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George. last won the day on October 1 2024

George. had the most liked content!

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    Right here.
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  1. Maybe got a job in Tesco now.
  2. I don't think you're sorry at all.
  3. ^They ask you for a reading once a month fina, and every month you get an email to remind you to read it and put it in their web site for them. That, I suppose, stops you having to put it in writing. That works for me. If you take on a tariff that is not the plain old tariff, they'll put in a smart meter for you. Then you can keep an eye on how much electricity you've used the previous day, and a wee In-home display that will show you how much you've used to that point of the present day - and the figures given to you on the wee IHD are in cash. Dead easy to see, and dead easy to know whether it's been a good day or bad.
  4. ^Yes, for me it's cheaper - and I have more control over just what I pay. There were two Dimplex Quantum's in here when I moved in and they're still here, doing the same job. The only difference is the rate I pay for the electricity I use and the time it charges them up. All other electricity I use when charging the Quantum's comes in at the same cheap rate. Have a look and check it out. Octopus
  5. ^Was on THTC but since the change it's been a single smart meter, but all electricity supplied between 12.00 midnight and 07.00 GMT comes in at 15p per kW hour. Good reason to run the washing machine overnight. The storage heaters charge up on the cheap rate too.
  6. ^Here in Hillswick, I've changed over to Octopus and it all works for me. Six or seven weeks after signing up with them a guy put the smart meter in and it seems to do a good job. A better job than SSE ever did for me.
  7. Is he still looking for a job? After only eight years?
  8. George.


    I heard that very soon they're bringing ten bob bits back.
  9. ^Copyright can be transferred, free or for payment, to another person or company.
  10. Don't allow them to strip you bare by cranking up the price by an unreasonable amount. Don't Pay UK
  11. ^Westminster tends to keep pushing until they get whatever answer they want. Control merchants to the root.
  12. ^Westminster tends to keep pushing until they get the answer they want.
  13. I think that the Scottish Parliament has a little more to say about it, and a little louder, than the polis.
  14. Sorry, I wrote it wrong. It should have read as, "A referendum was held in Shetland, and the rest of Scotland, on 23 June 2016 which showed a majority of us wanted out of the E.U. The English and the rest of them had a wee blether and did what they wanted." Some things never change.
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