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Everything posted by fionajohn

  1. zet gas i think its called paul at st magnus bay hotel will advise 01806 503372
  2. sign in go to classifieds above list of adverts there is an "add an advert" click on it
  3. hubby got a laptop i don't like it i play a lot of games and even with a mouse couldn't get the hang of it
  4. hi it was to copy my cd so i could carry copy in the car the one on my current computer does this
  5. looking around for new desktop and wondering does a dvdrw also do cds thanks
  6. plenty up here in heylor have counted over 20 they nest in cliffs just beside me
  7. hi any of you knowledgible people tell me what the base and unit signs that are tied on poles in lerwick and other places are all about
  8. try blackcircles they deliver to shetland £10 per order 165x75x14 £34 each
  9. what have you done in glasgow before? lots of museums burrell collection art gallery museum of transpost if the week-end the "barras" other direction ayr if a sat the races might be on. largs with a trip to millport
  10. my granny helped ta write da original version o the grammer an usage o da shetlan dialect if you want ta speak or rite da dialect du coud refer ta hit fir help grand son o eliza jane Johnston
  11. i handed mine into the police and at the same time there was an elderly man doing the same
  12. to be precise i got an e-mail from shetlink telling me that some-one had sent me a pm on shetlink
  13. any-one having problems? i got a "you have an e-mail from shetlink" in my main email but when i went into my inbox nothing!
  14. i think no-one told the airport staff that a domestic flight was coming in that gate the staff due to it being an imigration gate have standing orders that a passport must be shown. a least one woman had the wit to know every-one had some kind of ID with them(they need it to get on plane)so bent the rules and accepted other forms of ID the head man should have known what to do if they insisted on a passport what were they going to do with people without one(i don't have one)deport them!! to where my understanding of deportation is "removing person from uk soil"so they couldn't send them back to shetland as that is part of uk
  15. also there is a thriving market for 2nd hand goods furniture.fridge.beds etc on here and shetland classifieds on facebook(you have to have a shetland address to join group) all sorts going on daily and lots in the £50-£100 price range
  16. with modern technology it is possible to trace the source of the infection in other words which field the rabbit fed on there in lies the proof
  17. I thought spreading mixi was now unlawful I used to eat rabbit as its a very healthy meat and very tasty I would report anyone I suspected of spreading mixi if I could catch them
  18. the big supermarket has rainbow drops and old jamaica choc oh and i loved ice breaker choc
  19. at the moment it might apply to england and wales but if it saves money to hell with the human cost scotland might follow suit
  20. this could be dangerous to 1000's if it goes through below is a link to a petition against the government bringing in plans to limit the number of times you can see your gp go over limit and you might have to pay https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/dont-cap-GP-visits
  21. what i mean't people being people after getting messages a lot of folk will just walk over to cafe rather than getting in their car and driving over
  22. imo i think it;s a good thing ,but what about parking?i can;t see tesco being happy about people using their car park especially at busy times
  23. You MUST NOT use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced what i was trying to say was who decides or how do you decide visibility is seriously reduced? i might decide 50 yards is reasonable person a might say 100 yards and person b 25 yards could you argue in court that you didn't think visibility was seriously reduced if mr plod stood upand said it was
  24. when do you switch yours on driving home to-night i noticed very few cars had their fog lights on. it was quite thick, visibility down to maybe 10 yards in places I was wondering what the position in law is i.e who decides if you are at fault for not having your lights on or off i'll throw it open for discussion
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