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Everything posted by Colin

  1. George, I think you had better get an update on your meds...
  2. Saw this earlier. Item location is Wokingham and it is the only SITAMS item currently for sale on Ebay. Seller has a number of other items for sale and seems to be a dealer of sorts Would be surprised if these are the people you are looking for. NB; Nothing at all on Amazon . Unless there is a specialised outlet for this type of thing, I would guess that SITAMS is no more.. Anyone want to set up a business selling Viking Warrior models? Good little opportunity for sale to tourists (if we ever see them again)
  3. I'm a little intrigued, so here is some more... The Ebay auction was dated July 2018. A little ot of date perhaps. The domain name - SITAMS.CO.UK is not currently registed. Vectis seems to be an Auction House based in Thornaby (Cleveland ?). VECTIS.CO.UK was registered through DomainMonster.Com. There are no owner names. Did a quick trawl around for toy soldiers etc. Judging by the results I found, I would guess that whoever was trading as SITAMS has probably given up in the face of some hefty Chinese competition.
  4. Probably the SIC. Plenty of Tin Soldiers there.. PS; Sorry I can't help..
  5. tkstewart has raised some interesting points "Shetland Space Centre is being developed in partnership with Lockhead Martin - the biggest arms company in the world.They will be coming here partly because they anticipate little resistance from the local community." Is it not normal practice for business interests to perform some kind of 'impact assesment' on local communities. ie; 'what can we get away with ?' "Did anybody else find it queer the prize for the recent SSC kids drawing competition was a family trip to Florida? Seemed way OTT to me. I have been wondering why?" A trip to Disney World perhaps, or what about Cape Canaveral ? "Then the billionaire who was seeking a judicial review to challenge the building of a space centre near his land in the Highlands pumps almosts £1.5million into the Shetland project. He was concerned about the environmental impact. Surely he couldn't be supporting the SSC in the hope it prevents the Sutherland project from taking off?" Ah, a conspiracy theory. You might be right though... Follow the money.. "It'd be naive to believe the puff in the press about Lockheed Martin not using the SSC for military purposes. A new Cold War space race dawns, as the US Space Force attempts to counter growing threats from Russia and China. Lockheed will be at the front of this war, potentially making Shetland a bigger target for adversaries." It's called 'mission creep', and in some form or other, is to be expected. The same 'target' status existed when we had the RAF radar base at Saxa Vord or the US Loran facility at Sullom Voe. "Jobs are very, very important and likely to become even more so in the days ahead. It's reasonable to argue economic considerations should trump all else when it comes to this project but we should at least be asking ourselves long and hard if this is a rocket ride we want to be taking." Jobs are important, if you want one, but I would guess that a lot of jobs created would be quite specialised and require imported talent. As for 'we should be asking...', the 'we' part is just us 'little people', and we never get asked anything. Whatever decisions are made will just be dumped on us to get on with.
  6. I think that correct spelling is more important than correct grammar, and I 'hate' txt spk. The demise of both are probably a result of the general dumbing down of the education system.. Anyway, this isn't going to put any rockets on the moon.
  7. It's just as well that we have the technology to do that now, but I guess the principle remains the same. Does it really matter that all but the most basic elements of grammar are ignored. I always though that the object was to get your point across in a manner that is understandable to the 'average joe'. Nitpicking your way through someone else's posts is always going to be a waste of time and effort. Understanding what was written is much more important. Just my opinion. I guess that written English might have evolved somewhat as well FWIW, I have an old fashioned 'A Level' in English Language, and I'm damned if I can remember anything about it...
  8. There is going to be a system of badges so you can identify who did or did not get them! Why not just paint a big yellow star on people and be done with it.. ?
  9. "So, now that the Pfizer cash cow...... 'vaccine' has finally landed. Are those getting it here going to get an 'I.D.' card to prove they've had it, or is that just the Welsh?" Are you suggesting that the Welsh Socialist Government is trying to introduce ID Cards via the back door ? No surprises there... There is a very large disconnect between what the Welsh Government want/say and what the people of Wales actually want. Very much a case of "we don't want no steenkin badges"... Oops, that's Mexican..
  10. @nullvoid Despite your usual stream of guff, waffle, and YouTube clips that hardly anyone but yourself bothers viewing, and despite the fact that you appear to have set yourself up as an authority on just about everything posted here, you still do not have the right to refer to a large majority of the population as "morons" or "idiots" for not knowing what, apparently, YOU know.
  11. "Unfortunately morons think these devices are used to make broadband faster and the all have bad reviews from idiots," Sounds like you have an axe to grind. How can you honestly describe people who do not understand what is, essentially, a mix of fairly complicated technologies (and a whole host of "what if's") as "morons" and "idiots"? Are people who do not understand Quantum and String Theory also "morons" and "idiots" or is that OK because (maybe) you don't understand them either?
  12. There are at least 5 generations (maybe more) of Welsh coal miners in my DNA. Does that mean my ancestry is black? After all, everyone is 'black'(?) underground. Better start taking a knee, just in case.. Being Welsh, I knew that there was a difference between N.Walians and S.Walians. West Wales is a little strange(?) as well. Didn't need a map from the Daily Mail to tell me that.. Not surprised to read that 45% of SE England has French ancestry. Never did like them to much.... Seriously though, the World is just a giant petri dish of human DNA. Mixing DNA is the 'norm' and not at all unusual these days. The percentages are just curiosities that will change over time.. Anyway, here on Shetland, I am pleased to claim my place as an 'Ethnic Minority'.
  13. Funny that NullVoid's map doesn't show Shetland. OK, it's not HIS map but, just saying.
  14. Lucky you George. There are some people here who would fail a DNA test.
  15. I hven't seen a self-respecting virus yet that cannot get through a cheap paper mask. Masks help a little, but you get a false sense of security more than any meaningful protection.
  16. "Donald Trump, born 14/6/1946 in the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York, United States of America. However his mother, and only his mother, was born in Tong, Isle of Lewis. Don't think that Donald could find it on a map." Just as well, he would probably want to build a golf course there..
  17. "Where is Scotland? Where is Shetland? Do they realy eist?" Haven't you heard George ? The UK is now (apparently) the latest US State... No way we can ignore the carp any longer.... PS: Who did you vote for ?
  18. "Professor Carl James Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine published a study that finds the difference between wearing a mask or not is negligible." Honestly ? Did we really need a professor to tell us that ultra cheap, everyday(?) masks that we see all over the place were going to work and that they were going to do anything other than add to the pile of litter we see about the place? A truly effective mask would also involve an awful lot of other PPE as well and, I would bet that, together, the whole lot would be painfully expensive. I would guess that the main reason for the 'masks edict' is to try and show us all that government is trying to do something useful when, in fact, we're stuffed in the long term.
  19. This article might be worth a look. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-55022969
  20. "On a more general point, whit is it we folk posting links to YouTube videos aa da time?!" Indeed, what IS the point ? Personally, I do not mind the odd link if it is relevant to a particular discussion but, I do not want, or need, to be bombarded by the "clickbait" picture elements that are shown. Plain underlined text links will do for me. Not that I can be bothered wasting what's left of my life by following them anyway.
  21. It wasn't a 'jibe'. As for 'facts and evidence', I couldn't care less. For the last 4 years we have been bombarded by the 'guff' and 'flatulence' that seems to be american politics and,frankly, I am fed up with it. There are no UK subjects who are really able to influence the american vote so, let them get on with it.
  22. I don't care either. I must be one of the small minority who does not suffer from "TDS". If Biden is being charged more, then Biden is being taken for a ride. Great choice for president..
  23. Well, there is that much conspiracy theory/bullsh!t/waffle, and plain rubbish spouted about Trump/Biden, I thought that I would just add some to the mix... I'm not really surprised at the Democrats spending. Here in the UK, if a politician wants to appear as the most popular candidate, they cover every available lamp post etc with leaflets proclaiming the name etc. Spending on Facebook advertising is just another facet of the same thing.
  24. Facebook dismissed the number cruncher's results as "...misunderstanding of how digital advertising works...". Sounds to me like Facebook might have been "spamming" users with Biden ads, and charging for the priveledge. Bias maybe ?
  25. I'm just glad that I am not American. Just wouldn't know which "doddery old duffer" to vote for.! imho, Trump has achieved so very little because the whole of the establishment, and most of the media, appears to be working against him. Should he get another chance ? I don't think so, but I don't think that Biden should get a chance either. There is something badly wrong with their "democracy" if out of a country of 350 million people, these are the best two that they could come up with..
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