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Everything posted by Njugle

  1. Yeah, I thought so too. When I/we get a mo we'll have a tweak.
  2. We researched 18th century curses to put in initially, there may be one or two still there. I think the one that goes against the grain is monkey, so it's due for a change. Otherwise, I like it, and it does have a notably beneficial effect on the forum content. There is only perhaps one or two users who consistently posts swear words and don't seem to ever realise that they are being replaced with nonsense. Without the filter, this would almost certainly not be the case. >
  3. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e363/njugle/yowe-whisperer.jpg
  4. I think it could be deduced, perhaps in a speculative sense, that if the threats were of a sinister nature we wouldn't have heard about it. I'd guess that it is threat of non-election. A threat, by any other name. Burra folk are, as a generalisation, quite forthright in their approach.
  5. A little Wednesday night satire.... http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e363/njugle/wicked.jpg
  6. I'm not sure that the planning department is in a position to either encourage or actively discourage any plans of this type. They are there to make sure that endless reams of bureaucracy are fulfilled and planning 'guidelines' and policies are adhered to. There are examples of similar scenarios to yours throughout Shetland. Often, it would seem that a pile of stones is preferable to a traditional restored Shetland home from a bureaucratic point of view. There are success stories, I can't recall one off-hand but for encouragement you should perhaps rely more on the councillor for the area and the regional community council. Don't lose heart, just play the game in acceptance of their rules.
  7. Can we take the discussion on the merits of writing in dialect to the dedicated forum and leave this one on topic please. Thanks.
  8. You do know they are going to try to cut the overall budget by about £3million regardless of Scalloway closing, right? That was the Option 1 proposal and that was voted through as well as Option 2, to close Scalloway. The Scalloway cost, dubious as it it, pales somewhat in comparison that overall figure. If you think the schools can't afford the Scalloway apportionment, you are in for a shock at what will happen anyway, even if it closes.
  9. Seasonal migrants, spectacular birds to watch. Two of them spent a few days at Sand Water last year, or maybe the year before (time flies!). They were hauling out fish at 1lb+, the envy of any angler that fishes the loch. Great stuff.
  10. Just wait til they reveal their plans for Bressa'.
  11. I'm looking at 7 from April alone on my screen, posted throughout the calendar month. If there were more I don't recall them.
  12. It was approved at Westminster first time around.
  13. I've had no problems with Jim's, with an oldish bike. They have become more thorough as time has gone on, but I've had a minor fault on the bike that I've overlooked that would represent a technical fail, whereupon they have happily given me a loan of tools to fix it then and there to allow a pass, which is as good as you could expect from anyone, I reckon.
  14. Well, if you were under scrutiny by Mike Russell for closing a fit for purpose school and moving the pupils to a school with inadequate social areas, what would you do? That planning application, if ever submitted, was approved before it was written. And the expense of building this space is, of course, a capital spend and not a running cost, so it in nooooo way affects the viability of the closure that necessitated it. Money gets tighter and it will still be there in 40 years time, full of bairns who have never seen a built-for-purpose secondary school. Hamnavoe, Nesting and Tingwall bairns will take the electric bus to Scalloway each morning, and the old schoolhouse will be a private postal address, or a lambing shed.
  15. And the Sooty reference Parahandy? Flippant, or intended?
  16. Possibly because they wanted to be seen to make a firm decision in the eyes of the Scottish Government, while some of them firmly believed that the call-in would make the ultimate decision for them. What it is essential to remember though, is that the Scottish Government only responded as to whether the consultation process had been complied with, not whether the closure was a good idea or not. In this respect Mike Russell exhibited the utmost hypocrisy, after intervening to retain schools undergoing a similar process in his own area, then hanging Scalloway out to dry on nothing more that the fact that 'due process' had been followed. But then, perhaps the consultation in his own area did not take into account the views of the parents and community representatives in his area.....oh, haad on a minute......
  17. Please try to keep the discussion on topic, or at least referring to it, and remember the T&Cs. Thanks.
  18. I think its worth pointing out that the decision to close Scalloway was not unanimous at the time, and those that opposed it at that time are in the forefront of this effort to retain it until the AHS is ready.
  19. Scalloway Castle would also be nigh on impossible to rebuild too, given the cost and availability of materials required and prohibitive planning restrictions. The pyramids might actually be easier.
  20. Blimey, I just don't know where to start with that one Parahandy. Maybe to ask that you read GypsyScy's post above and take a three deep breaths. I recall making similar posts when Hussein was executed. Rejoicing in the death of another is a conflicted moral high ground adopt.
  21. If it remains intact, with the tourist trade becoming more of a focus, a new museum next door and local traders becoming ever-more savvy, it may come to be that the castle may increasingly provide income for the locals, rather than extract income from them as it did 400 years ago. For that reason it should surely remain.
  22. I don't think Tavish is helping himself at the moment by repeatedly claiming that a vote for the Lib Dems is a vote to preserve rural education and policing, at a time when the ink is not yet dry on one substantial school closure and two rural police station closures that happened during his watch. Somethng about stable doors and bolted horses springs to mind. As do "who are you trying to kid?"
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