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Everything posted by Frances144

  1. Dunno - but it was copied using an iBook that was next to an iMac that was updating an iPod, that was sitting by my iTouch! Upstairs is my kids peecee, so I bunged an Apple sticker on it so it feels at home! Get out that dead horse and flog it abit more!
  2. MIM - very very good (fraid I've knicked that emoticon for mine own now!). I have a present for you in return http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e302/Frances144/chocolate.gif
  3. Shetlandcars, I have just one thing to say to you:- http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e302/Frances144/deadhorse.gif As in flogging a dead horse!
  4. That's a Mac intelligence test! http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e302/Frances144/thcatfight.gif
  5. Stay firm. Your house - your rules. Remember, you are not asking for rocket science just good behaviour. I am a great believer in taking responsibility for your actions. Children are very capable of this too. Keep going. Don't give in. It is not easy but you will have a much nicer child at the end of the day. Fx
  6. I'm old enough and relaxed enough that I am not sure that I would make that terrrible fuss about it that the other type do I hope all your pens break now!
  7. I completely agree. It is almost as if some forces want Shetland to stay a backwater for tourism. Impossible to get any sense from that quarter at all and I just don't understand why. Though if we get this wretched windfarm, who will want to come and look at an industrial estate?
  8. It will be very interesting now if VE decide to snowplough over the very crofters whose land they require to install the windmills and roads. How can they "snowplough"? Please elucidate. Thanks Fx
  9. Is there going to be compulsory purchase orders on the land VE want to site their windmills? Are all the potential windmills going on open hill? What if some of those that have hill rights refuse, will that be taken into account? Have any private land owners been approached?
  10. Yes, I think they are edible (don't quote me!). As for hunting, don't know but you are welcome to come and shoot our's. Pesky birds everywhere. There are millions on the westside. I am not a fan.
  11. Essential website - bookmark it!
  12. I buy iPods because I have Apple Mac computers so I am used to the operating system, the way they work and like the design. I have an iTouch ipod and that is wonderful. Everything about it is lovely. I watch films, have used it when south for looking at my emails in the hotel, listen to music. It is a good machine. It has been an essential piece of kit during longhaul flights too. I wouldn't buy a different make of mp3 player for the obvious reasons that Apple have created this, I work with Apple and it is very good at its job.
  13. Well how about this one for animal abuse ...... http://kakii.com/?p=38
  14. Hmmmm...... that old piece of fish and chip paper! It's a bit ancient. There are these:- (sorry if I am repeating another).
  15. The online system is for passenger bookings only - freight bookings should be made on 0845 6060 449 at their Orkney office. If anything - it would save yourself hassle at the port. That's what she (and me) does! We phone the freight Dept, book in the lorry and trailer, arrive at the port only to be told we are freight, no we are under passengers, no we are under freight/passengers/freight...... I could go on. Then the man comes out the tape-measure, scratches his head and then finds a different list and locates us!!! Happened more than once both ends and all ends blame Orkney Head Office!
  16. They could buy loads of those massage chairs from Chris Hodge - I tried one, it was fantastic!
  17. Use whatever is handy to fill that irrating gap! http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e302/Frances144/IMG_1869.jpg
  18. August? When they come out and are ready, I will pm you. I am on the Westside.
  19. We grow goosegogs! When they are in season, give me a pm and you can come and scrabble about with us getting your fingers pricked!
  20. Hear Hear I completely agree. Thank you, Malachy, for putting it so eloquently.
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