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Everything posted by Njugle

  1. Whit? Yun's the vaguest, base covering cracker of a meteorological saying I think I've ever seen. I'm finding it hard to see the scenario that might arise that couldn't be answered with "See, telt dee." ps: Newfoundlands have webbed feet, if I recall correctly.
  2. This is very interesting, in a morbid sort of way. The only data-mining of the sort you describe I've personally seen was through using gmail, with google being the supremos of discreet privacy invasion. I didn't think the the ad system here was that sophisticated, and is not affiliated to google. PB looks after the ad side of things, if he happens by it would be interesting to find out the technicalities of the ad servers used. Edit - you don't use Chrome do you GR?
  3. ^^Re: Tatties. Is it not more about avoiding the chance of eating a green bit by mistake?
  4. ^ Somewhat indeed. The second page pretty much brands the story a hoax. Scary thought though! (and one I believed as a kid too) Trying to recall some: One that springs to mind in the morbid side of things was that if a crow turned around three times on the roof of a house, someone would die there.
  5. Fair comment EM, every Shetland bairn of a certain age knows he/she can push an 87ft fishing boat off the pier with a little patient determination. Hopefully your speculation is borne out by the hi-tech manufacturers including a geared mechanism to allow this, but I'll bet a pork pie and a pint that it is not industry practice to wind them over by hand when idle.
  6. Really? The head of a 1.5MW turbine only weighs 40tons, apparently. Have some spinach! Ack, ack, ack! edit - http://www.aweo.org/windconsumption.html
  7. Oh, and if spraying, wear old clothes under boiler suit - it will get through - wear old toorie, cover neck, wear goggles and surgical gloves. Cloth across mouth is fine, or particle mask if you prefer. Not because the stuff is harmful*, it's just a bloody pest getting it off again. *If diluting with white spirit wear proper filtered mask, to avoid inhaling vapour and spray in very well ventilated area, and don't over-dilute!
  8. Don't leave home without it! Good policy to waxoyl or tetrosyl the car ever two or three years, especially if you intend to keep it a while. It makes a huge difference. You can also thin it by adding a but of white spirit in areas where you want it to run, when spraying. Helps with 'fiddly' bits that you can't reach all around. You can also mix it with engine oil to eke it out further and some knowledgeable folks reckon this will further improve slippage and overall benefit in the long term It may be a few hours of abject misery getting filthy under the car, but by god it's satisfying afterward. Highly recommend.
  9. The meeting room, upstairs in the hall, is not so big but the flooring is maybe not so good as a wooden floor. Depends what you prefer I spose.
  10. Yuns excellent Peter, hoor o a gaff
  11. The Scalloway Public Hall is also a possibility, I would imagine. Contact the community work office for bookings.
  12. I recall being told by a local fae Waas a few years ago that it was a corruption of a name that he pronounced differently again, I don't recall how exactly, but it started with more of a "Hv" sound, and he claimed it was a derivative of a norse word meaning 'voes' because of the seven voes that connect to the same bay area.
  13. A related news story I noticed a while ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6SqBNtxVpk (Edit- embed not allowed)
  14. Brian, I sent you a private message a long time ago on this very subject. I'd send you another one if I though you'd read it. So, I'll say instead: If you have any problem with any posts please let us know, rather than making comments such as the above. The mods are volunteers and you may expect us to vet every sinlge post individually, but I'm sorry, that's not possible. If you are volunteering your services, they will be most welcome, and you too can help to try and keep Shetlink as a friendly, welcoming online environment. Thanks.
  15. Apart from professing to talk with authority for all the rigs in the north sea, all the time, which is perhaps a bit unwise, bobdahog, you can question paulb's veracity in a more reasonable manner than that, if you must. I have no idea either way about offshore workers, but I am aware, for example, that people who drink regularly can suffer consequences when they lay off it, meaning that they could pass a breathalyser and still fall seriously ill afterward.
  16. The above posts are surely a shameful welcome for a poster on their first post. Shetlink has always endeavoured to be a friendly and welcoming online environment, and in this instance the rest of us must apologise for the scathing commentary of the perfect sophisticates. This thread will be merged with the existing windfarm thread.
  17. Walking to school costs nobody anything. Tiny schools may be hard to justify, but wherever you have a reasonable class size, then a school is viable. Staffing is the major cost, and unless you increase class sizes, you still need a core number of teachers and assistants, whether they be in Lerwick or Boddam.
  18. That's some lang spits for peerie bairns du's proposing. One day we'd all live in Lerwick, by the continuation of this logic. There are four "Lerwick area" Primaries mentioned for closure/merging in the Proposal documents. It is not specified which they are but it's assumed that Bell's Brae, Sound, Bressay and one other, perhaps Tingwall, are what is meant. Though it might be Scalloway, who knows? Well, the Education dept knows, but they're telling nobody.
  19. It would be interesting to see your breakdown of that saving, as it seems unclear from other sources, unless you are suggesting that the primary department of Scalloway JHS be closed also, in which case the savi9ng would bemore easily quantifiable. @NewMagnie - your last sentence is perhaps closer to the real, if somewhat radical, solution to all these budgeting problems, if only someone could be commissioned to identify such a scheme, some kind of blueprint, for education, say..... . In any case the proposal before councillors doesn't stop at closing Scalloway and Skerries, it includes huge savings from all the other schools, following this "hub" model, apparently. Even if Scalloway secondary dept closes, and this "huge waste of money" can be identified and saved, there will still be major cuts elsewhere. The next logical steps after that are to use the same closure model on the other JH schools, and close more primaries than planned at present.
  20. A blunt reminder that this thread is about the windfarm, and also that personal attacks are a breach of our T&Cs
  21. Hi Jarce, If you cannot embed the video, do you have a link to it? I'm sure there are members here who would be happy to help. Please don't be put off by bug's post, I think he/she was trying to be funny.
  22. I'm getting a result of 100 ads. Try deleting some Islesbhoy. That might sort it. Older ads are supposed to be deleted automatically, but I see at least one of your ads dates back to 2009, which surprised me.
  23. ^Appropriately enough: Shetland Arts website footer Touch of cross-threading here but ah well: http://www.shetlink.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=163417#163417 ^ It seems like a good thing that Jono has been at the heart of all this. When these questions arise, as they have before, my initial urge is to similarly question why local firms couldn't be engaged to do national and international branding and marketing on this level, and then I try and list the firms......erm Shaw Marketing? I'd guess that if it were purely about a logo, Jono could have done that, and maybe he did, GG states in the linked post above that the sooth firm were used for their contacts, one of those intangible aspects that are both hard to question and hard to do without for anything attempting to be wide ranging.
  24. Any and all of Shetland's wartime bases are scattered with spent munitions, if that interests you daveh. Collecting all the various cartridge types can be a bit like stamp collecting. The bullet heads are less interesting perhaps, but we did find some from a Gatling gun once iirc, rather than the usual .303 and 7.62s that are widespread. There are mortar ranges too, I've seen a complete tail fin come from one, but mostly just shrapnel. Other than that it's a complete lucky dip.
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