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Arfski last won the day on February 7

Arfski had the most liked content!

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  1. We don't have a lot of shore angling, so maybe there just isn't the demand? I'm a casual angler that's mostly just enjoying some fresh air, so not noticed the lack of bait. You can buy online, Friends down South have used yorkshire-worms.co.uk for compost worms, I have not checked but if they use Royal Mail then might be a 2 day not 2 week "next day" delivery. Edit: Translated into English!
  2. Darn, it's been awhile since I got any bait, mostly use lures or a bit of mackerel, there's the Ocean Tackle Store at Garriock's in Brae, but you said Lerwick. I still miss the shop on the street with the upstairs filled with fishing gear.
  3. The LHD shop had bait, not checked in recently though.
  4. Cool comment's bro, and what a coincidence that you both joined the forum on the same day but only 3 minutes apart and then necro-bump an ancient post whilst coincidentally comment on each other's post just a few minutes apart! The universe is a crazy place!
  5. These things tend to go in waves, and once a spam friendly site gets known, news spread, I see there's another explosion today! Wonder how they're registering, as I just looked and it's disabled at the moment.
  6. I'm not sure if they could handle two jobs, they're moonlighting as art historian Prof Pip Laurenson inbetween their Coop shifts!
  7. It's probably indigestion from commenting on a 17 year old thread!
  8. Liar @JolynnGood I tried Acupower and they stole all of my money and made me eat fish paste sandwiches whilst spamming forums.
  9. @admin, you edited the post but left the link in!
  10. Sure, of course someone that is looking for a house needs a crap CRM product, who doesn't? Oh, that's right, everyone.
  11. The AI spam accounts are talking amongst themselves now!
  12. What a lovely post and beautiful song! I live on Unst and all my family on my mother's side are from the comunidad Valenciana. Valencia and Benetússer is my second home, my favourite pass time is to walk all the way into town and sit in the Plaça de l'Ajuntament at the Café & Tapas for a coffee and croissant in the morning and watch the tourists and world go by.
  13. Archive.org has a copy of the site from 2011: https://web.archive.org/web/20111016221621/http://www.blackvault.com/documents/ufos/cia/cia1news529.htm
  14. Oh nice try with the colour change to hide the spam URL at the end of your bot post! And I can see from your post history that this is not your first rodeo either, A+ good effort.
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