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Everything posted by Njugle

  1. Alas,I can but wish that i could feel a little sheepish too. Or dare i say, that i could scratch that "i(t)sh" for you my little caddie. It's probably just a tick anyway.
  2. Ditto! I thought the ad's and reviews looked good, but you're always wary of hype. Not anymore it seems. Never have i been so impressed at the (extremely unlikely in this case) outcome that the film is a superb representation of the book. It doesn't happen often! I couldn't beleive it. Masterful, brilliant.
  3. What the heck, go the whole hog and make them run on generator hamster wheels to earn their keep, while producing hot-air, and all the planet's problems are solved. Mind you that is a lot of CO2 and would need to be contained. Maybe the new parliement building should have been built on the moon, it probably would have been cheaper
  4. Still sounding pretty good to me! Nice warm hall, food,drink, not a whole year of thought and preparation, plenty of eye-candy.....etc Lass, dir shurly nae hardship in buttering a bannock or stirring a pot of soup, that would be, what, about five seconds work? I don't know, da girse is always greener eh? Anyhoo, now that this year's festival is done and by with , i feel it appropriate to congratulate Jarl Mark Manson on the event and on the authenticity of the jarl squad costume this year. It is da fine to see 'vikings' dressed like Vikings. None of this exotic fanciful nonsense, and the metalwork was outstanding. Nice one. The bottle-opener daggers were a touch of class and beautiful with it. A job well done.
  5. send flossie to the trout, he'll never know the difference And then....give me the moonlight, give me the gimmer, and leave the rest to me... How about some music........ Baa ba ba-ba ba bara-anne....too corny Maybe "Ewe never close your eyes, any more, when i clip your fle-ee--ece.....And there's no tenderness, any more, when i drench for flea-ea-eas..................(chorus) Ewe've lost that love of shearing, wo-oo-woaw, love of shearing...." stop me.....please.....forget the trout......my tether is leather.... xxx
  6. Bingo, that's the statement i wish trout had made in the first place!
  7. Well said indeed PB. That's one of the funniest statements on the forum so far, and i totally agree! At least John Smith is individual enough to only work one way round,ie Stewart James, James Stewart.....generic or what.....must hold back also.....
  8. Okey dokey, i may have taken a different meaning to trout's statement than the one intended. I do, however, follow my previous comment with the fact that theist or not, many of the ethical and moral systems we have in place are only there because they stem from religious doctrine from previous centuries, that is to say, religion -good or bad- is intertwined with our culture whether we notice it or not. There is a middle ground between hocus-pocus and hard line sterile philosophical politics, and for those who do not wish to engage in philosophical debate it is an awful lot easier to read it from a 'good book' with 'magical' stories.
  9. Competition aayyh? Well, then may i propose to my furry little gimmer that rather than settle for some cheapskate with hay and water....How's about we go crazy with a whole mineral block and 20kg of ewe nuts, (and not the cheap ones either!) and party all nicht!
  10. Yeah, okay, while i was responding to trout, peeriebryan got in there with a better response/portrayal In terms of excluding religion altogether though as trout was proposing, even in the most simplistic terms, there is an undeniable benefit from having a system of ethics, morality and rules in general, in any culture. Especially ones that are not as advanced as our own. That is a huge subject in itself.
  11. And that is supposed to be a less extreme view than the muslim or christian fundamentalists? Pot calling kettle and all that...
  12. Dabs are outstanding, if i mind right they have an excellent order tracking service too. For Mac stuff I can't fault Macwarehouse peeriebryan, they usually deliver within two days which is pretty good up here. They also have a pc division called pcwarehouse or something, but something that has repeatedly impressed me is their tech knowledge, phone sales people can often be nothing more that operators, but i've had good experiences with them. (that'll ironically be the last time then!) I agree with Poolhaddock about "scan.co.uk" also. Good service. And i can't help but say I bought a printer from PCWorld once. Never, ever,ever again. If i was to crash my car, let it be into one of their shops. It took me three months to get my money back after a million fruitless phone calls, regarding equipment that could never have run on my system in the first place. I am so embarassed that i took their advice on good faith. The only way the situ was resolved was with a letter marked private and confidential to the manager, threatening to go public. Scum!
  13. How about some feedback on Broadband Service, like reliability, customer service, value for money, bandwidth issues, claimed connection speeds vs actual, hidden costs and free phone services, etc?
  14. Anyway...How Yowe Doin? ( in a Joey Trebiani stylee) Just let me know which hill park you are in and i'll be there, finest wellies to boot. I can't believe i just wrote that, finest wellies to boot, that's shocking, sheesh!
  15. Without getting too far into the debate:- I feel the need to point out that we are dealing with minorities here. Not the whole Islamic movement. And also, if they take such great offence at it, why provoke them? The cartoons are not exactly life changing from a comic point of view. And if we do not understand their culture it does not imply that we are right and they should lighten up. If an indigenous culture that practised female circumcision and marriage at ten years old started publishing jokes about it in the west, we would all be pretty upset about it. We might even make a few banners and burn a few flags. But they co-exist with us on the planet none-the-less. We pride ourselves on our sophistication at being able to watch documentaries about them! It's all about perspective and they(muslims) have a right to their own. Whilst we side with a nation that is now politically more than 50% neo-conservative and progressing toward creationist education and nuclear domination of those who do not concur with them, "we can have them and you can't", and that's all okay is it? vote "uk politics" to perpetuate it. Damn, i just got too far into the debate...doh!
  16. A good firm hoch is what i'm after! Firm on da leg, soft in da oven,, ahem i mean on the tongue, ehh, whatever... Anyhoo, here i lie unable to sleep. Many years of counting sheep to aid this process are now ended by thoughts of ewe. Alas.....
  17. Concerned readers of this sensitive forum may be shocked to hear that in certain cultures it is still commonplace to set up bears eggs on stands and throw solid wooden balls at them, just for the sheer abusive fun of it. I'm led to believe that they even award prizes for knocking them to the ground. To see a permanent end to this barbaric practise please contact me privately with donations, or visit www.bearfaced.bankofscotland.bz using "njugle's account" as login and 'sucker' as password Don't let this butchery go on another day.
  18. And? Pure Americano laziness! See how fat they all are? How does that happen....Cos none of them are carving neaps, that's how! I bet K.Karam is even a bit plump by now, send her a neap too! Neaps are easier to grow! Anyhoo, haven't you heard of power tools?.....And i mean 1200W B&D Router, not Dremel! Nyak nyak nyak...raw power.
  19. And there lies the conundrum. Lets take it into ethics for the sake of politics for a mo. A huge percentage of the voting population perceive cannabis to be illegal and hence bad. Therefore any attempt to legalise or de-criminalize it would be perceived as ethically wrong by, particularly, the older generation and, hence, would lose votes. The younger generation have grown up with far more exposure to it, but because it has been illegal to date it carries a certain psychological negativity, or rebeliousness, with it that would not be there otherwise. So it is impossible to perceive how it should really be perceived in an ethical manner as it has never been neutral to facillitate this. So... even a referendum on the subject would not provide a 'true' answer. The truth probably lies in the hypothesis that; were history to be re-written and cannabis to become widespread chronologically before alcohol, the laws forbidding the use of alcohol would be more stringent than those against cannabis, due to death toll, addiction and general disease! And the nation would be generally sedated in terms of ASB, driving, crime etc., and far more easy to police! A double saving. Ahh the irony. Still, in a truly Utopian society, created by a government entirely serving the people and totally liable for all their statements of intent/manifesto, we'd all be so happy that no forms of sedation or escapism would be required. Vote for me and we can achieve this!!!! Zetland Uber Alles! The space ships arrive in three years, all un-initiated shall perish! what do you mean you're taking me away....hey this jackets a bit restrictive..and white's not my colour....
  20. Eh? Just been reading it. there is some slighty confused, though probably factual reference to the Orkneyinga Saga on page twelve but seems correct otherwise. What am i missing?
  21. This is of course the all encompassing fact, but there still remains an area between the two extremes, whereby; just because a majority of people are doing something does not necessarily make it right or good or safe. In our modern omniscient ignorant society the potential is there for those without full knowledge or preparation to engage in activities that will inevitably harm them.eg 100 years ago, only people in close proximity to mountains would dabble with climbing them, now people from the heart of london can endeavour to scale mt snowdon on a day trip, wearing flip-flops and tee-shirts. All fine until something goes wrong, maybe increased fore-knowledge would help the situ. Excuse the depth of my analogy, but you'll get my drift i'm sure.ie availability and prevalence do not make for a justification, but at the same time people should still have a certain freedom to choose. My further point here relates to another comment etc.... Dare i point out that in certain circumstances, both alcohol and tobacco are ILLEGAL also, ie driving, and public buildings so to adopt the "elegal"-"eliterate" argument we should ban them also then?
  22. Truly devastated that i inadvertently stood you up my shaven raver, i was unfortunately off-isle shooting ruminants for greenpeace. Have no culling plans for next weekend though. Hope you kept your shavings, i'm in need of a new toorie. Naturally scented of course. X By the way, how firm are your hoch's?
  23. Individual migrant bird advocacy. Birds have needs too.
  24. Balderdash! They're not ace on pizza's and they're not nice on their own. The only way that they become palatable is when stuffed into olives, coincidentally, the only way that olives become palatable, when stuffed with anchovies. What a job, imagine doing that, stuffing tiny shrunken fish into holes cut in tiny vine fruit all day, who does that, the oompaloompas?
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