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Posts posted by paulb

  1. For those who cited Sweden as an example of how to deal with Covid...


    "...We are far beyond 100% of capacity in intensive care. We are approaching almost double the number of available spaces..."

    "...That was the country's second-highest number of monthly deaths on record, surpassed only by the country's worst month of the 1918 influenza pandemic..."

    yes very nasty. i hope it starts improving. yet they have not approved any vax yet.

  2. lots more scaremongering. vote for the candidate that you believe is promising the best for shetland. not that this party or that party is horrible and that they are going to do lots of nasty stuff. i would have expected the lib dems to be more positive than that. youve had power in both msp and mp for a long time either put forward positive stuff or just sit on your majority and hope. its sad that it cant be a more open and positive race. and no having an msp who is snp will not make an indy2 any more likely.

  3. ^^Scottish Building Services. SBSC exists to support and promote delivery of the Certification requirements of The Building (Scotland) Act 2003.


    Scottish Government Building Standards


    As I understand it, it is a slightly different scheme from what is used in England and Wales but it's there for basically the same reason, and applying solely to Scotland as Fensa does for England.

    thank you.i was only aware of the english one. 

  4. it should be covered by i think a fensa certificate. looking at the response from the builder and manufactorer im guessing it going to be one of the first 2.

    its really easy to chip it if not handle very carefully. it would the act like a windscreen crack its going to slowly be expanding. with toughened glass as you would expect it will fail rather rapidly. i suspect it was not fitted properly. if the builder has not given you a cert it could be raised as an issue if you come to sell. plus its meant to have a guarantee with it.


    all glass in double grazing should be upto at least pilkington k standard. its unfair that youve been left with this. can you get triple glaized with toughened glass. i probably would not be bothered by that nickel test. it really should not have been moving in the wind. argon filled would be better. 


    a blown window when water gets in should not cause it to fail. it will lose some insulation value but thats it. its even fixable  not sure its done up here. 


    ireally hope you get it sorted

  5. how old was the broken widow.could it have been something as simple that if one pane was diffrent to the other then it could expand and contract at diffrent rates. hence it broke. those where just examples and not me saying to use them. is it covered by your insurance. the troubleif you just replace it then it may happen again. is it possible that something hit it which of course would then make it an insurance claim.

  6. probaly not but try these https://sealedunitsonline.co.uk/regular/default.aspx?gclid=CjwKCAjw0N3nBRBvEiwAHMwvNu83lFnT-O2mb59_rMKKChs4NY_q-S5d-mngPv2Digk7UN_YjwEr1BoC5BgQAvD_BwE


    or these



    they areboth coming out at between 250-350. if just replacing the glass then its a few minutes work. however i would really want to know why it broke first . either structural movement. oviously the worst option. a frame fault or glass fault. where the spacers used was it able to expand and contract. im no expert i did replace our previous houses windows myself. i was surprised the glass was cheap compared to the frame. make sure its measured accuratly an error we had. 

  7. come on you know the lady up here is doing if for the sake of the dogs. of course there is going to bea cost in rescuing a dog from spain. the vet screening alone will be quite expensive transport. and assessment at this end. if they are proper rescue dogs you never own them your just there carers. the one we got from the spca was a failed rehome well it was more than that but nether mind it was originally an Italian Spinone rescue dog. we had to get permission to put to sleep the dog when its cancer had spread. the poor dog had suffered abuse her whole life and if we had not taken her she would have been reshipped to the south of england. we guess she would have died in transit. anyway we had a really sweet natured dog for a few months. and if we could we would do it again. would i pay a few hundred for a foreign dog probably not. there are enough even in shetland that needs rehoming. 

  8. they are made so you cant fix them. look at TVs. once it was a quick visit from a repairman and a valve was switched. now you would have to replace half of the telly. at a higher cost than buying new. dryers in point the back bearing wares with age. it used to be reasonably easy to replace it for under10quid. now they weld it to the drum. 

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