The best thing in my life is, when I was about 10 or 11, we moved to Brae because it was the only house were you can rent (which is a bit useless because we had to wake up at 6.30 to go to school ) we stayed there for something like, 6 months, 8 months, the reason was we were having an extension on our old house, we got photos of it (somewhere!) and it made me feel so proud about myself because me and my little annoying sister had to sleep in the same bedroom which was a nightmare because she was crying, getting up out of her bed at 3am, it was bad. When we came back, my teacher was surprised when I told her the news about the house. Now we have: Three bedrooms, toilet, bathroom, kitchen, very small living room (3 x 4m), a utility room, 2 big cupboards and a small cupboard (width of the door is probably about one of fifth of a metre) and a cupboard in the kitchen (no light, too small but a lot of shelves). It was like heaven when I had my own bedroom which I was dreading for years.