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Everything posted by Rasmie

  1. The Supreme Court can only look at the law and simply say if it’s within the law or outside it. Currently, apparently, the law can only be changed by the UK parliament. I would suggest that this needs amendment as unless the rUK wants rid of Scotland then that can not be achieved. If in fact indyref one had voted overwhelmingly to leave the UK, it did not mean independence automatically and it still would have to be discussed and agreed by the UK parliament. Although I am not sold on Scottish Independence, I agree people have the right to self-determination , and this refusal to allow a referendum is a great rallying call for the independence parties. It is all very divisive, especially as the people’s of the different parts of the UK are so interconnected by business and family.
  2. No need to apologise for Putins actions. The only need for NATO or an EU army is the fear of Russians trying to get the ex Soviet territories to rejoin his union. The EU and UK made the mistake of buying oil and gas from Russia. As well as market forces, probably hoping that by doing so the Russians might pass on some money to their own people, which would in turn enable them to join the capitalist world and buy goods. (Tory Dream)
  3. The council should build a few wind turbines and either sell the power to help local people, or build community wind turbines to serve the public.
  4. I use a MacBook, you can install Firefox or chrome, shouldn’t cause a problem
  5. Yes the similarities between Westminster and Holyrood are great.
  6. Unless for Ian Blackford and his group, I don’t think anyone else is pushing at Westminster for a referendum.
  7. And if, we have a referendum, and if it fails, when will the next one be?
  8. Police out stopping and checking cars about the harbour area last night.
  9. George Hunter lives at Brindister is good. 01595 696589.
  10. Putting up signs doesn’t carry much weight here. Sign of desperation. One canvassing candidate got a flea in his ear. So I voted for Bryan as well.
  11. An anidder thing. police say it’s vandalism to destroy political party notices posted on local lampposts. Do you think it is vandalism? Can anybody just stick an advertisement placard or sign on a lamppost? Do you think Bill Posters should be prosecuted.? Or is he innocent.
  12. Da Flea is anti-Sandwick so dat leaves me wi Peeriebryan ta vote fur den.
  13. What I was trying to say, is. We have some control, in as much as we have operating standards and pollution control monitoring, compared to some countries with leaking pipelines and possibly poor working practices.
  14. It appears that Putin has manoeuvred us into leaving the EU. No doubt aided by his oligarchs greasing the palms of the Conservative party. The current clique running the Tory party, and thereby the government, no longer seem to be Unionist, in the way they speak of the smaller nations of the UK. The EU by comparison seem to have woken up to the world situation and are handling the Ukraine crisis well. Perhaps its time we rejoined the EU, and for that reason I will vote for Scottish Independence for the first time when next we get the chance.
  15. One minor difference, Putins method involves killing thousands,if not millions of people.
  16. Putin is worried that western democracy infects his Russia. It’s ok for the wealthy class in Russia to go to the West and enjoy their billions. Ukraine was in danger of becoming a wealthy European nation and that would create discontent among their friends and relations over the border. They’ve already stripped their own Russian populace of wealth, so when they want to splash the cash they come to places like London and keep our (Tory) government in treats, parties and expensive holidays. It looks as if it’s Moldova next. He’s also threatening neutral neighbours like Sweden and Finland. And yes it looks like you either join NATO or start learning Russian.
  17. In view of recent events it strikes me that we (UK and Europe ) should step up our own gas and oil production. It seems a falsehood ceasing our own production to fight climate change, and then buy from despots and dictators. Surely it is better to have our own controlled source, than to support unscrupulous foreign oligarchs. Until the renewables are all built and commissioned the only way reduce oil and gas usage in places like Shetland is to switch off electricity, never mind go electric.
  18. To get out in a squad you also have to be invited, if there is a vacancy. Each squad has a capped number of places (depending on historical numbers) so very difficult for any new members to get in and there's usually a waiting list. Its unlikely there will be any new squads allowed as capacity has been reached, unless a squad pulls out. Therefore anybody wanting to join in, male. female or something else will have difficulty. Our squad is based on the original families that set it up, so father to son etc. So if the committee says females are allowed, its the squads themselves who decide who they want in. So its not really one organisation to deal with but maybe 60+
  19. I think if things do not change then it will continue to be an albatross round the neck of the committee, which will only continue to rot and fester. Legal advice which obviously has been sought?, could well be proven wrong or overturned if it is seen to be discriminatory. Even the law evolves. Surely better to try and keep control under the committee's terms rather than be forced to change at some future date.
  20. There might not be a written constitution? Someone mentioned in the media it is a charitable organisation? I wonder if that’s right. If so they would probably have to submit a constitution.
  21. Perhaps they could get Liz Truss to come and negotiate a deal.
  22. He’s a smiling snake, used to think he was a comic, now he appears to be a vindictive character. Almost Trumpesque. Yet the longer he remains as PM the more damage he does to the tories and has probably done more for Scottish Independence than the SNP.
  23. Hi, I have been unable to log is for a few days in the normal fashion. I can only log in with Facebook. when I reset my password , log out and log in, then it doesn't let me. Has something changed or has someone hacked the website?
  24. Hi someone has also been trying to hack into my account. i was unable to get in for three days
  25. I seem to remember a referendum on joining the Common Market. I think Shetland was one of the few places that voted against! Even my Up tally ho squad had a skit about it. Edwards Economic Cock-up. But referendums aren’t democratic. IMHO
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