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Fjool last won the day on November 15 2023

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About Fjool

  • Birthday 31/12/1977

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  1. It's hard to trust anything online these days. So many blogs and videos that I go to watch are clearly AI nonsense now. It's everywhere!

    Thanks for the report!

  2. Thanks for the report!

  3. I like to think Tony Benn was correct in his belief that most people genuinely want to do meaningful work. I don't think a UBI would change that, but it would change the nonsense folk are prepared to put up with for hardly any money. It'll mean we'd have to start treating nurses, teachers and service staff a lot better for starters.
  4. Bannocks are pretty great. Simple, but delicious. I like the cheese ones in particular. Great with soup, or toasted with butter. The tatties are good too. I didn't notice much of a difference in taste, but I prefer my foods spicy, so may be missing some of the subtleties that a more delicate palette would notice.
  5. Yes. Apologies. This is the swear replacement filter being a bit enthusiastic there.
  6. You can buy CBD flowers (and tinctures, vape carts, edibles, etc) online so long as the THC content is below... I can't remember 0.1% or something.
  7. I find it hilarious that someone would go to the trouble of producing fake notes with a spelling mistake on them. How terrible a crook do you have to be to screw up the easiest part?
  8. In my experience, one is perfectly able to express one's true personal points of view without being called these things. Might it have something to do with the opinions being expressed?
  9. Free speech does not mean "I can say whatever I like, wherever I like, and nobody can stop me". If you come into my house and start making racist or homophobic comments, I will ask you to leave. Same thing with Shetlink. This is a private space and offers no guarantee of "free speech", however you define that. We aim for it as far as possible, but there are many reasons why a comment may require moderation. Some decisions will be better than others (we're only human), but the argument of "free speech" is just not relevant. Any comment may be removed for any reason, without explanation, and that's just how it is. We'd prefer not to, but sometimes it's necessary. Anyway, this topic is about Vaccination cards and has long since drifted off. Feel free to start a topic on free speech though. We may well already have one.
  10. ** Moderator edit - this thread was split from the Vaccination Cards thread ** Agreed. It was reported earlier and after giving a chance for GR to self-moderate, I've removed the post.
  11. Many devices these days are equipped with biometrics or, at the very least, a camera. But never mind all that... you can be identified by your typing and mouse use apparently: > Describing the patterns as “cognitive fingerprints”, the Iowa State team can identify users via their typing rhythms with very high accuracy – false acceptance and rejection rates of just 0.5%, Phys.org reports. https://www.welivesecurity.com/2013/11/20/does-your-mouse-know-its-you-researchers-claim-patterns-can-fingerprint-users-and-lock-out-imposters/
  12. I'm guessing the fuel → electricity efficiency of Gremista is better than moving small quantities of fuel around all over the place and burning it in poorly maintained engines. Perhaps small-scale, local power production and storage is an interesting solution to powercuts. Rather than a huge, centralised system, a more distributed approach might work. It's not without its pitfalls of course, but I think there's potential (ba dum) in this. Even if it's solar panels just for charging your car at home. I don't know. On a related but different note, I thought this was an interesting alternative to batteries: https://www.wired.com/2016/05/forget-elons-batteries-fix-grid-rock-filled-train-hill/ It's pretty much what we do with hydro, but might be suitable for areas where huge reservoirs are not practical.
  13. Never understood why "The Shetlands" is considered so wrong. Yeah, it's a little clumsy, but as a contraction of "The Shetland Islands", it's fine, no? (ducks for cover)
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