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  1. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from marlin13 in Council Election Year 2022   
    As a moderator and for the sake of transparency, it would be remiss for me not to mention I'm a candidate for Shetland South. 
    (in the interests of impartiality: please note that other candidates are also available)
  2. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Unstoppable in Council Election Year 2022   
    As a moderator and for the sake of transparency, it would be remiss for me not to mention I'm a candidate for Shetland South. 
    (in the interests of impartiality: please note that other candidates are also available)
  3. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from George. in Council Election Year 2022   
    As a moderator and for the sake of transparency, it would be remiss for me not to mention I'm a candidate for Shetland South. 
    (in the interests of impartiality: please note that other candidates are also available)
  4. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Roachmill in Council Election Year 2022   
    As a moderator and for the sake of transparency, it would be remiss for me not to mention I'm a candidate for Shetland South. 
    (in the interests of impartiality: please note that other candidates are also available)
  5. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in Council Election Year 2022   
    As a moderator and for the sake of transparency, it would be remiss for me not to mention I'm a candidate for Shetland South. 
    (in the interests of impartiality: please note that other candidates are also available)
  6. Thanks
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Evil Inky in Anyone else having problems here?   
    Much hair has been pulled out and many tinkerings have gone on, but we should be back to normal now *fingers crossed*
  7. Thanks
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Roachmill in Anyone else having problems here?   
    Much hair has been pulled out and many tinkerings have gone on, but we should be back to normal now *fingers crossed*
  8. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Fjool in 3D Printing Needed   
    Try Ross at Hot Gecko in Hoswick https://www.hotgeckomedia.com/
  9. Like
    peeriebryan reacted to Gaepshot in Shetland cattle in New Zealand   
    This an interesting story with a possible Shetland connection, there is a story that when a Shetland family emigrated to New Zealand in the 1800's, they also took with them their small flock of Shetland kye.
    Has anyone heard of, or maybe be related to this family that knows the story?
  10. Haha
    peeriebryan reacted to Ghostrider in DIMPLEX Storage Heaters & THTC tariff   
    Well, whaddya know....... 12 days after posting to this thread the SIC send me a letter that they're wanting to..... 'upgrade' the Dimplex storage heaters in my place.
    Random coincidence........or, do I need to cinch me tin 'at down a bit tighter to make sure it fits better cos Big Bruvva is watchin.
  11. Thanks
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in DIMPLEX Storage Heaters & THTC tariff   
    To the best of my knowledge, the following are the usual times the Hyrdo storage heater supply is active (although I've noticed some variation depending on weather conditions)
    01.30 to 03.30 08:00 to 11:00 16:30 to 17:30 22:00 to 24:00
  12. Thanks
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in DIMPLEX Storage Heaters & THTC tariff   
    @RugyDavy, the limitations you're describing are more the result of design of the 'old style' storage heaters and water tanks rather than supply times / tariffs. 
    I've fitted many of them over the years, and they're inherently basic in principle and limited in terms of controllability - they convert electricity via a heating element into heat stored in either water or clay bricks - but it takes guesswork (and weather forecasting) to figure out where to set the storage heater input controls and water heater thermostats to ensure you'll have the right amount of stored heat and hot water for the next day or so. You shouldn't need to switch the storage heaters or water tank supply off - the storage heater input control and water tank thermostat will control how much power is converted to stored heat.
    Once the heat has 'gone in', the old style storage heaters are particularly difficult (impossible?) to control as they work on the principle that heat seeps out all day, like a poorly insulated leaky 'bucket of heat' that the Hydro tops up when the power supply comes on. And because the leak is pretty much constant (the 'output' control just operates a peerie mechanical hatch above the clay bricks to let a little bit more heat out, but they're pretty ineffectual), the heaters will heat your house all day and all night regardless, unless they run out of heat before the Hydro supply kicks in again. I don't think that design of heater is even manufactured or sold in the UK anymore.
    However, modern "High heat retention" storage heaters are considerably more efficient and controllable. They still work on the principle of heat stored in bricks, but the insulation is much better (the outside of the heaters is generally cool to touch) and heat is emitted with the aid of a fan controlled by a timer and thermostat. Modern heaters are often 'smart' and can predict how much energy to take on board based on previous and future program settings. So they're still like 'buckets of heat', but with a tightly fitting lid and controllable taps instead of just a leak!
    The Dimplex Quantumn high heat retention storage heaters are common in Shetland as Hjatland and the SIC have installed hundreds in their properties. Dimplex actually trialled them in Shetland a few years back before making them commercially available.
    After much research and discussion, I've not long ago replaced the old beige Dimplex storage heaters in my house with Quantum heaters and I've been very impressed thus far, although the fan noise was a little distracting to start with and it took a while to get the temperature and timer settings right. I was a little sceptical about how controllable storage heaters could be, but the Quantum heaters really are different beasts to the old style storage heaters.
    They're not cheap to buy, but there are interest free loans available which would help balance the long term savings in heating efficiency against the upfront costs of installing them - https://www.homeenergyscotland.org/find-funding-grants-and-loans/interest-free-loans/
  13. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Fjool in Proposed Co-op Stores in Scalloway & Sandwick ?   
    For reference:
    link to the Sandwick planning application and comments https://pa.shetland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QQ3S9ROAGZ400 link to the Scalloway planning application and comments https://pa.shetland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QQ2S63OAGYY00  
  14. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from XAM7102 in Proposed Co-op Stores in Scalloway & Sandwick ?   
    For reference:
    link to the Sandwick planning application and comments https://pa.shetland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QQ3S9ROAGZ400 link to the Scalloway planning application and comments https://pa.shetland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QQ2S63OAGYY00  
  15. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Davie P in Forum Moderation   
    I assure you you're wrong. If we deleted everything we didn't agree with then there wouldn't be much discussion 'round here!
    Most moderating goes on behind the scenes, and it's pretty unglamorous stuff - deleting spam and spammers' accounts, sending friendly Private Messages reminding people of T&Cs, merging threads, sending password reminders, dealing with disputes between members etc. Occasionally, for the greater good, the duties extend to removing content we feel is in breach of the community protocols.
    We started Shetlink over 14 years ago to encourage debate about Shetland related issues and as a way for Shetland diaspora to stay in touch, and the community values have evolved over time. But if someone feels they're being 'gagged' or their 'freedom of speech' is being impinged because of the community values (that the moderators have volunteered to uphold), then I suggest this probably isn't the best community for them to be a member of.
    There are plenty of websites out there with little or no moderation, and I would suggest that constructive, civilised debate is generally not a hallmark of such websites. If unmoderated Freedom of Speech is the goal, then good luck in finding a website to hold a discussion that doesn't descend into spam, porn, flaming and trolling - unfortunately, that is what absolute Freedom of Speech looks like on the internet. I've been moderating forums for 20+ years and can't think of a single example of an unmoderated forum which hasn't devolved into an absolute rattle o' dirt! 
    When people talk of Freedom of Speech as an ultimate and ideal goal, it is easy for them to forget that there has to be a space for such speech and freedoms to be exercised. It's about finding a workable balance.
    And please, lets not go down the route of claiming that 'there was more Freedom of Speech in the olden days' etc - in my experience, that's a result of people having ever more options to express themselves publicly but finding that there are even more options for people to disagree with them and call them out too. Expressing some 'colourful views' across the garden fence or down at the social club was one thing, but posting them online for the world to see is another, and it should come as no surprise that there are plenty more folk who will challenge those 'colourful views'.
  16. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Fjool in Forum Moderation   
    I assure you you're wrong. If we deleted everything we didn't agree with then there wouldn't be much discussion 'round here!
    Most moderating goes on behind the scenes, and it's pretty unglamorous stuff - deleting spam and spammers' accounts, sending friendly Private Messages reminding people of T&Cs, merging threads, sending password reminders, dealing with disputes between members etc. Occasionally, for the greater good, the duties extend to removing content we feel is in breach of the community protocols.
    We started Shetlink over 14 years ago to encourage debate about Shetland related issues and as a way for Shetland diaspora to stay in touch, and the community values have evolved over time. But if someone feels they're being 'gagged' or their 'freedom of speech' is being impinged because of the community values (that the moderators have volunteered to uphold), then I suggest this probably isn't the best community for them to be a member of.
    There are plenty of websites out there with little or no moderation, and I would suggest that constructive, civilised debate is generally not a hallmark of such websites. If unmoderated Freedom of Speech is the goal, then good luck in finding a website to hold a discussion that doesn't descend into spam, porn, flaming and trolling - unfortunately, that is what absolute Freedom of Speech looks like on the internet. I've been moderating forums for 20+ years and can't think of a single example of an unmoderated forum which hasn't devolved into an absolute rattle o' dirt! 
    When people talk of Freedom of Speech as an ultimate and ideal goal, it is easy for them to forget that there has to be a space for such speech and freedoms to be exercised. It's about finding a workable balance.
    And please, lets not go down the route of claiming that 'there was more Freedom of Speech in the olden days' etc - in my experience, that's a result of people having ever more options to express themselves publicly but finding that there are even more options for people to disagree with them and call them out too. Expressing some 'colourful views' across the garden fence or down at the social club was one thing, but posting them online for the world to see is another, and it should come as no surprise that there are plenty more folk who will challenge those 'colourful views'.
  17. Haha
    peeriebryan reacted to Spinner72 in Forum Moderation   
    Facebook haes the market cornered there!
  18. Like
    peeriebryan reacted to Fjool in Forum Moderation   
    Free speech does not mean "I can say whatever I like, wherever I like, and nobody can stop me". If you come into my house and start making racist or homophobic comments, I will ask you to leave. Same thing with Shetlink. This is a private space and offers no guarantee of "free speech", however you define that.
    We aim for it as far as possible, but there are many reasons why a comment may require moderation. Some decisions will be better than others (we're only human), but the argument of "free speech" is just not relevant. Any comment may be removed for any reason, without explanation, and that's just how it is. We'd prefer not to, but sometimes it's necessary.
    Anyway, this topic is about Vaccination cards and has long since drifted off. Feel free to start a topic on free speech though. We may well already have one.
  19. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Roachmill in Forum Moderation   
    I think it's getting a bit overheated if folk are worried their right to free speech is under threat and we're comparable to China because a comment was moderated.
    The moderators want the forums to be friendly and welcoming to everyone. If the moderators think a comment is needlessly mean spirited, picks on a group of folk, doesn't add anything constructive to the discussion, is inaccurate and/or any other combination of reasons we feel contributes to the forums being un-friendly and un-welcoming, then the mods will do some mod-ding.
    If we all keep the Guidelines in mind I'm sure we'll be fine.
  20. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Fjool in Forum Moderation   
    I think it's getting a bit overheated if folk are worried their right to free speech is under threat and we're comparable to China because a comment was moderated.
    The moderators want the forums to be friendly and welcoming to everyone. If the moderators think a comment is needlessly mean spirited, picks on a group of folk, doesn't add anything constructive to the discussion, is inaccurate and/or any other combination of reasons we feel contributes to the forums being un-friendly and un-welcoming, then the mods will do some mod-ding.
    If we all keep the Guidelines in mind I'm sure we'll be fine.
  21. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in Forum Moderation   
    I think it's getting a bit overheated if folk are worried their right to free speech is under threat and we're comparable to China because a comment was moderated.
    The moderators want the forums to be friendly and welcoming to everyone. If the moderators think a comment is needlessly mean spirited, picks on a group of folk, doesn't add anything constructive to the discussion, is inaccurate and/or any other combination of reasons we feel contributes to the forums being un-friendly and un-welcoming, then the mods will do some mod-ding.
    If we all keep the Guidelines in mind I'm sure we'll be fine.
  22. Haha
    peeriebryan reacted to Muckle Oxters in Da surfer and his board   
    Du’ll get nae peace fae da media efter yun revelations @Ghostrider.
    I’m tinkin I might suggest a new column tae da Shetland Times caaed “Fae da Ebb”. As da title suggests, it wid feature stories aboot bruck and sports equipment folk have found in da ebb.
    I’ll liklee need some market research tae prove tae da editor dat da “Fae da Ebb” column wid be as popular as I expect it wid be, so please ‘like’ dis post as an indication of your desire to regularly read aboot washed up auld dirt. Thanks in advance fur your support  
  23. Like
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Davie P in 'non-natives' spikkin Shetland   
    I find how some non-Shetlanders* refer to the outer isles irksome, for example, "I was on Yell" or worse still, "I'm going onto Yell".
    Surely it's "I was in Yell" or, "I'm going into Yell".
    My theory as to why this sounds wrong is that you go 'into' a community', but you go 'onto' an landmass. Yell is a community, ipso facto you go into it.
    This theory is kinda backed up by the fact you go 'onto' the mainland, and the mainland is too big to be considered as a community in itself.
    Or something along those lines....!
    *IMHO, a Shetlander can be through birth or choice
  24. Haha
    peeriebryan got a reaction from Muckle Oxters in 'non-natives' spikkin Shetland   
    A good friend of mine spiks broad Shetland wee an Argentinian accent and it's a thing o beauty!
  25. Haha
    peeriebryan reacted to Muckle Oxters in 'non-natives' spikkin Shetland   
    Yis, dir 'saft arrrs*' seem tae be da main budder.
    (*soft pronunciation of the letter 'r', rather than pliable buttocks)
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