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Everything posted by paulb

  1. yep pesticides can cause simular nerve damage but it would not be ms.
  2. not sure i would want a pet dog tackling one of them. the dog could lose. a jack russel may do the trick.
  3. looking at the map of ms cases it shows an increase in the old germanic areas.
  4. so it was your fault then. throwing yourself in front of a bus. please be careful busses are rare up here (unlike fluffy bunnies). i may have to get the RSPB onto you.
  5. so you slamed on your brakes. who knows a passing bunny could have run into you.
  6. its down to judgement sometimes its instinctive to break when you see something running in front of you. if you came that close to them its possable that you would be in line for driving without due care and attention. it also an instinct that you dont want to lose. next time it could be a dog or child. thats the trouble with an emergancy stop you dont have time to think you just react.
  7. if your car had no engine can it be classed as a motor car.
  8. put rocks around it so it looks like a tunnel, and dont touch it. and make sure your chicks are in a polecat proof house.
  9. they have tried this and lost millions.
  10. its the rabbit that gets stuck under your car for a while before you find it. just done a run to aith. the road just after the hill from bixter is getting iffy. i was doing only 40 and the car was shaking all over the place. probabily the sleeping hedgehog. last month i was stuck behind a slow moving otter at walls. he had big teeth so i was scared of road rage.
  11. How do you know your sheep have got worms? Poor innocent animals being forcibly injected by a DRUG PUSHER!!! well its drenching time and the sheep dont after all swallow if they dont want its there choice. i only have a few sheep so i use a hyperdermic its cheaper than buying a big tub. so you see im only a small time pusher
  12. Wait - so everyone with the munchies goes rampaging through people's houses and eats their livestock and/or pets now? Can I just ask - does that flea powder you've been putting on your birds have any side-effects? yes it stinks of tea tree very pongy.
  13. would that be a shetland wool sock with extra itch.
  14. what about the reckless speeding sheep over here on the west side they seem to want to jump out at the lat minute. then there are suisidal bunnies nearly had an accident because of one of them. then there are divebombing seagulls, and jay walking oystercatchers. 5mph sounds fast to me.
  15. Anybody who bought HBOS shares this morning at 88p! my mum in law has some from when they converted. i kept telling her to sell when they were at ten pounds, i dont have the heart to tell her shes lost the best part of 9000. she has this belief that shares are safe.
  16. this is seperate from use of drugs this is the supply. this would be like fords selling cars with a faulty fuel tank that will explode when you turn on your engine at some time in your ownership. they could supply the users with clean safe drugs. but why would they want to do that it cuts there profits. now i know you all think drugs should be legal but even if they were. these folks would just undercut the clean supply with cheap rubbish. the dealers are not nice people they dont give a stuff for what harm they do. so they deserve the same treatment a whole heap of c--p falling on there heads. jail, loss of property and branding on there forehead with the letter D. would be the first step then the penalties should increase.
  17. what would the population be without the english incomers
  18. i dont get why they spent a million on the new roundabout at the south of lerwick. what was wrong with the lights. even if every car went through there its over kill.
  19. never had a problem with shetlanders its the mainland scots who seem to have a problem with the english. in general shetlanders are nice friendly people. it would not matter were your from an idiot is an idiot. though i dont think he is an idiot just an egocentric person who thinks he must be at the centre of things. the soul people need to seperate themselves from him.
  20. aith to lerwick 20.4 miles. at 50mph is about 25 mins. at 60mph is about 20 mins. so your getting in a flap over 5 mins. suggest you put some music on and chill. the speed limit is just that the maximum. its up to each driver to drive at the speed they consider safe. a fair bit of the route is 50 or less. bixter 40, weisdale 50, whiteness 50 the hill over lerwick 40. so sounds like your speeding.
  21. no its just that the very rich aways come out of these thing richer. so if they avoid these problems but the rest of us dont what could this be telling us. lets just wait until the next rich list and see who has made a killing.
  22. and the halifax is now to be taken over. somebody is making a fortune over this. if i remeber correctly the bin larden family made money after 9/11 somebody is doing the same now.
  23. drastic action public execution for drug dealers. how about the death penalty for a person who supplies drugs to someone who dies from it. i think a nice gibbert at the market cross would be good. stocks at tescos and the co-op. extreme messures are indeed called for but they are not the rampant use of drugs. even the pro lobby would be apposed to your ideas on weed use. no body in there right mind wants this island flooded with drugs, we just disagree on what needs to be done about the problem.
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