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Everything posted by CrunchieSquirrel

  1. Imagine that people in the world spoke one language, if so what will the language be?
  2. I tried it and I couldn't help doing the scared laugh!
  3. I remember in primary school that there was this boy who had no feelings in one of his hands and he pinched the teacher's needles and stabbed them through his thumb and it was horrible because it sometimes bled which I can't help thinking of.
  4. Did you watch Thursday's Watchdog? They said the reason for the increased price of bigger items was because they had a lot of room left (as in air) and that x-ray machine was awesome because it showed Muller Rice, Gu and that cheesy paste and they said the amount of food left under 8.5% of room. If you missed Watchdog, play it on iPlayer.
  5. I think they should provide more dog poop bins in public and have warning signs of the dangers that can happen when it is on the ground, I think the council should put their finger on it especially the EH department.
  6. Today, when me and my father were going to Tesco, we saw Tesco being boarded up and I thought it was a crime scene as there were an ambulance and a police car, until I stupidly forgot that they are putting up an extension on Tesco.
  7. These Windows 7 & 8 adverts are getting into me because they are so annoying. Imagine an elderly person describing what you do on that computer, "Err... you go to this, no..err..thank you, I hope I was helpful to you" my funny example of what it may lead to.
  8. Homemade healthy chips: 1. Put the oven to 220c. 2. Take some medium or large tatties (Maris Piper are best) and start slicing them by cutting them lengthways dauphinoise but 1cm thick. Then slice them again to make them look as if they're chips. 3. Put them in a baking tray and put some seasoning and oil spray, put it in the oven for 20 minutes. 4. It's ready to dish up! Why not add some flavour by adding grated cheese or new breaded cod from co-op (only takes 16 minutes to cook though) I'd hope that people would give such nice comments on my chips.
  9. Songs that came from the Sims 1 (if you'd might remember it) and they are so relaxing and jazzy. These are the songs that are in my head:
  10. I didn't see any lambs born on that programme! All I heard were these farmers telling Kate Humble about their new lambs instead of seeing the real thing, total nuisance and luckily I don't like the taste of lamb!
  11. When my family lived in Brae and it was snowing in mid-May and my school was shut and so me and my sister played in the snow. That afternoon I was making a small snowman and when I was about to put the nose on the snowman, it was secure but when I came to see it in the living room window, it fell off. Came outside again and put the nose back on, it was secure again, ran in the living room and from the corner of my eye, a big crow or scorrie came along and took the nose and the snowman's head fell off, and I was left crying all day because of the sympathy of my best friend the snowman.
  12. It's really weird when the schools are shut on weekdays because it makes you feel as if you are skipping school or something.
  13. I want my money back, I want my money back Please enjoy the show. Song called 'Enjoy the Show' from some sort of random female singer.
  14. I remember the refurbishement in Isleburgh when they changed the doors into automatic doors. Decision making about the new museum of Shetland and I was a Brownie in Lerwick.
  15. I have just started reading an autobiography of Paul O'Grady which I found quite hilarious as he mentioned about his geneology and his life in Birkenhead. I am now at chapter 6 and it has got to be the funniest chapter ever as he mentioned his pet doing its business on his auntie's dressing gown as I laughed all night. But Paul, eat your heart out! (if he knows there is website called this!)
  16. So do I, well not extremely I mean don't prefer it. Homemade cheesecake with Philadelphia cheese is cowpat as it stinks rank! I only like cheesecake made from a supermarket or a 'country-round business' (I mean businesses like Tesco around the UK), the cheese they have is mild and creamy whilst Philadelphia is a slop on the plate and sugar doesn't make much of a difference. So Piggywiggie, I'm on your side.
  17. One of my friends had this childish but stupid quote which was about their younger sibling: If they fall, they fall; if they slip, they slip; if they succeed, I push them over.
  18. What really freaks me out is when the mice start chewing your walls in the middle of the night, if only my family had a chance to have a cat (but my father is allergic to them) and why can't they invent some sort of robot cat which is ideal for allergics. What I'd like to see is a mouse getting killed by a mouse trap instead of it being there like you don't see the action.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YJc-0t526Q I laughed so hard on this treadmill disaster. When hip hop goes dip drop with this man. (***Mod Edit - Please try and use the Youtube tags when posting Youtube vids. Thanks. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/whatever[/youtube]***)
  20. I remember one time when my family went to Glasgow for a conference and I can still remember tough seas between Shetland and Orkney (hell they are). I mean: my sister got sick 3 times, we kept bumping into doors and other furniture including the passengers replying 'ow!' but it made me sleep quite happily but then I had nightmares thinking that it is going to be Titanic and also what made it worse was the food, chicken was uncooked, the salad's lettuce was yellow and smelt funny but to my surprise, the fruit salad came with it all and that was not a pleasant meal, at all! But the next morning, it was worse when we came to that bar area were young children can't go but no-one was around so we sneaked in, I was going 'weeeeeeeeeeeee!' but my parents and my sister went 'argh!!!!!!'. It was the worst ride on Northlink ever, hate it now. Seriously.
  21. As Australia has big spiders, would the number of arachnophobics in Australia be higher in Britain?
  22. For some reason the acts that the squads did which I found was not funny but only my parents did. There was a Viking that came to me saying if I was his wife! Don't know why.
  23. I still have that song that Peter Griffin sung in my head! He went to the Nifty Fifty restaurant and the jukebox was playing the song 'Bird is the Word', I can't sleep with that song singing! I still remember the dance moves and possibly I can go to Got To Dance (rubbish show!).
  24. I think that the Crunchy Nut adverts get even more annoying nearly or possibly every week and I believe that the one with the baby in the trolley is silliness, I mean it does happen but not for a man to jump onto the baby to get a box of cereal and have on his face 'I WANT IT! I WANT IT!' expression. I think that the baby is laughing about how stupid the advert is but its mother tells another story looking as if she about to say 'get off my baby daughter and bring that cereal back to me, baby borrower!' I think Crunchy Nut should change their minds instead of making berserk adverts that make you think, 'what are they on about'.
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