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Everything posted by fionajohn

  1. auctions are held on a weds now advert is always in times i think every 2-3 weeks
  2. i was happy to get 5p voucher used it when in glasgow other times post to family so thet can use it i'm sure not the only one doing this
  3. hi there was a pair in heylor a week or so ago lovely to see different birds here
  4. i'm scotland(glasgow) hubby shetland
  5. hi on radio bbc2 there was a discussion about starbucks in Brighton they went ahead and opened a starbucks without planning permission and against a lot of opposition just wondering what would happen if they came to shetland
  6. hi i'm interested in the credit union and was wondering if any-one can answer a couple of questions do you get a pass book or can you deposit etc online i'm not able to get to town very often and not sure when i'll get in to ask directly thanks (*** Mod edit - threads merged ***)
  7. thanks for replies i have no objection to failing a mot when it's justified (well i do but you know what i mean) the story i heard was unless it was the same as it came out of the box it would fail i.e. a different exhaust etc. glad to know it doesn't[/b]
  8. hi as far as i know brae(central garage) no longer do bike mot's who else does them? i've jim's garage but was also told very strict i.e.if they don't like the look/age of it they will find something wrong any-one know any different
  9. expensive 20 miles filled up in kilbirnie just out-side glasgow 215 miles=£25.01 filled up in lerwick 235miles=£42.00
  10. back on now up in heylor(near hillswick)off for 45 min
  11. hi hubby says the blade at heylor fiona
  12. hi time to renew my anti virus ,i've been using spydoctor any-one got any recomendations for a reasonably priced one? down loaded the free avg but it slowed my computer so have now uninstalled it thanks fiona (*** mod - merged; check above for lots of useful info ***)
  13. can any-one let me know where flames is ?apart from lerwick
  14. just been told my area(hillswick)won't get hydro back on till mid-nightjavascript:emoticon(':cry:') don't know how wide spread problems are
  15. thanks for all your suggestions i reloaded the new software and now on internet i got the new hub last week and just plugged it in and it worked fine but it must have been some kind of glitch i loaded the disc that came with the new hub and fingers crossed its working
  16. hi more info its xp tried your suggestion arabia but the repair option is blanked out(grey) options available are disable bridge connections properties it also says network cable unplugged do you think trying the other ethernet plug on computer will do any good be back later this pm
  17. hi any-one know what's wrong with my computer no internet connection says i'm not connected laptop works fine on wireless have changed the router and also the ethernet cable so fault must be in computer but don't know enough to know what bit is wrong so can all you nice computer buffs help thanks
  18. think i saw it heading north of brae around 10.30/10.45 a white light going straight down i wondered what it was
  19. when i came to shetland around 20yr ago there was only a difference of 10p a gallon between aberdeen and shetland so why so much of a difference now
  20. when friend went past van at nesting junction police and ambulance were there
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