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  1. Like
    Windwalker reacted to admin in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Thank you for this call for reason Windwalker.
    This is a good time to remind folk of the Forum use guidelines and netiquette. The last 6 points are particularly relevant.
    Opinions and casual observations are always welcome on Shetlink, but if someone is going to a make a sustained and/or assertive case then they should provide "evidence or reasoning".
    In this case, some individuals have made vigorous, unequivocal and/or disparaging posts over an extended period and should expect robust responses.
    We urge folk to be respectful and empathetic of each others' opinions and help others to understand your opinion through considered and respectful posts. After-all, most of us are neighbours on this peerie island and there's no need to be 'faa-in a fightin'!
  2. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Two people on my friends list on Facebook have shared this meme this morning......One is an ardent remainer, the other an equally ardent leaver.
    'nuff said.

  3. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from mikeyboy in Brexit (merged threads)   
    yes of course
  4. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Brexit (merged threads)   
    The “collateral damage” isn’t as a result of people voting to leave, it parliaments inability to agree a deal with the EU. I think if anyone is to blame, it’s our incompetent MPs who after 3 years could not get a deal agreed.
    The time and effort they have spent arguing with each other rather than with the EU has got us where we are.
    Of course you could also say that it’s the remainers fault as they have done their best to try and stop the will of the people at every turn.
  5. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from George. in Brexit (merged threads)   
    The reason I wouldn’t have understood it is quite simple. The government sent out a leaflet to every home prior to the vote, headed “a once in a generation decision” and whilst they recommended that we should remain in the EU, it clearly stated “ the referendum is your chance to decide whether we should remain in or leave the European Union.
    The leaflet went on to say the following: “This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide”. That seems pretty clear to me. No where in this leaflet did it state your vote will only be advisory.
    I would think that most people reading this leaflet would assume the outcome of the vote would be carried out. As a person who voted to remain, I was disappointed with the result, but as I believe in democracy, I accept the result.
  6. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Urabug in Brexit (merged threads)   
    The reason I wouldn’t have understood it is quite simple. The government sent out a leaflet to every home prior to the vote, headed “a once in a generation decision” and whilst they recommended that we should remain in the EU, it clearly stated “ the referendum is your chance to decide whether we should remain in or leave the European Union.
    The leaflet went on to say the following: “This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide”. That seems pretty clear to me. No where in this leaflet did it state your vote will only be advisory.
    I would think that most people reading this leaflet would assume the outcome of the vote would be carried out. As a person who voted to remain, I was disappointed with the result, but as I believe in democracy, I accept the result.
  7. Like
    Windwalker reacted to George. in Brexit (merged threads)   
    ^It was always put forward as a vote that would have a direct result. Cameron put it forward as such.
  8. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in Brexit (merged threads)   
    We must ban any notion of a referendum on anything in the future, because the results mean nothing. No matter the topic. Politicians of all colours refuse to respect the vote because they know better..
    We might have found a way ahead by having an election but Corbyn is going to block that it seems unless no deal is taken off the agenda. "Let's tie our hands behind our backs before we face the opponent." Duh!!
    An election might bring some progress, a way out of this painful and mind numbing stalemate. 
    Are we facing another 3 years of pointless bickering, with no way forward at the end of it?
    It looks that way!
  9. Like
    Windwalker reacted to admin in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    If anyone has evidence relating to the vandalism of the War Memorial , please contact the police.
    If not then.....
  10. Like
    Windwalker reacted to davie-L in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    The reason I said it was great was that it gave me a chance to debate the positives/negatives of supporting SNP directly with one of their canvassers. I didn't feel intimidated but my 17 year old son said he didn't feel comfortable and wouldn't have known how to react if confronted during his first voting experience with these SNP 'door people' loitering around. 
    Completely agree on your comments on the over the top approach from the SNP top brass and Tom Wills possibly losing votes due to this. Will be interesting to see how the people of Shetland will be punished for not voting SNP.
  11. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    Muckle Oxters, the major reason the Lib Dems have had a reduced majority is the huge number of candidates this time round. Lib Dem supporters may well decide to vote for an independent this time round. However the diehard SNP voter with that rabid eye fixed on independence will never vote for any other party.
    And anyone on this forum or elsewhere who really believes that it was a Lib Dem supporter who sprayed SNP on the war memorial, is really in cloud cuckoo land. Dear oh dear!
    Lets just keep an eye now on those plastic signs and try to ensure that the SNP helpers use the "green" Tom Wills method to remove the plastic ties. They must use a small screwdriver to open up the locking flap so that the tie can be used again. The Brae schoolkids have had this technique explained to them by Tom Wills so snips must not be used, even if the workers are in a hurry. 
  12. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Roachmill in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    Time, money... and zip ties.
    I feel sorry for Tom Wills as I respect him as a credible candidate, but definitely feel his party stepped in and scared folk off. Looking at the speeches given this morning he was certainly the more gracious.
    Now I'm waiting to be surprised and see Wishart do something of any merit before getting voted in next time.
  13. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    and, if my granny had wheels she would have been a wheelbarrow.    Get a grip Andrew.  Labour never had a hope up here, and they knew it.
    What I find strange is that the SNP thought that they could win it.  After the landslide Tavish got the last time, it was most unlikely that they would as it would have required a "swing" of biblical proportions !
    They (SNP) might eventually achieve something here but, first they have to "prove" that they are no more than empty promises.  Telling us that we wil get this, that, and the other by voting for them suggests, to me anyway, that if we don't vote for them, then we will get nothing out of them.
    Personally, faced with that choice, I would settle for "nothing".
  14. Like
    Windwalker reacted to whalsa in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    ​Well to be honest I am disappointed Ryan Thomson didn't win, although he did well. However, I am very relieved that the SNP didn't get in. They threw the kitchen sink at it and still only got ~30% of the vote. 

    ​I still firmly believe some form of Autonomy is the way forward for Shetland, if we elect an SNP MSP then the chances of that ever happening are greatly diminished. 
  15. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Roachmill in Brexit (merged threads)   
    That's way OTT; even by current standards. The whole SNP overload will have done them some damage for sure. If you want the nation behind you then that has to come freely and not from constant badgering. It's enough to make one vote Labour 
  16. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Wheelsup in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Ffs. That’s the first time I’ve felt uncomfortable going into the polling station. A bunch waving their wee flags at me. First time I’ve seen that in my parish. No need to tell you who their party is.
  17. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Suffererof1crankymofo in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Whilst I’m not sure Boris should have taken this action, I wonder if parliament needs some kick up the backside to get on with Brexit.
    The opposition and Labour in particular have been trying to get him out, suggesting votes of no confidence etc, with Corbin thinking he can take over, hows that democracy, the people didn’t vote either him or labour into power.
    In my opinion British politics is in such a mess, we need to get on with Brexit and leave on the 31 Oct with or without a deal, otherwise we will be still in the same position in years to come. And I voted remain and don’t vote conservative. I’m of the opinion that if the uk would stick together the eu would give us the deal we need. At the moment they just have to sit back and let our parties destroy any prospects of an acceptable deal by their bickering with each other.
    I’m sick to the back teeth of politics both in Westminster and Hollyrood. A large number of them are hypocrites. Nicola Sturgeon is on her soapbox, stating that democracy is dead, someone should tell her she killed off democracy the day she decided to blatantly ignore the outcome of the Scottish Independence referendum. Do they have no sense of decency.
    I’ve had to switch the news off this morning as I can no longer listen to the crap coming out of the mouths of some of these politicians. What a bunch of greeting bairns. Ffs.
    Rant over, normal service will resume shortly
  18. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Ghostrider in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Whilst I’m not sure Boris should have taken this action, I wonder if parliament needs some kick up the backside to get on with Brexit.
    The opposition and Labour in particular have been trying to get him out, suggesting votes of no confidence etc, with Corbin thinking he can take over, hows that democracy, the people didn’t vote either him or labour into power.
    In my opinion British politics is in such a mess, we need to get on with Brexit and leave on the 31 Oct with or without a deal, otherwise we will be still in the same position in years to come. And I voted remain and don’t vote conservative. I’m of the opinion that if the uk would stick together the eu would give us the deal we need. At the moment they just have to sit back and let our parties destroy any prospects of an acceptable deal by their bickering with each other.
    I’m sick to the back teeth of politics both in Westminster and Hollyrood. A large number of them are hypocrites. Nicola Sturgeon is on her soapbox, stating that democracy is dead, someone should tell her she killed off democracy the day she decided to blatantly ignore the outcome of the Scottish Independence referendum. Do they have no sense of decency.
    I’ve had to switch the news off this morning as I can no longer listen to the crap coming out of the mouths of some of these politicians. What a bunch of greeting bairns. Ffs.
    Rant over, normal service will resume shortly
  19. Like
    Windwalker got a reaction from Auld Mossyface in Brexit (merged threads)   
    Whilst I’m not sure Boris should have taken this action, I wonder if parliament needs some kick up the backside to get on with Brexit.
    The opposition and Labour in particular have been trying to get him out, suggesting votes of no confidence etc, with Corbin thinking he can take over, hows that democracy, the people didn’t vote either him or labour into power.
    In my opinion British politics is in such a mess, we need to get on with Brexit and leave on the 31 Oct with or without a deal, otherwise we will be still in the same position in years to come. And I voted remain and don’t vote conservative. I’m of the opinion that if the uk would stick together the eu would give us the deal we need. At the moment they just have to sit back and let our parties destroy any prospects of an acceptable deal by their bickering with each other.
    I’m sick to the back teeth of politics both in Westminster and Hollyrood. A large number of them are hypocrites. Nicola Sturgeon is on her soapbox, stating that democracy is dead, someone should tell her she killed off democracy the day she decided to blatantly ignore the outcome of the Scottish Independence referendum. Do they have no sense of decency.
    I’ve had to switch the news off this morning as I can no longer listen to the crap coming out of the mouths of some of these politicians. What a bunch of greeting bairns. Ffs.
    Rant over, normal service will resume shortly
  20. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Ghostrider in Brexit (merged threads)   
    She doesn't have one to suspend, Holyrood is a toothless talking shop. Besides, she doesn't need to suspend it, whatever it is to wreck the economy, she's doing a sterling job of that day by day.
  21. Like
    Windwalker reacted to whalsa in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    But what have the SNP done for Shetland since taking power? Besides promising things before elections then reneging that is. 
    It shouldn't matter what party your MSP belongs to, vital services should be properly funded in all parts of the country. For far too long Holyrood have relied on the SIC dipping in to it's reserves to prop up struggling services which really should be funded by central government. That is not what the oil money was for. They have coveted it since we got it. Why bother using their budgets when they know fine well that the socially conscious Shetland Councillors will spend their own resources rather than make unpalatable cuts. This has to end or we will have nothing left. 
  22. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    How can "voting for someone else" in order to prevent YOUR favoured party being elected be classed as a "cop out"?
    It has always happened and is normally referred to as "tactical voting".
    AFAIK, there is no law against it.
    As for taking (another) pop at the Libs.  You can only claim the moral "high ground" once you have attained it...
    IMHO, the SNP have done nothing other than run up a huge deficit by spending money they do not have.
  23. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    Well Capeesh, stopping the SNP could well be vital for Shetland's future, that's just the way it is.
  24. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Colin in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    Use some of the SNP stuff.  There's millions of it and it's to stifff for the only thing I can think to use it for. 
  25. Like
    Windwalker reacted to Claadehol in Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election   
    Please read John Tulloch's letter in Shetnews.
    (** mod edit - here's the link -> https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2019/08/26/election-letter-not-the-right-time-for-a-protest-vote/ **)
    It outlines the SNP's desperation to win Shetland, (just look at the number of their top politicians and minions who have been flown in lately), and explains the reason for that desperation.
    It is possible that we could in the future get autonomy and look after our own future, if the SNP get in that will be blocked.
    This is simply because the SNP desperately needs Shetland's maritime resources for its independence dream to have any chance of being fulfilled.
    We hold the cards here, keep them out, and leave the door open for Shetland to gain control over our resources, should we wish to.
    John Tulloch makes the point that he has faced flak for not living in Shetland, but then neither does Tom Wills. John Tulloch however has been involved in Shetland politics for a long time.
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