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    Da Sooth End :)
  1. Hey Folks, small site update, now including a selection of photo's of the Galley Building Process. The Gallery can be found here Or you can ofcourse, find it on on main site Here The photos are in no set order, as of yet - and thanks must go out to a very busy Dale Smith for suppling them. All images are copyright © Dale Smith Photography, and must not be used / copied /altered in any way without prior permission.
  2. website is back - all be it still missing photo's www.southmainlanduphellyaa.co.uk
  3. Thats the Mass Meeting been & gone - the website is now offline - and is being updated. We should have it back up within the next week or two. I'll keep this thread for anyone who has any queries relating to the event
  4. MASS MEETING Of GUIZERS For The South Mainland Up Hely Aa 2010 To Be Held In The SANDWICK SOCIAL CLUB 8pm On Monday 23rd March 2009 Business: APPROVE CONSTITUTION ELECT FIRST 3 JARLS SET DATE FOR FESTIVAL APPOINT COMMITTEE REGISTER POTENTIAL SQUADS AOCB Please note that there are a good number of people willing to serve on the committee so you should not avoid the meeting because you fear that you will be pressurised into joining the committee. A good attendance of squad leaders is requested, any squad leaders not able to attend please tel. 477271 to register your squad prior to the meeting, or email us here. A date has been set for a meeting of all proposed guizers, and there squad leaders in order to register interest for the first South Mainland Up Helly Aa - and elect the first 3 Jarls. Squads are asked to email us as soon as possible to register interest so we can compoile a group of interested parties. Our email address is: info@southmainlanduphellyaa.co.uk
  5. Hey folks, there has been some further news regarding the South Mainland Up Helly Aa. The site is now live, and although it doesnt contain much content due to their being no committee yet, or Jarls, it will be used to promote any news - as well as here on shetlink The web address is http://www.southmainlanduphellyaa.co.uk and details of the forthcomming mass meeting of all guizers has been posted up. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to read this Look forward to seeing another good crowd at this meeting
  6. Righty Ho folks, after a well attended meeting on monday (thanks to all of those who turned up ), a steering group has been formed with the intentions on sorting out some of the details with regard to holding an Up Helly Aa in the south mainland. From the great response & enthusiasm shown at the general meeting, it has been decided that there is enough folk interested to create a South Mainland Up Helly Aa. Obviously, as it is new, and time is not on our side with the first event proposed to take place next year its going to be a busy 13 months ahead. The dates for the South Mainland Up Helly Aa are: Friday 12th March 2010 (Up Helly Aa Night) & Saturday 13th March 2010 (Hop Night). Venues etc will be released once they have been decided etc. Anyone interested in taking a squad to this event are asked to express their interest via email to info@southmainlanduphellyaa.co.uk Squad numbers are being restriced to a maximum of 16 people due to fire regulations in the venues Squads can be all male / all female or mixed. A Mass Meeting is to be held in the Sandwick Social Club on Monday the 23rd of March 2009 @ 8PM , at which point a Committee will be elected and hopefully 3 Jarls will be appointed - All potential squads are welcome to attend. It has also been suggested that comittee members will not have to stand as future Jarls, but will have the option should they wish to. The steering group would strongly like to request that all interested parties attend this meeting, and that no one should feel that by attending this meeting they are obliged to become a comittee member - this is not the case. More news will be posted on here as soon as it becomes available. [mod]Please note revised dates above; 12th/13th. F.[/mod]
  7. MASS MEETING OF GUIZERS For The South Mainland Up Hely Aa 2010 To Be Held In The SANDWICK SOCIAL CLUB 8pm On Monday 23rd March 2009 Business: APPROVE CONSTITUTION ELECT FIRST 3 JARLS SET DATE FOR FESTIVAL APPOINT COMMITTEE REGISTER POTENTIAL SQUADS AOCB Please note that there are a good number of people willing to serve on the committee so you should not avoid the meeting because you fear that you will be pressurised into joining the committee. A good attendance of squad leaders is requested, any squad leaders not able to attend please tel. 477271 to register your squad prior to the meeting, or email us here. A date has been set for a meeting of all proposed guizers, and there squad leaders in order to register interest for the first South Mainland Up Helly Aa - and elect the first 3 Jarls. Squads are asked to email us as soon as possible to register interest so we can compoile a group of interested parties. Our email address is: info@southmainlanduphellyaa.co.uk
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