you can ignore/add as many names as you like. God, it's a bit playground mentality, and as you say Colin, would likely just infuriate folk. How can you follow a thread if you can't see half of what's being posted, people responses to the bits you can't see would not make any sense. It's just not something I would choose to do, but everyone to their own. If anyone is ruffling too many feathers, then surely the moderators should step in more to calm the waters and reduce the need for people having to ignore folk or folk leaving. It seems this has all been a bit of shutting the gate after the cow has bolted, then shooting the wrong person for leaving the gate open.
  4. Well, that's thrown another spanner in the works, will be interesting to hear what Mr Salmond has to say about it. Time to recruit the home guard
  5. Having read through the thread, I don't see that anyone was banned. Owerweel asked for his/her account to be closed for what ever reason he/she had. It looked like the pot had been boiling for a while and he/she had just had enough. I do wonder though if anything could have been done beforehand though, either by owerweel or the moderators ? According to the above post owerweel asked for the account to be closed at 8.35 pm on 23rd and the account was closed, I assume, without any further discussion some 4 hours later. Must be a record. This did not allow anytime for a change of heart or time to say, sleep on it. I wonder why Admin closed the account so quickly on this occasion as I can't see he/she did anything wrong unless you regard posting a reply saying 'yawn' is now a banning offence. If so I don't think I will last very long. So Owerweel, I for one would like to see you back involved with the forum and hope you will reconsider, if nothing else I love your smiley dog, it makes me smile every time I see it.
  6. Interesting thread, one which has shown the negative side of forums. Disappointing that anyone should feel their only option is to leave a community forum, but if your going to post, you will get those who disagree and you have to take the bad with the good.
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