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Everything posted by Njugle

  1. Do you really need to ask that of the guy who walks like John Wayne and never sits down....even when sleeping? His surrogate porcupine hatching business is booming though. I here tell that there's talk of expanding into other areas, like buttock blood art, and scabby man's head storage. You can take the quill out of the buttock, but you'll never take the buttock out of the quills.
  2. Your grumbles pale into insignifigance in the face of the dreaded..........Halloween pumpkin! God help me! It's an outrage. I have taken to carving out neapy lanterns just to provide personal diversion therapy! Pumpkins don't even grow here! AAArggh! And while i'm at it, fries or chips! Why oh why do british retail outlets need to americanise in this way, i mean the novelty value is long since spent. anyhoo, off out in the SUV for a mosey, i've run out of catsup, and there's some trash on the sidewalk that wants shifting.
  3. Yeah, they could, but what would they all do? Here's an interesting one though. Give economically declining areas like Unst a 'true broadband' uplink to a satellite of 8meg+ and you could have the ecommerce and call centre people queuing up! That's gotta cost less than a tunnel? Then...put a tidal generation barrier across bluemull sound and that combined with their 'hydrogen' powered electric cars, and they'd be laughing! Free intra-island transport, free housing, superb infrastructure.! When i rule the world........
  4. Ower my dead body. Up Helly Aa is fur boys Think it through peeriebryan: A procession of braless women on a cold and potentially rainy night, culminating with them dancing around a bonfire....Sold! "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
  5. Probably, as in, bye bye shetland line=more freight and bigger boats means more cabins/bunks+greater stability=more pleasant ride=more passengers. Maybe?
  6. Very true McFly, I've just realised jimmy must be in hell, he's burning with deceased AC/DC and Primus tribute bands . Ironic hell indeed.
  7. Not only do you embody the spirit of whitely, amigo, i fear you probably write song lyrics for the 'Darkness' as well.... no?
  8. You're missing the point jimmy. Your username is your title. Your other 'title' is just a measure of your valued contribution. It is not a competition, there are no prizes, so why would anyone post 'crap' to gain a better title? Its just a bit of fun
  9. Yeah maybe, but in heaven you can enjoy 'ripping and burning' them from above at lightning speed via the Holy Limewire
  10. Holy Shamola!! I'm off to the kirk then, praise be to allah! Curse you Bill-elzeebub Gates and your twisted tortures!
  11. Cool! Does the afterlife have broadband by any chance? I've always wondered.
  12. 1-50 posts =SMS 51-150 posts = Oracle 151-300 posts = Red Button 301+ = WWW
  13. 1-50 posts =Wall Flower 51-150 posts = Sheeks 151-300 posts = Fish Wife 301+ = Gob-sharn Wall flower is crap, but can't think of immediate alt. Any body?
  14. 1-50 posts = Caddie Lamb 51-150 posts = Yowe 151-300 posts = Muckle Hug 301+ = Sunday Roast sorry
  15. Whitely's spirit strikes again
  16. Wahey! Dah-Dah-Da--- Another one bites the dust! (humour me) Simon Hughes goes down, pardon the pun. Was he not the 'camp' controller in Hi-De-Hi anyhoo? No surprises here then Are there any LibDems left apart from Ming the merciless now? Shortly this topic may have to converge and be re-titled "A Minority of One"
  17. D-I-NG D-O-NG! Now we're talking. And a musky smell by any chance? Grrraaooorrrr....baby! Doing anything this weekend, apart from eating grass and crapping continuously?
  18. Does Toast Titanium not have a vinyl track separator for this scenario? I don't have it myself but i'm sure there was a version of toast that dealt with this. Alternatively, a Sony Walkman MD will identify the separators between tracks so long as they are 3 seconds or more, which gives you a digitized version you can 'skip' through same as a cd. All he would need to do is press record.
  19. Yeah i saw that one! It was excellent. Public money well spent. Did a bit of it not land on a car or something? I forget, it was a while ago. To progress the train of thought, the whale could have been used for the ultimate in friendly fire target practice, all they needed to do was tell the yanks to leave it alone.....aabbbaaabboooom!
  20. An officer and a gentleman, I wid've strided over patrick swayze to get to him
  21. Ony chance o' elaborating on dat wan? I put a search on it and ended up surfing hugh cornwell..etc
  22. Good point Gandhi. The old site would be pretty impressive, if comprehensive, and if updated, etc.
  23. So, the London whale is dead. Was it worth the £50,000 spent trying to return it to the open ocean, when it obviously had 'issues' that caused it to follow a river upstream to begin with? Less than 100 years ago there would have been a race to get a hook in it, to serve it up in the finest restaurant rich enough to buy it. Had it been anywhere but London, would so much fuss have been made? Why was £50,000 not spent on the East Voe dolphin (the carcass of which has now mysteriously vanished)? What about the protocol which dictates that wildlife viewing should not intervene? What about the "Natural Heritage" guidelines issued this year which dictate the procedures we should comply with whilst keeping AWAY from marine mammals? Whilst otters choose to board fishing vessels, in search of discarded fish, with crew in attendance. And all the while there are people within 50 miles of where i sit discreetly and conservatively sampling the delights of seal and neesik meat from time to time. What think ye? Aaarrr!
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