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Everything posted by paulb

  1. A diy tunnel. I would suggest that we then could cut the cost by all the nuts and bolts we have left over. were can we buy the kit from Ikea or MFI. who is bringing the spade.
  2. but once you have built it you have history. every bit of the uk has about 10000 years history. think every bit of soil will have a bit of dead body in it thats enough history for me.
  3. if you add the cost of two new large ferries and the fuel for say 20 years how can the cost of a tunnel be vastly more expensve. the tunnel would pay for itself with the charges. sell the two ferries would take a few million off the price. using local stone from dredging etc would also reduce the costs. the staff from the ferry can be used to staff the tunnel. the funding should come from the uk/eu and council
  4. i dont know enough about building but could the stone sand ect. be used to build the sections for the tunnel. in fact the stone could be used for other large building projects. im sure that the tunnel sections could easily be build up here. if the people want tunnels then thats the choice we should go with. i just dont get why bressay should be first as others have said yell sound should be first. there need is much higher, and there are more people in the northen isles than in bressay. of course there is a reason bressay is top of the list the scott family and their mates on the council.
  5. would do but im scared of drowning. hey you all could be anglo saxon according to the book in the shetland times book store. early anglo saxon settlers. wonder if by any chance the author was english. so which county do you want to become part of.
  6. i must say old boy as an English settler in your islands one of 10% of the population by the way . i feel its time as a repressed minority that we should have our own telly channel in broard dilect so the rest of you cant understand it. then we want the Queens english taught in the schools possibly with support workers for our kids. maybe a seperate school even. then we should be allowed our own legal system. maybe even laws preventing the terrible abuse that we undergo at the hands of you terribly cruel natives. mr hill being the perfect example of this behavior. i must say old chaps that this is not cricket.
  7. excellent idea maywick is that what the charity commision said they had to do. further to the mormon thing he stoped going when he was 14. as far as the mormon church is concerned he is not a member. from what you say he was probably excuminicated. also the mormons dont have sex with multiple partners your thinking of the FLDS not the LDS. intresting that the people arrested were not charged in texas no evidence was found to support the raid in texas. it was found that the complaint came from some nutty woman with an history of pretending to be a child undergoing abuse. she was later charged with a simular offence.
  8. sound the crop has been well used this year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl0d0LDg_Js&feature=related so how long have you been dancing with the fairies
  9. is that shetland or papa stour. if you dont support the ouer islands i see this happening. papa stour. empty foula empty out skerries empty fetlar empty unst empty yell empty whalsay empty fair isle 2 stranded twitchers. lerwick 22000 not something i would enjoy.
  10. just as well we dont have to many bridges then. i would not want to see an increase in bridge related deaths.
  11. magic mushrooms were re classified as a class a drug. the possesion of fresh mushrooms was outlawed in 2002 i think. please be careful the dutch have now banned the sale of them after a death. fly agaric is stronger than the other type 15 caps is the leathal dose.
  12. im confused whats this got to do with the charity trusts choice of investments. if you delve deeper you will probably find its indivduals that are involved not the mormon church. the trust funds the care of the sick elderly. so its reasonable to ask why they are backing some industries that are making people sick.
  13. just as you expect, you buy yourself a brand new toy and it goes and breaksdown on you. i do hope they kept the guarantee. good job they baught the cheap one.
  14. just heard about it. just wish to say how sorry i am to hear the news about the baby. i just wish to express my sympathy to the family. as im sure we all do.
  15. bit of serious advice. http://www.sailinks.co.uk/safety/index.html
  16. the currents. i take a boat being submerged as sunk. it does not need to be on the bottom. ive read the the current is 6 knots so i would not recommend swimming back. he is lucky he had an anchor or he would have been on an ocean cruise. so well done mr hill.
  17. does anyone know what the little red ones are about the size of a fairly ring toadstool very dark red. and how deep in poo would we be without fungi.
  18. im just a stupid person crofter. yet even in my humbly thick view papa sound is the wrong place to be playing at being Robinson Crusoe. http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/about/directives/Papa_Stour.pdf this area is a protected area. 1. he should not have built there. 2. he should not discharge sewage there. 3. he should not release petrol products into this area. 4. he should not dump 3-4 tonnes of junk into the marine environment. back to his boating. why had he not read the instructions on the flares before he needed to use them. were was his life vest. why was his Emergency equipment ready for use. why did his unsinkable boat sink. if he felt that he was not in danger of drowning why did he call the coast guard. why do you feel that a lifeboats crew was not risking there lives for him. the area is dangerous lifeboats have been lost before. so in my humbly opinion he is wrong. but im just an ignorant fool so it does not matter.
  19. charitable trust should equal ethics. anyhow those millions should be back on the shares now. so maybe flog them off and buy back when they crash next week. not sure the charitable trust should be supporting arms/ tobacco companies, i cant see them investing in anymore salmon farming if they do they should be shot they seem to go bust to often. is there anyway we can find out how much they have lost to failed firms.
  20. folks go and visit a big city in the south now thats drugy. we as a group of friends helped clean the local graveyard it was covered in them.
  21. disagree just because he claims its independant he needs to be shown its not. or we could see him opening a freeport of forvick. so remind me if i am wrong but papa stour and its islands were royal holdings before the sale/loan/theft of the islands from norway/denmark. in the marrage settlement does the then king not give papa stour to the scots king. so one of the only parts of shetland that the king could sell/loan ect was papa stour. so mr hill is claiming independance for a part of shetland that does belong to the crown. typical could he have messed up again. this could be a land grab by HMG. dont you all remember rockall. are we sure that was not mr hill as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rockall_Union_flag_hoisted_1955.jpg stick a beard on the man with the flag it could be him. yet again i just found this which shows it was not part of the deal.
  22. lets talk about his house. if i was to build something as wonderful as that without permission i would expect the bulldozers to arrive. next if his well built building does not survive the winter i assume he will be out there picking his junk up. this is a sensitive area for nature. So why have certin well paid council officials not inforced building control.
  23. is it time we credit checked the banks. they seem keen on checking us out hard. as we the people of the uk have lent the banks billions can we expect a REDUCTION ON OUR MORGAGES, now the yanks want to write off the american banks sub prime greed i really dont see that they should. when i went mad with the plastic a few years ago i didnt see the goverment running to cover my debts i had to pay it off. it as taught me not to have a credit card. maybe they should have to learn the same lesson. i know if my debts had just vanished i would have end up in the same hole.
  24. sorry about the long quoe its from a subscription site the url would not do the trick. thats something ive not heard of before. this accounts for 1% of childhood ashma. maybe worth midwives pointing it out to future mums. im having difficulty locating the report on child use but i will look in a bit. the boy dogs off for the snip i will look after.
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