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Everything posted by Njugle

  1. Where's the harm in that?* The ire in that statement suggests, "How dare someone do something we don't like in our general area, though not actually on land and not directly affecting any of us!" *(Other than the risk to our friendly welcoming reputation created by the "Hang em high" type comments ) * Accepting that the emergency services may have been required if things had gone wrong, but in the event, weren't. Edit - added extra * for context.
  2. Which poor sods? Shetland or Shetlink or....? I wasn't aware anybody was being "used" involuntarily other than the crew and Master of the Stena Carron. The TV crews and reporters are being paid.
  3. Maybe the AIS service was out of bandwidth, after having the whole (interested) world pointed at it via the comments in this forum thread, given that it ranks fairly high on a search of the subject. Paints a picture doesn't it. Their protest is certainly succeeding anyway with the continued interest and publicity generated. They win. Sun Tzu say*: The commander who uses his enemy's resources to ensure his own victory has won the war before the first sword is drawn. *(Well...he didn't, I did, but it sounds like something he would have said )
  4. ^ Min shø'd shun pack we powder and shot. Turning it tae aim might be a bit more o a problem though. It might be a lang wait fir a beam shot. No dat I wid dae onything lik dat, nor advocate it.
  5. I'm no expert EM, nor a GP fan, but I think I'm in safe territory saying that some of the deeper wells west of Shetland are relatively heavy crude, that was one of the reasons they were left for so long. Heavy crude + deep water. If one were to blow out on the scale of the US disaster we would almost certainly be aware of it, being downstream of the prevailing currents, and that which did not float would have a strong possibility of hanging around on the sea bed, gugging up the occasional trawl net for quite a while = fishing restrictions. However, the official line is that the UK sector is better regulated than the US, so it is less likely to happen. Yes, there are natural and manmade spills all the time, and similarly there are lumps of black tarry gug that wash up on our beaches at present that have no apparent source. One good example of what I'm trying to convey is the regular occurrence of black pumice washed up on Shetland beaches. It is everywhere, little lumps not easy to spot, but I've stopped collecting them because I've found plenty. Ask yourself, where do these lumps of "lava" come from?
  6. Hiya eastsider. If you have a look back through this thread, particularly for posts by Gorgonzola-butt-cheese, you'll find answers to the point you make about a power outage.
  7. Nail on the head. As stated by Bill Manson in the Services committee meeting that started this whole process, the reason they chose Scalloway (and Skerries) and not the other Junior Highs too was because the level of protest would be unmanageable. He said it himself.
  8. As do we. Given the time constaints that we all operate under, the classified just get blitzed from time to time, and we welcome any reporting of commercial ads to us for deletion. And, as you say, for the record, we do not accept or invite commercial ads in the classifieds section at this time and will delete any without warning. Same for those who break the 14 day rule. Please feel free to report users who abuse the system to us by PM and we will delete them too. Thanks.
  9. Nah, you misunderstand me GR, I mean the movements will probably be jerky and abrupt at best and 'lowering them a yard at a time may inadvertently result in a startled activist being ten feet under water in an instant, locked in a tent. Hoisting them would probably be much more controllable.
  10. Just to add to the valued realism that Gorgo is contributing, without in any ways supporting GP: Gorgo is right about the level of redundancy on this ship, but for those who think it would be a good idea to lower the anchor chains slowly to sea level, the same level of control that the rest of the ship has is unlikely to extend to her anchor winch brakes, if indeed she has any. Lowering the chains in a controlled manner would be pretty risky from a manslaughter point of view, otherwise they'd have done it already. I'd reckon GP would be aware of this before attaching themselves to them. Crafty beggars. Tinks du Gorgo?
  11. This is a very good question deardron. I think the real answer would be in the demographics of visitor origins. The past two years in Shetland have seen good numbers of tourists, many from the UK as a result of nature documentary promotion of Shetland on BBC TV, and there have still been Scandinavians. The interesting thing would be to compare like with like, ie Scandinavian and Vest Nordic visitor numbers before and after, as overall visitor numbers may not reflect the loss of the service due to the BBC anomaly It is bizarre to watch her steam by, so close to Flugga.
  12. Yes we do, it's a bloody marvellous automated system that restricts foul mouthed outbursts, but has some comical consequences in the less severe of cussing. It's a family friendly forum.
  13. Re-brand an existing one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shannon-Board-Games-Ltd-Hnefatafl/dp/B000BKBPV2/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_1 Dragon's Den potential. __________________________________________ Hi Jordan, answers may be easier if you gave some idea of the level of technical requirements. Eg. if you just need counters and a board, slices off a broom handle would be easy for the school or college to produce. If, however, you need character pieces like a chess set, you are going to run into production vs cost difficulties anywhere this side of China! How about mini cardboard cutouts if so? They could be produced either by school, a firm like Tay Cad or a number of other sources... ...more info please!
  14. I've just not long demolished an old peat drying shed in the garden. Proof that something cobbled together from slatted scrap wood (like pallets) with a thin corrugated iron roof can do the job as it was there for no less than 30 years, probably nearer 50. It was an ideal drying space. I think another olde worlde solution would be to store them in a loft. Might not be enough air movement in a modern house, depends on what type of house/shed you have.
  15. Whit?? Are you suggesting that the peeries shop is selling mass-produced factory food? or: Mass producing food in their own factory kitchen, to sell in bulk and exploit the economies of scale? Either way, I'll bet a de-caff latte and a slice of chocolate cake that you are wrong. BTW. Welcome to the forum hearts1234, enjoy your stay, have your say and please try avoid any direct business promotion. Other folk can say you are good, but if you say you are good, we'd might have to edit it out.
  16. Or, perhaps, families can have a wholesome night out at the cinema that they otherwise wouldn't have bothered with, for example.
  17. Dy glee at being able to burst balloons is sadly misplaced, I'd be surprised if there is anybody reading this that doesn't understand that you can't take the breeks aff a bare backside. Yes yes, because the Lerwick nightlife is currently thriving with a healthy social scene and a pictir hoose, a club and some gigs are going to drag the teeming masses from.....where was that again, exactly?
  18. It's not as straightforward as that though, really. Everybody who applies for capital funding, of the type being spent on Mareel, has an equal chance of success. It would be hard to substantiate the suggestion that there is a situation of robbing Peter to pay Paul with the capital funding to build a venue for all of Shetland's musical culture (including Peerie Willies jazz and Tammy Anderson's fiddles) and a fit for purpose cinema for da auld and young alike tae watch Jenny Gilbertson films, if they so wish. Heritage is something people generate themselves and Mareel is there for the making and reliving of it.
  19. Well, I won't argue with that...... Something that has occurred to me more and more of late is that our current councillors sometimes opt neither to represent their electorate, by the rationale of deeming their own formulated opinion to be adequate, and are also out of the habit of actually debating anything in the chamber, choosing rather to stick to their guns, regardless of what come out during proceedings. It's democracy Jim, but not as we know it. Oops, totally off topic innit. Erm, oh yeah, on the news clip I saw about the film for dogs, there were people allowed in too, so it wasn't exclusive as far as I can make out. God forbid anybody found any fun in the idea. Films are a serious business and publicity should be clearly outlined as such, we'll have none of this whimsical economical promotion or innovation around here. Hmm , still off topic. Perhaps next year Screenplay could host a film on the outside, seaward wall of Mareel to wind up some more folk, viewable by boat, and fish. A film for fish! Outrageous! Any suggestions as to the movie?
  20. ^ Very true, I pretty much concur on all the above points form Spinner and MuckleJoannie It may be a little troll food, but one aspect that endures in these, now pointless, comments of derision is that to suggest that Mareel is so far removed from benefit to the community and viability, is to claim to know better than the ERDF, the Lottery fund managers (who have rejected notable projects in Shetland) and the majority of the SIC among other funders, all of whom are apparently incapable of drawing their own reasoned conclusions as to the benefit and viability of such a venture, and have instead been somehow mystified by the evil self-serving applicants, who care for nothing other than the wanton squander of money. Makes you want to go out and start collecting application forms, if it's all so easy.
  21. Hmm, it's funny how different peoples pre-conceptions create different ideas of what goes on around here. I like a good spree too, but some of the things that I've stumbled upon in Shetland in recent years have boggled the mind. A life changing event some years ago for me was when guitarist Juan Martin (at the time ranked top 3 guitarists in the world by guitar magazine) was taken up by Davy Gardner(then Shetland Arts) to play in the Sound Hall for a fraction of what you'd pay to see him on the mainland. He plays flamenco style and I had little more than a passing interest in it, but couldn't believe that it was him that was coming here so I went along for an inexpensive nosy. Until he stepped onto the stage I still couldn't believe it would be him as there were a few empty seats still available. Now, far from the truffle coiffing elitism that some attribute to SA, this was the exact opposite - world class act -roughing it in the Sound Hall for a tenner. Incredible. It was one of the best gigs I've ever attended (and that includes The Damned's 3rd farewell tour at the Barrowlands and ACDC at the SECC, both of which were more than twice the price ) As I understand it, Mareel will be open to all types of gig, from Jeff Ampleford's ska/indie bands to the Scottish Chamber Orchestra to happy hardcore discos . Yes, there is a risk in such a diverse range perhaps, but bear in mind the current venue for larger events is a sports centre, the North Star has been panned, and stringent regulations are gradually eating away at the superb festivals of old (bring back the Pictish Festival!) Mention of the Folk Festival here in context of the arty-farty brigade is a bit of a combo, as the FF isn't a SA event, it is run entirely by volunteers, with a little public funding thrown in, and yep, the shushing is quite severe, but it seems to be a case of horses for courses. I've seen at least two bands in Shetland in recent years who have actually had to ask the audience to loosen up a bit and enjoy themselves more, (which they then did in one case- SA event and didn't in the other- FF event). The FF sells out most gigs before the tickets even go on sale and yet nationally significant rock bands (eg.Gun) can play to empty venues, all in the same isles where aabody dancing in the living room to an accordionist too drunk to stand is equally as good a night out can be had anywhere - bizarre! It's a funny old musical world roond here, and all the better for it.
  22. Brian: Confucius say, the hunting hound will tend to feed only itself unless given reason to provide a meal for the family.
  23. For reasons of good practice, Shetlink requires that any allegations or direct criticism against public figures be fact based and substantiated. Please remember that in a thread of this type. Supposition as to "waves of ill feeling" could be claimed but without evidence are not really a fair comment. We all have our own opinions about public figures but shouldn't profess to know the minds of others without evidence to back it up. And remember the T&Cs, or the thread will be locked, etc. Thanks.
  24. There is more than a little irony, williar, in your assumptions (and total lack of research) about Bryan while taking umbrage at him not recognising you in the way you deem appropriate.
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