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  1. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in General Election 2019   
    So Evil Inky thinks we have a great chance of joining the EU as an independent country. What about the deficit? No chance unless you can magically bring that down.
    And the SNP are saying they are are going to increase pensions by a massive amount. That will actually double the deficit so that will certainly sink your hopes.
    You're in cloud cuckoo land....
  2. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Davie P in General Election 2019   
    No he didn't. The UK wasn't even a signatory of the 1957 Treaty. You've posted this same mis-information many times.
  3. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in General Election 2019   
    Given that large parts of Scotland and it's resources are already "owned by foreigners", how will voting for independence "cure" that ?
    Are we going to buy everything back ? If so, just WHO is going to have to pay for it.
    Are we just going to take everything back ?  If so, will we have to "fight" for it or just become another "Zimbabwe".
    One thing is for sure, we will NOT be allowed to (re) join the EU without giving a whole heap of it away again.!
  4. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in General Election 2019   
    I thought that the United Kingdom was called "Great Britain" for a reason.
    Are you seriously suggesting that countries like Germany, France, Spain and everywhere else in the world do not have "regions" ? 
    Bet that the residents of Saxony, Brittany, and what about the Basques amongst others might take issue with that. 
  5. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Spinner72 in General Election 2019   
    " And of course it's possible to be an independent country and member of the EU, and 62% of Scottish voters wished to remain in the EU at the referendum."
    Technically true, and oft touted by the confused, but do not forget that leaving the EU was a major campaign point for the SNP in 2014, and still would be today if it weren't for the negativity about Brexit.
    The fact is that Scottish Independence means leaving the EU. Sure, we can then apply to join but we all know the (still standing) official EU stance on that.
  6. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in General Election 2019   
    No, Wheelsup, the only option left for Scotland will NOT be independence.  The minority in Scotland might well support independence, which isn't possible by being in the EU, for starters.  An option for Scotland is to embrace Brexit like the rest of the UK and carry on trading with its biggest trading partner - England.
  7. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Toll Clock Centre   
    If this is facetious, ironic etc, fair dos..
    Otherwise, lets not get too carried away. Malcolm's track record regarding business matters is rather chequered to say the least......
  8. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Nigel Bridgman-Elliot in SIC by-election Nov 2019   
    Its good to see that there are a large number of candidates. I would rather see a by-election where the public have to make their choice, as against someone gets in because no one else was interested. At least the outcome of this vote should be accepted by all, although I see there is an snp candidate, so we might have to have another vote if they dont like the outcome
  9. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from BigMouth in "Gilbert Bain is not fit for purpose"   
    I would have thought the ness of sound might be considered as they would be able to put the helipad on da roof, don’t think they could do that at bolts.
    perhaps da old school site at the knab would be better suited for a hospital, then crammed in houses with no/little parking, but they might have to avoid rooms facing the graveyard  
  10. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Colin in Climate Change & Global Warming   
    I fully accept that climate change is an issue which will take some inventive thinking, and as I get older I’m more conscious of my carbon footprint, doing what I can to reduce it.
    But come on, if anyone thinks the shambles of a protest, with their climbing on electric trains, disrupting everyday commuters and dancing around looking like half stoned hippies has helped their cause, they are as off their heads as a lot of those protesters appeared.
    This type of protesting does little to bring people on board and has more than likely put more people off.
  11. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Suffererof1crankymofo in Climate Change & Global Warming   
    I saw on youchoob a spokesperson for Extinction Rebllion being interviewed on This Morning.  Extinction Rebellion are a de-centralised organisation with no one in charge.  So basically, each group can do what they want.  The aim of disrupting transport was apparently to make people stop and think as to the lack of transport and other major disruptions to peoples' lives that climate change is going to bring about.
    They intend to continue protests and disruptions to folks' lives until they basically get what they want cos we all doomed.  Apparently, voting in politicians isn't good enough for them.  
  12. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Climate Change & Global Warming   
    I fully accept that climate change is an issue which will take some inventive thinking, and as I get older I’m more conscious of my carbon footprint, doing what I can to reduce it.
    But come on, if anyone thinks the shambles of a protest, with their climbing on electric trains, disrupting everyday commuters and dancing around looking like half stoned hippies has helped their cause, they are as off their heads as a lot of those protesters appeared.
    This type of protesting does little to bring people on board and has more than likely put more people off.
  13. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in Climate Change & Global Warming   
    Glad to hear dat. As I wasn’t there I could only make a judgment on the news articles I saw on the bbc and itv news. The overall felling I had was negative towards the protest, not the issue they were protesting about. The deliberate act of doing their utmost to disrupt the general public in many different ways, did them no favours and in my opinion they chose the wrong targets. Holding up traffic, whilst they did their strange dancing, did nothing but anger folk.
    I don’t have the answers of how to get this important message across, but I don’t think their two weeks of disruption wasn’t  the answer either and most folk I spoke to were negative towards the protest. Kinda shot themselves in the foot me thinks.
    mind do, I’m having difficulty in getting the image of a huge pair o oxters dancin aroond we da hippy dancers oot o me mind
  14. Like
    Windwalker reacted to shetlander in Brexit (merged threads)   
    HIE commissioned a report on this very subject a few years ago. From memory, as little as 2% of the whitefish landed here is processed here. I’ll see if I can hock it oot but what it said was that the speed mainland processors can now get whole or gutted fresh fish from here, the costs of importing packaging and a lack of local labour are all things that might limit more value-added processing being done.
    While I get the benefits that *might* come about on the catching side, I can’t see Brexit changing any of that given that wir competition is from within the UK rather from the EU but I’d be happy to be proven wrong. If anything I can only see the labour situation worsening given the number of EU nationals who have willingly worked in fish factories here in recent years while many of the rest of us have turned our noses up at that kind of work.
  15. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from George. in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Yeah du’s right on dat, but I wonder what percentage of whitefish landings are actually processed in Shetland
  16. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in "Gilbert Bain is not fit for purpose"   
    Yup, as I';ve said on here before, the AHS site is the last 'in town' site (though why a hospital must be 'in town' I fail to see. Build it in Gulberwick or Tingwall - they're quieter, more sheltered, there's plenty of room, and they're equally as accessible to the majority of Shetland's population) that would suit a hospital - but only if a new road were to accompany it. Upgrading Breiwick Road and sending a new branch up from somewhere around the Waarie Geo corner to come out at the Coastguard hut wouldn't be that much of a job. The current vehicle access is just downright hellish, always has been ever since the New Road sent all the extra traffic through Scalloway Road.
  17. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Brexit (merged threads)   
    If you look back 50 years we used to have a lot more whitefish processing factories, employing lots of land based staff. They were all over the place. Now it seems to be mainly salmon processing. I’m assuming whitefish landings are mainly shipped out whole to other places for processing.
    It always annoys me that a bit of “sooth branded” breaded haddock is a heck o a lot cheaper than locally caught stuff. When I was young we had fish at least twice a week as it was a good and cheap lunch, now I only buy local fish as a special treat.
    As for the local industry being wiped out, I would think the large pelagic boats are still making money, or they wouldn’t be buying new ones. The white fish fleets is another issue and I would without doubt blame that on the common fisheries policy.
  18. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Urabug in Brexit (merged threads)   
    If you look back 50 years we used to have a lot more whitefish processing factories, employing lots of land based staff. They were all over the place. Now it seems to be mainly salmon processing. I’m assuming whitefish landings are mainly shipped out whole to other places for processing.
    It always annoys me that a bit of “sooth branded” breaded haddock is a heck o a lot cheaper than locally caught stuff. When I was young we had fish at least twice a week as it was a good and cheap lunch, now I only buy local fish as a special treat.
    As for the local industry being wiped out, I would think the large pelagic boats are still making money, or they wouldn’t be buying new ones. The white fish fleets is another issue and I would without doubt blame that on the common fisheries policy.
  19. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Parliament had every opportunity to have a vote of no confidence prior to prorogation taking effect, and almost certainly would have won against the government, but they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Why? Seems to me all of Parliament are playing out a charade specifically to keep this clusterdarling as fired up as possible and last as long as possible, which makes no one any better, or worse than another.
  20. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
    This type of rhetoric, and use of language is exactly why the news today is all about the need for all sides to calm down. It’s doing nothing but ‘firing up’ the debate and creating further divisions.
    The discussions or ‘playing to the audience’ in parliament yesterday was nothing more than an absolute disgrace by all sides. Whilst this continues there will be no way forward.
  21. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from ivy.lally in Please, provide urgent information! Employment offer of complete unknown for oversees newcomer ;)   
    Again a question for the employer, but if your are outgoing enough as you seem to be you will soon make friends with other workmates and there are plenty of pubs, sports and leisure facilities etc giving you the opportunity to meet local folk, most of who are easy to get on with. 
    As for Brexit, I wouldn’t worry too much, no matter what happens sooner or later, I cant see Boris throwing out all the foreign workers overnight as he would bring the country to a stop.
    If your happy the agency is legit, go for it, what’s the worst that could happen. Just make sure you have enough funds to get you home again in case you can’t settle. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  22. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Roachmill in Post Office on da move   
    A drive through post office would have been the answer
  23. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Post Office on da move   
    A drive through post office would have been the answer
  24. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
  25. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Davie P in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Completely agree Davy, but it’s the way some look to demand answers and can’t wait to find fault rather than engage in the discussion.
    If you look back through the forums you see a lot of names who used to post on a regular basis, some of them who I know have said that they gave up due to their posts being attacked.
    There are people of all walks of life, some who will do their homework before posting and other who might just react to a post that interests them, but when they feel they are being ‘got at’ they just fade into the darkness and we are then left with a small number of strongly opinionated folk.
    Most folk don’t need the hassle in their lives, so don’t bother posting which is a shame as it doesn't give a balanced view.
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