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Everything posted by peeriebryan

  1. It's the first I've heard is all I'm saying, and I wonder what your source for this is. Rumours are rife, so it would be better if you can back up your statement somehow. I.e. which reliable source did you get this from? A DITT worker on-site but hey, no one here seems to know any better or I'm sure there would have been a reply either way! I humbly suggest that anonymously posting on a forum isn't likely to result in a constructive outcome or a satisfactory response, particularly when there are so many rumours, half truths and Chinese whispers in circulation. If you're looking for details or confirmation on whatever it is you've been told about the design and/or construction, why don't you contact the contractors or the architects?
  2. I'm the music development officer at Shetland Arts. I'm genuinely interested to know what you'd prefer we were doing if you 'hate' the 'culture' we're trying to 'foist' on you Kavi.
  3. This is one of the most depressing threads, full of sensationalist generalisations, I have seen in my 5 years as a Shetlink member. It is ridiculous at best to tar an entire age group with the same brush because of the behaviour and attitude of a few peerie buggers. I believe Shetlanders should be very proud of the vast majority of our young people – some of the most charitable, considerate, articulate, talented, hard working and community spirited folk I have the pleasure of knowing happen to be members of the age group being condemned by many in this thread.
  4. All the videos of last year's Harris Playfair Big Band Project performance at FF are here - The final rehearsals before the concerts on Monday (Garrison Theatre) and Tuesday (Ollaberry Hall) have just finished and the band are sounding superb. Lots of new material composed by the band members and several younger players coming up through the ranks. The local musicians have been joined by scholarship students from the Western Isles and Orkney too. Even if fiddles aren't your thing, I can't recommend the band highly enough. The quality of the material, arrangements and musicianship is absolutely top notch. There's still a few tickets left at Shetland Box Office if you're quick. Details of all the FF events are on the Shetland Arts website - http://www.shetlandarts.org/events/fiddle-frenzy
  5. You're quite correct that the programme hasn't been confirmed yet, and that there will be a number of events over the autumn. Details will be announced shortly!
  6. I'm not sure I follow what you mean about the DJs. Most want to put on the best night they can, but I'm sure there's others who would just go through the motions if they had to. What I'm getting at is if you're running a club night until 1am, a percentage of the audience will leave early to beat the 1am entry cut-off at a club open until 2am. It's human nature for folk to want to carry on with a good night out - whether for dancing, socialising, bevvying or just enjoying the music. Remember that not everyone wants to get tanked up! Some folk just want to have a civilised night out. It's a shame that local promoters are at a disadvantage because they can't hire a venue which can stay open later, whether in Lerwick or in country halls. Now that the Norscot Angling Club is closing, pretty much the only option in Lerwick for club promoters (or 'rock' music promoters for that matter) is the Legion and I can't recall the last time the Legion had a late license.
  7. ..as was the Lerwick to Bergen Race reception. However, the Folk Festival and Biker's Rally were granted 2am licenses this year - http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2011/03/04/licensing-board-gives-go-ahead-for-late-licences-at-folk-festival-and-bikers-rally
  8. Not just yet I'm afraid! Once an opening date is set, things can be firmed up in terms of contracts etc and details will be announced. It's a fairly standard stipulation in many headline DJ's contracts that they'll only go on after sometime after midnight to perform a 2 hour set. Also, many DJs and promoters aren't interested in booking venues that finish before other clubs in the surrounding area. As I'm sure other local promoters and DJs would confirm, it's pretty disappointing to watch punters leaving events early so they can join the queue to get into nearby premises that are open for another hour.
  9. Good suggestions JustMe Making sure that performances / screenings, wherever possible, link up with public transport is a commonly raised concern and it's one that will be taken into consideration when programming events. The proximity to the bus stations helps too! The "event and bed" idea is good one...
  10. Here's a quick Mareel construction update - http://www.shetlandarts.org/progress-on-the-mareel-site/ ...and some photos taken a few days ago -
  11. Sea levels have not risen perceptibly in the past 17 years. There's a few feet to go afore needin tae owse http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5228/5693269728_4040347612.jpg Mareel by Shetland Arts, on Flickr The photo on this page shows the tide marks more clearly - http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2373919 - Floor level is at the top of the coastal walkway wall
  12. There's a report from last night's Mareel stakeholders meeting published on the Shetland Times website - http://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2011/06/16/further-delays-mean-mareel-will-not-be-taking-bookings-until-march-next-year
  13. Maybe you folks should take the opportunity add your thoughts to the SIC's "Scenario Planning" online survey http://www.shetnews.co.uk/news/757-planning-for-shetlands-future.html
  14. Of course it is. That's the whole idea.
  15. Astounding hypocrisy given the hue and cry you made on the forums and letters page of the paper about other people's comments in the Holocaust thread. Your recent posts seem to be nothing more than attempt to goad others into a repeat of the situation. And your 'smilies' are in very, very poor taste. They may be an attempt at humour but, given the gravity of the event and the amount of hassle you caused the other moderators and I earlier this year, I'm failing to see the funny side.
  16. There's a wide range of people and age-groups who use, or at least view, the forums and we (the moderators) feel that the swear filters are a practical necessity. If certain users could keep things to a reasonable 'conversational' level, then we may have reconsidered. However, it's clear that that isn't the case, and the moderators don't have the time to deal with all the instances of needless expletives. So the swear filters will be staying unless a very compelling case is made! However, EMs suggestion in the original post seems like a sensible idea, so we'll see how the poll goes....
  17. Sorry to go off topic again folks... Super. I look forward to it. In the meantime, a little common courtesy, as I afford you, wouldn't go amiss. You claim to have met my colleagues, and you have attacked us by name. They don't know who you are so perhaps you should have the decency to reveal your identity to them so they can judge the validity of your comments. Anonymous personal attacks on people you've met seems pretty spineless to me. One night a year, which is followed by a holiday, does make a very strong case.
  18. The various national funding bodies who support Mareel wouldn't / couldn't simply divert the allocated funding to build a school or acoustically treat a sports centre. All the points re: the Garrison, Clickimin, putting a licensed venue in a school etc have been covered at great length over the years, including the Mareel thread on Shetlink where I suggest any further posts on this subject should be made. Bobdahog, as ever, the invitation to meet my colleagues at Shetland Arts and I to discuss your concerns is still open, despite your persistent abuse.
  19. Because simply saying "X is a very bad person, let's just shoot him" sets a very bad precedent. Exactly Evil Inky. I'm no Bin Laden apologist, but regardless of what anybody thinks about who deserves what, the assumed outcomes of a trail, or whether he was executed or was shot because he 'resisted', there are numerous treaties and international laws to which the US are signatories (inc. their own constitution) which states everyone has the right to a fair trial It would make the moral highground difficult to defend if a country were to condemn others while they themselves ignored the same international laws and treaties. The Ministry of Defence edited your post?No you MODS edited my postThe capitalisation of the MoD acronym you used = Ministry of Defence, and as far as I'm aware they don't have moderator privileges here. It was a joke. I'll get me coat.
  20. I still stand by the above former post. Just as my forbears stood up to be counted in WW! And W.W.II I believe my forebears "stood up" for the right to fair trial and the values of the Geneva and Hague conventions, and opposed summary execution, in WWI and WWII. The Ministry of Defence edited your post?
  21. If you go back and edit your original post, you should be able to add a poll. If not, PM the question/choices and I can do it for you
  22. Penfold has been doing a sterling job moderating the sport forum for a number of years - he's now earned his full moderator wings
  23. Just a quick post to welcome three new mods into the fold - khitajrah, penfold & Spinner72 - so, welcome aboard folks!!
  24. I'm sure Malcolm Younger, based just around the corner, would hire you a camera for a reasonable fee
  25. (My emphasis) I think this is an astonishing post from someone whose views I usually have a lot of time for. What harm can taking a photograph do? I am sure the site manager would be curious but he has no right to know why someone is taking photographs. Mareel (which, in general, I support) has been, and will be, paid for from public funds. Everyone is entitled to photograph it without being quizzed. This was paranoia from the site manager, and your support for his actions PB, is staggering. Pardon jz? You seem to have taken that up the wrong way. I stated that "Obviously anyone has a right to walk around the perimeter and take photos" and people regularly do so - the building is immediately adjacent to surrounding roads in full view of the public and there's a web cam pointed permanently at the site. I completely agree that "Everyone is entitled to photograph it without being quizzed." Equally, I don't think it unreasonable for the Site Manger to approach anyone in or around the site assuming he has reason to do so. Equally (again!) no-one is obliged to give reasons for taking photos if they're causing no harm. I don't know the circumstances surrounding the reported encounter or why the person was approached so I can't comment let alone 'support' anyone's actions, but I'd suggest that you're making assumptions by claiming that "this was paranoia from the site manager"
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