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Everything posted by paulb

  1. what p----ck has brought foxes up here. my poor chickens are not going to be happy.
  2. no. snd the planning are to scared to deal with him. or they are thinking about how to get a bulldozer over there.
  3. would be better if he bought a proper boat suited for the conditions. i think he should only sail in the daytime. has he passed the inshore boat cert. silly me of course he has the forvik one.
  4. thats the trouble no matter what we choose theres going to be problems. the only eco system would be no humans and thats a bit extreme i suspect for our antis. its good to be green when your warm try it when your cold it will change many peoples views.
  5. hope its not stuck onto the turbine or the builders are not reading there plans to well.
  6. had some undercooked ones from tescos in england. also they must have been using a strong lemon cleaner because some of them would taste of it very strongly. not had a problem up here. have had slightly pink ones in the cooked chilled version from co-op.
  7. shipping lb for lb is the cleanest forms of transport. how much of the sea bed would have to be fenced off to protect it from nets. would the electro magnetic stuff begger up the fishs receptors . the gunk that they would have to treat them with to keep them clean will have a big impact on the enviroment. the only sticky bit on a wind turbine is the odd seagull and thats organic.
  8. so a tunnel to foula it is then. the yell link is the most used so it should be first.
  9. what about the fishing .what impact studies etc.
  10. i see so it comes to nimby syndrome, picture sullom outside your window. they are attractive turbines. http://contemplativelydeceptive.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/teletubbies-happypreview.png?w=433&h=236 and an eco house to.
  11. you leaving doncaster for shetland you must be mad just joking hope it works out for you.
  12. so your objection is it will damage your view. this used to be one of the most perfect views in the uk. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/northwesttonight/content/images/2007/05/24/windfarm_470_470x352.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bbc.co.uk/northwesttonight/content/image_galleries/weather_pictures_we250507_gallery.shtml%3F8&h=352&w=470&sz=11&hl=en&start=2&um=1&usg=__2Zssye6-FGWk0o0cFSv9Y9C6Sec=&tbnid=EhF4nj5UCNpdAM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmorecambe%2Bbay%2Bwind%2Bfarm%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADBS_enGB261GB261%26sa%3DN
  13. i nominate http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=86egt8PDmos
  14. is this a future job blanket bog promoter. what is an acre of blanket bog worth in money terms. if those crofters were to suffer the the shetl building transmission lines on there land they get paid for it. as i have said before its a man made creation felling the trees allowed the conditions for it to develope. if you think the poor peat bog arguement is going to stop this scheme it wont. sorry to be a kill joy but the looks of it will not stop it either. you know or should do that even if the SIC were to reject the planning application(which of course they are not seeing it was there idea in the first place) the developers would just appeal and they will win that. lets face it the mainland of the uk does not give a stuff for what happens up here so they will allow it to happen. look at sullom voe would that have happened in the centre of london. your only chance of altering it is if you can turn it into a real community energy company. the farming/ crofting community is going to be looking for an alternative income stream for there land and at £4000 per annum for each turbine i think you would get quite a few willing partners. it as the advantage that the sheep etc. can still use the site so apart for a few square metres of concrete. as i said your not going to be able to stop it have a read and take a guess at what will happen. http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file32009.pdf
  15. so pj what would you be in favour of. if you looked at the url you would find out that this wind farm was accused by the eco lobby of ripping up a rare peat land i know this site and it has a lot more wildlife on it than our bogs. you will note that they are helping restore other areas of the area. they seem to have put there 25 turbines in a lot smaller area than proposed up here. if your hoping that some quango is going to stop this from happening it wont. again just for the record im not in favour of how they are going ahead with there plans. i feel that smaller farms can be built and if the impact is torrable then extend them. what impact has our current turbines had.
  16. he is now not paying his vat bill or submitting his tax returns. i do hope they drag him to court. will he pay in £ or forvick money
  17. this wind farm had the same issues raised and to be honest i think this is a more realistic level of construction. the campaign against the farm voiced all the same complaints as have been raised here. and at 50million a lot cheaper and smaller than those up here. http://www.scoutmoorwindfarm.co.uk/indexorig.html wind farms are not as bad as you think.
  18. i think nigel is talking about an island wide scheme. i think all the heat exchangers work out at 1:4 effect. to avoid using oil you still need to find 1kw for each 4 you use. how about turbines on the inlet into th loch at whiteness/wiesdale. the current seems to run quite strong there. then you could stick turnbines on the burns. small scale i know but its cheap and easy.
  19. that would be true if you used them for just electric generation but by using them for storage heating there would be no limit. it would cost more in cables but as each scheme would be local say upto 5 miles not over the top. http://www.baydonmeadow.co.uk/ each of these does about 600 houses. we have 9500 so we would need about 15-20. this would expensive but not over the top.
  20. the wind farm near rossendale was aposed just like ours and just like ours if the developer has the money and determination it will be built the antis have very little chance of stopping it. just delaying it and costing us more. with the RAF now objecting to all the coastal farm sites it looks like were more likely than not to get it. i agree that the VE have gone very quite. why cant each community have small turbine farms 3 or 4 in each area if built near a road it would save a lot of road building.
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