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Everything posted by paulb
oh im sure that will happen
and if brown was to go which wonderful leader would you pick, come to that is there any of the other party leaders you would want as pm. they are all also rans. thats what happens when you have had 3 decades of large majority rule. you just get yes men/women. were are the thatchers steels and keir hardys
well i will be staying at home and insuring all those with the munchies dont eat my animals. im using enough drugs at the moment i was sniffing powder (ive just had to dust 20+ birds for lice) yesterday and today ive been using a Hypodermic (one very unlucky chicken needed help with his little visitors) and the same tomorow (turkeys,geese then the sheep and ponies) when ive done them all i think i will be dosed up with enough drugs to insure i never get a bug again oh hang on then ive got to worm them all.
hey when your about to light up give this chap a call. Ian Latimer on 01595 692110. he and his friends would love to help you.
are yes i see it now hes a goverment agent out to spoil the chances of a free shetland. if is dad was involved with the nuclar bomb tests he would at some point have had contact with the security services. that would explain his title. just very deep
not true we would be happy if he stopped his dangerous activities at sea. he can campain just as well from the mainland. if we want to find out what the shetland people want in the way of independace ask them. save the money that hes spending on forvik and get an indepentant survey company in and find out. that way no one needs to be put at risk.
this is what he wants http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/audio/2008/jun/18/stuart.hill.shetland he just wants to be famous.
hes not mastered boats yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKRij2CgXo
you bunch of rebels. my friend scotty dyble would have loved you all to have voted for him odd that you didnt. pop of forvik 102
and does shetland want to be independent.
are you planning your hols on forvik then. i would recommend the 5* hotel. then you can go for a cruise on the forvik glass bottomed boat. he found an old window somewere. you can enjoy the wild untamed forests and wildlife. ok seriously he is an essex man wanting independace for shetland should he not start the essex liberation front. he has excepted money for his coins and has not supplied them. he has loads of failed companies behind him. now this in it self is not a bad rhing but they all result in people owed money. maybe he should run for the council well he does know how to get lost.
its also illegal. if the company is willing to break the law; it may be wise to think about dealing with them. i imported violins from the usa which were made in china. the violins were anywhere from £15-30 then sticking duty on them they were at about 50. remember they also stick a handling charge on it was about £10.
is this mr hills plan to con people out of money. how long is a tree going to survive there. he charges £10 for a £1.50 plant. i just hope nobody is stupid enough to pay him. my maths must be bad 16 groats x £0.15= £2.40
http://shetlandconversation.squarespace.com/forvik/ why is the SIC not stopping this mess being built. if i wanted an animal shed i would have to get permision but they let him get away with this. as he plumed his septic system in yet. i really hope hes not chucking it into the sea.
any way back to the question why id the trust losing money on the district heating scheme.
how long does it take the life boat to get there. papa sound is a nature reserve. lets get him invoiced for his fly tipping. who pays the lifeboats mens wages while they are rescuing him.
you need to be on benifits. its odd i scotland you the coldest area of britian but you have the worst warm front scheme. in england you could get a new heating system and cavity wall insulation for nothing if your on a disabilty benifit/child/working tax credit. up here its restricted to the over 75s. ive been told irs going to be a cold winter what joy.
he did not have any rescue equipment after the previous events at sea. lets get him signed up with the college he urgently needs to learn some skills. there is something wrong with is thinking. if i needed rescuing i would go over the top with equipment the next time i went to sea.
http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/news_09_2008/Huge%20hike%20for%20towns%20cheap%20heat.htm why is lerwick getting cheaper energy than the other parts of shetland. they are getting it at half the price we are. unfair if they had to pay the full price there may be more intrest in renewable energy. why is the charitable trust running this scheme at a loss. they must be the only power company to be doing so. the customers should pay the market cost like the rest of us. how much has this scheme cost to set up. when can we in wester skeld expect cheap heating. would it not be cheaper to install alternative heat sorces. my bill for power is going to be over £1500 so im looking forward to getting a cheque for £750 from the charitable trust. (*** Mod - Merged ***)
http://www.shetland-news.co.uk/news_09_2008/Hill%20vows%20to%20stay%20on%20Forvik.htm why cant this man be charged with wasting emergency persons time or endagering life. or we could just send him for a pych assesment. he plans to go back and recover his mdf boat. does this not sound like his other boating trip. he is either mad or stupid. possabily a compulsive disorder. send him the bill,
Be careful depending on morgage company they can make you have two from the same person, and of course thats two fees.
now what have the poor otters done to deserve that unprovacted attack. if mr hill wishes to feed himself to our furly friends thats his right and we cant stop him. as long as he doest start phoning the dog warden for help. i wounder if there were any pictures taken of this rescue sound like they could be quite funny. by the way how far out was he.
sponsered by 4x and the aussie sheep industry.
i woud not put my hens in it. it needs some waterproofing. seeing papa sound in bad weather i would want a really good boat to go out there. maybe we had better build him a bridge. im sure the SIC could factor it into there spending. possibly after they have built the new high school.
as a non uk resident lets charge him for the rescue. he is of course free to use forvicks sea rescue services. we could aways send him a book on survival at sea, just as a sign of friendship to this small country. was this the first step in the re invasion of forvick. so would that be M.I.5 or 6. i hope mr bond had thermals on its starting to get cold.