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Everything posted by paulb

  1. its like a spiders web of interconnections council, trusts, health board, habour trust.
  2. as there are a number of you with concerns. start asking questions in your real names of cope. see what they have to say. shetlink really wont resolve your worries. none of us can raise it for you. but we can offer support and advice. on how to. im not taking a side on this issue as i dont know. it would be a real shame if it was not employing as many service users as possible.
  3. Then maybe contact The Enterprise Ready Fund and ask Them to investigate.
  4. if your concerned raise it with http://www.oscr.org.uk/ it can be hard in a small community to not employ relatives/ friends. as long as they interviewed equally and fairly. obviously you should not be involved in interviews if a close relative is involved. but we dont know and i would advise caution on what your implying. just speak to oscr. you seem to have an issue with cope. if your so bothered volunteer and help them change.
  5. other charity shops do as well. makes sense its a large seller of 2nd hand items. so a quick reference will give a guide to price.
  6. last line refered to clink restaurants run by prisioners on prison property by a charity to train prisoners. was just an example. colin we will just have to disagree.
  7. grumpy. you really believe our government would do anything i would disagree i believe local ideas like cope are better than employment schemes done by central government. i dont believe any of our political parties would. its a much needed service. as is moving on.
  8. it amazes me how generous people on shetland can be. sounds fine. would have been better if you had said you were involved with cope. well done if you are. no one has picked on cope. 2 issues were raised not by me by the way. 1. pricing. you have dealt with it. 2. coffee shop now closed. ive no problem with cope competing with normal shops. why not do a proper restaurant. a number of prisons are opening clink restaurants. no one moans about near free labour and free business rates. PLEASE TRY TO READ what folks are trying to say. everyone wants cope to be a massive success. they want your scrap store to be a success. not everyone can afford new. so carry on. please keep us up dated on your plans for cope. we would love to know
  9. you could argue that about all charities. but the world would be a much sadder place without them. but im sure its a bit unfair to label copes staff of such a charge. when ive been near a cope store of any kind i see folks enjoying there work, its not often i see that in normal workers. if that requires staff to be employed i really dont care. much better for the clients supported workers to be out and working/learning than stuck at home. its sad the government are making it harder for people with serious learning disabilities to work.
  10. a little unfair most of us a supporters of cope.
  11. its a worthy cause. plants and butties too. the Volunteers are wonderful folks loads of praise richly deserved. the whole concept of protected training/work is excellent a pity the condems have closed remploy and other similar projects. the clients should always be there main concern if and its a if they have lost track of there original objectives then maybe a review by them is needed. i maybe wrong i often am but adult social services are meant to fund adult training/ sheltered work placements. if so its a saving if support is from else where. finally the clients of cope are not unemployable. they face complex problems but still they work. really well done the workers and Volunteers. with a caring employer there are roles that they can do. as a community Shetland like all small communities would find work for the less able bodied. so please support cope and please remember folks its better for us that cope works well and can take on more clients. our larger employers could consider work placements tesco, coop and the council could easily provide places.
  12. count feet 6 a ked 8a tick. not sure if many want to be close enough to count its feet.
  13. our was a tick. the infection is only passed on via ticks. its really not something i ever want to try to treat again
  14. what about the field near scalloway health centre https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@60.141655,-1.277887,3a,75y,320.26h,79.79t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sl645UuPz2jWAYohpE5-XqQ!2e0
  15. we assume you have been vet checked on your wooly friends arrival. when we were considering buying south we were seriously advised to be very careful what you buy and bring up. this was by SAC so quite a surprise. if any of your sheep become ill make sure they are checked out. you really wont be popular if you intro a new illness into there flocks. apart from that welcome to shetland. make sure they have loads of shelter. winter is a long way from over yet. buying feed is very expensive up here plus transport costs. we lost a great man and feed merchant last year. so we are all now dependent on lerwick.
  16. £146 ferry fares. based on a 13 ton lorry 33p per mile or £33 and or daily rate of £144 so £290 just to break even. truck costs based on 2009 figures. more than 1 person will add to basic costs. say an extra 10% so £319 to cover inflation and it being shetland. no idea what their profit margin is but is £199 a massive profit. it does look a bit much. lets not forget vat. on my break even figure its an additional £63.80 so final total without profit would be about £382.80. so at a guess making about £1 a mile profit plus vat of course. all above is just a quick estimate but i bet its not massively off.
  17. lets praise them for risking money on it. tthey are new let them settle in and work out there real costings. well done on opening. well done for employing folks. well done for believing in shetland. thank you. i will one day try you out. in summer will you be allowing folks to eat outside you really have a nice spot dont waste it.
  18. yes. we recieved a caddy 3 years ago. started developing abscess after 2 vists to vet we spotted tick. it was to late for poor lamb. it came down with Tick Pyemia poor creature suffered and was putdown. it was from northmavine. so definitely there. cant see why its not common on all rough ground.
  19. best to complain to Scottish education minister. we all know what they intend to do. its not changed. there goal is still to shut all junior high schools.
  20. feel free to ask them as i said i needed to work out what to do. but no just another attack. said person is in work and has had 8 days to acknowledge receipt. impressive your view of SIC has improved. pleased to see you know so much read up on it stupid.they can reach adulthood without assistance. but its a much poorer out come. dont believe me check. with your comments im assuming you will never use the nanny state.
  21. and to hide away the truth helps how. their time in school was awful im very proud of them. SIC failing to support them and many others is public business if we continue to remain quite they wont change.
  22. im trying to prevent other children from suffering. if you had seen what sarah,abi, rachel and sam went through the tears they shed. the total denial from 4 schools up here that there was a problem. from reading the messages on sams petition. it clearly shows its an ongoing problem. from chats with other parents of kids with autism up here they were treated the sameway. if i need to take it to court i will but its a last resort. i would prefer SIC to accept there duty of care. i want kids who are struggling to be tested early by a qualified person. i want them to receive high quality of support. i want teens that require camhs support to actually receive it. not always having to fight to access services. i want 16 plus people to be able to be test on island. i also want adult mental health to meet its duty to protect vulnerable adults I WANT AUTISTIC AND OThERS WITh LEARNING PROBLEMS TO RECEIVE A SAFE PROTECTED EDUCATION. FREE FROM BULLYING AND ABUSE Suffererof1crankymofo its what i want to achieve. it takes me a while to work out what i need to do. im still waiting on helen budge to respond been waiting a week now. obviously my mind is diverted onto other issues as well.
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