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  1. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Completely agree. I can’t think of any vote I’ve made recently where I felt either side was providing sufficient information for myself to make a “well” educated decision. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut.
  2. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
    I agree that the tories attempts to bypass parliament was unacceptable. This was quite rightly dealt with by the high court. The final decision on the outcome was democratic. My general concern about democracy is to do with both Brexit and Scottish independence and continued unjustified quotes that they were undemocratic made on these pages. If folk want to make these statements, they should at least back them up.
    For the record I have no more love for the Tories than I do for the SNP.
  3. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from LGR PATONEXCHANGE in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Not at all roachmill everyone is entitled to their views and to question the government. God help us when folk don’t.
    My issue with not accepting democracy was aimed at those who keep saying it was not done democratically, whilst at the same time unwilling to provide any proof of that.  You go ahead and and stick to your views. Fill your boots.
  4. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in The Republic of Shetland   
    I was a little surprised that Crown Dependency was omitted, and maybe Denmark should get a ention as well.
  5. Thanks
    Windwalker reacted to Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
    @George. perhaps you could explain your point(s) about Westminster rather than just repeating it every few posts on every thread related to politics. Simply saying Westminster isn't democratic doesn't cut it.
    In this instance, do you expect a democratically elected government to ask your permission before it negotiates trade agreements? Negotiating new trade agreements was one of the key pledges of both the Brexit referendum and subsequent general election. The government won both - ipso facto negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership is democratic.
  6. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from George. in Mobile signal / 4G / Wifi SMS   
    Davie P. As well as updating to a new phone, make sure your supplier allows you to use Wi-fi. If I mind right the likes of GiffGaff doesn’t. 
  7. Thanks
    Windwalker got a reaction from Urabug in Scottish Independence Referendum 2021   
    Well said Muckle Oxters, it seems that the SNP supporters are always telling folk that we should vote for independence. But I wonder if most or any actually know how such a vote will effect us in years to come. There is so little information on the actual outcome of becoming independent. These are huge issues and I for one will not vote blind. I would rather stay with what I know, than take a gamble that things will be so rosy in Nikkinoo land. 
    it seems that those on here telling me to vote SNP to save the world ! And the constant hatred of anything Westminster really don’t have a clue of the outcome either or wouldn’t they be informing us of all the positives of ‘independence.
    The William Wallace “Freedom “ attitude doesn’t answer the questions of how an independent Scotland will manage in the future, finance, borders with England, whether or not the EU were to allow Scotland back in etc. 
    The E.U, will strip Scotland of its assets and have it sitting at the door with the begging bowl, dancing to its tune. That’s not independence.
    So let’s hear from the staunch SNP people on here as to what the advantages are and what they think the negatives are, how we will survive financially, maybe you’ll convince me.
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    Windwalker got a reaction from peeriebryan in Scottish Independence Referendum 2021   
    What’s where people are born got to do with anything. Personally they could both be born In Timbuktu. It doesn’t matter.
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    Windwalker got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in Scottish Independence Referendum 2021   
    George, it’s a shame that you seem to feel it’s your job to correct everyone’s grammar and spelling as this can discourage other from participating in the discussions. 
  10. Thanks
    Windwalker reacted to Muckle Oxters in Scottish Independence Referendum 2021   
    Let's no tak dis discussion doon a grammar correction rabbit hol. Dat really is a waste o folk's time
  11. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from George. in Scottish Independence Referendum 2021   
    Like it, but, if Scotland becomes independent the “national” level ceases to exist. Maybe your more informed about the benefits of independence than me or is being aligned more important than the outcome for the country ?
  12. Thanks
    Windwalker reacted to Davie P in Mobile signal / 4G / Wifi SMS   
    I'm on Vodafone, and it seems to be a relatively good coverage (apart from in my house!)
    My understanding is that the SIC have a corporate contract with Vodafone so that swung my decision. My hunch was that the SIC must have done the research/applied some pressure to make sure the service in rural areas is OK? However, my hunches have been wrong in the past!
  13. Thanks
    Windwalker got a reaction from Davie P in Mobile signal / 4G / Wifi SMS   
    Davie P. As well as updating to a new phone, make sure your supplier allows you to use Wi-fi. If I mind right the likes of GiffGaff doesn’t. 
  14. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    ^ Careful, you'll end up being accused of spreading conspiracy theories with that kinda talk.
    A virus from China, that the rest of the world end up buying masks made in China as protection from it........ I wonder if China had a few massive warehouses stuffed full of masks nobody was buying around last autumn time, and the big chiefs got to thinking......
  15. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from XAM7102 in The future of Scottish Football ?   
    Understandably, it must be a worrying time for some of the clubs who could go under without ticket sales and I hope that something can be done soon to help, as there are a lot more staff than just the players who’s lively hoods are at risk.
    I suppose a lot of folk may look at it as just a game and be more concerned about themselves getting back to work before sport. But each to their own.
    I have to agree with Claadehol though regarding the small number of well paid players who refused to take a pay cut to help their club. When your on silly money, you seem to lose some morals.
  16. Like
    Windwalker reacted to XAM7102 in The future of Scottish Football ?   
    @Windwalker, fair enough it maybe did come across that way but not intended.
    I totally agree that the money spent on players and paid to players at the elite level is ridiculous, though this is what happens when big TV companies get involved offering billion pound deals such as the one covering the English Premier League. I dont buy any of those TV subscriptions and to be honest i am more interested in the lower league Scottish Football and the local amateur game.
    But Football like so many other aspects of the world is all about the have and have nots.
    There could well be some of the larger Scottish teams that really struggle if there is'nt fans returning to stadiums for a long time, i believe a lot of clubs are very reliant on ticket sales more than TV money to run thier clubs.
  17. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from XAM7102 in The future of Scottish Football ?   
    Maybe it came across that way. The issue is that’s it’s not the small local teams that are trying to find a way round lockdown, but the big teams, with many over paid prima donnas on ridiculous salaries. I fully support football at a local level, but I’m not a fan of the money being spent on some players, where it would be better off being put into developing thousands of young up and coming footballers. No one is worth the money some of these footballers are paid every week. 
  18. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Gaepshot in Alex Salmond   
    Is there not something fishy about this? 
  19. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from George. in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    It’s unfortunate that Donald Trump doesn’t  engage brain before engaging mouth, some of the stuff this man comes out with would be so laughable if he wasn’t in the position he is. The problem is some people will be daft enough to try this. Now do I try the bleach or the  vaccine first ? 
  20. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    Can somebody post an uber brief overview.....I can't listen to this wife for over two minutes.
    I tried, but two words in and I had to mute her.
  21. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    You are saying all that as if you think I don’t agree. I fully agree that the job of the police is a difficult one and certainly not one that I would have wanted, particularly with the complexities they face on a daily basis. Gone are the “good old days” where the local bobby would give you a slap on the lug, take you home just to get another slap on the lug from your mother.
    I clearly in my last post mentioned YouTube clips of idiots, which you seemed not to have read.
    You seem to be suggesting that, because their job is a difficult one, we should not hold them accountable when they get it very wrong. This is a recipe for disaster. 
    I for one, am grateful that we have a good team of officers in Shetland and will give them my praise and support for the great job they do, but I would not think twice in challenging something that wasn’t right, just the same as I would challenge exceptionally poor service in a shop. To be clear, I have never made any formal challenge or complain to police, I think they do a great job. Just because I reserve the right to challenge them doesn’t make me anti them, more so, it proves how much I care that they continue to do their very difficult job professionally. 
    We have the luxury of a well led force here in Shetland, but it’s not the same everywhere. I have a friend in London, who is very hard working, professional and successful, never been in trouble in his life, well off, runs his own large business, drives expensive cars etc. His view of the police is very different to mine. He has been pulled over numerous time and been treated like he must have stollen the car, he’s been dragged out of the car for daring to ask a question, he was accused of being a drug dealer, because he’s driving an expensive car. he’s been stopped and searched on the street more times than he can remember and treated as if he has to be guilty of something. These are his words not mine. Of course he is black and as he puts it, it’s just become the norm. 
    I suggested he move to Shetland as this would not happen here, of course he can’t, as his business is in London, but it proves the point that our police like all other people in authority have to be held accountable, just the same as you and me must, as we go about our daily lives.
  22. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    The role of the Police is to question if members of the public are adhering to the rules of society when they are in society, and bring rule breakers to account when there is evidence they have done so.
    In return society, either collectively or individually is entitled to question if members of the Police are also adhering to the rules placed upon them by society when undertaking their appointed role, and bring to account any who fall short when there is evidence they have done so.
    This is the only way the system can work seamlessly and sustainably.
    Yes, it could very easily be argued that the people who enact the rules by which society and the Police are to operate have created a situation whereby the idiots and imbeciles within society have an unfair advantage over everyone else, and I can appreciate that such a situation makes for a very messy, frustrating and apparently thankless job for the Police.
    However, society allowing the Police, or at least turning a blind eye,  when they bend the rules themselves, just because they're having a hard time in other aspects of their role, is not acceptable.
    Two wrongs do not make a right.....Avoiding descending to your opponents level when they are clearly the one in the wrong, moral high ground and all that etc......
    If the Police, as they appear to be, are feeling abused and put in a 'no win' situation by the rules they're supposed to enforce and to abide by, at no time is it more important for them to be seen and proven to be whiter than white.
    If they choose to start to try and do something about feeling they've been placed in an impossible situation, and can present themselves unshakably as a by every rule book that has been written, straight down the middle outfit, they have best chance of eliciting public and political sympathy and support. However, every example of questionable or dubious decisions or actions undertaken by the Police simply muddies the waters until folk start writing them off as 'as bad as those they're trying to catch' and nothing changes.
    I don't doubt that the Police often see criticism as un-necessary nit picking, and some of it at least, nit-picking for the sake of it, and that may well be so from some, but not all of it by a long shot.
    The Police are an unfortunate and regrettable necessity, a place that had no need for them would be so much better, but folk simply won't behave themselves, that much is proven well beyond doubt. So they're here......
    Reasonable people want and need a Police force they can feel they have absolute trust and faith in, and that involves one that adheres strictly to the rule book at all times, and operates consistently across the board. The level of hypocrisy created when the Police bend/break certain rules in the name of enforcing others, for many is deeply enough concerning that their trust and faith in them are significantly rattled.
    Any resulting criticism is neither nit picking nor un-necessary, it is those people voicing their concerns that they have become aware of something which has dented their trust and faith in the Police, and they are seeking an explanation or other reassurance to rebuild that lost trust and faith.
    Unfortunately explanations/reassurances are very seldom forthcoming from any 'incident' of any kind, and many find their trust and faith in the Police being slowly eroded over time as incident after incident occurs as time passes, just like water dripping on a stone.
  23. Like
    Windwalker reacted to tarsus in POLICE STATE.   
    I do not think that anyone has said that any of these laws constitute a police state, but it is being pointed out that police states do not start overnight, small things to start with. I do notice though that it is now being said that certain of these items may have to stay indefinitely.
  24. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in POLICE STATE.   
    Midder wit is sadly lacking in a lot of cases where individuals assume they are far wiser than the medical experts who are recommending tough measures.
  25. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Sacre Bleu in Covid 19 / Coronavirus   
    The misanthropic position, loosely defined as a contempt of the human species, is often inherently hypocritical. Many misanthropes advocate for the eradication of their fellow humans, either through action or inaction as appears to be the case here, but if the misanthrope defines themselves as members of the group they hold in contempt, it is logical that they would want to eradicate themselves.
    If they do not wish to eradicate themselves, it follows that they believe there is a purpose in their own existence or that they are sufficiently 'special' to fall outwith their own definition. The logical conclusion of this line of thinking is that the misanthrope considers their own existence to have more significance than the existence of the others whom they hold in contempt.
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