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  1. Our Power the latest supplier to go bust. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/ofgem-protects-customers-failed-supplier-our-power
  2. It was never Bryan from Foula who made them, It was Stuart. There might be some in Healthcraft. Or PM me and I'll give you his number.
  3. Captain’s Meeting Thursday 16th AUGUST 2012 At the Lerwick branch of the BRITISH LEGION 8pm prompt Please ensure ALL teams for the 2012-13 season are represented. AGM Thursday 23rd AUGUST 2012 At the Lerwick branch of the BRITISH LEGION 8pm prompt Please ensure ALL teams for the 2012-13 season are represented. N.B. Teams not registered by the AGM will be excluded from the 2012-13 season with no exceptions. The association website is now www.shetland-blackball.co.uk
  4. What a fantastic advert for Orkney Meat, which insidentally is about to cease trading http://www.orcadian.co.uk/2012/03/oic-and-orkney-meat-agree-to-work-together-to-ensure-continued-abattoir-facilities/
  5. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/come-dine-with-me/4od#3081163 Amanda is such a lovely lass.
  6. Can anyone else smell that rotten egg smell i'm smelling in weisdale just now? I've had to close my windows.
  7. I work occasionally at the kennels at gott farm. Unless your dog is on a specialised diet then the food is provided by the kennels. Kennel visits are welcome for people new to boarding their dog. Just give Gwen a call on 01595 840815 to arrange a time to go along and have a look around. An up to date inoculation certificate is required and must be produced when leaving your dog. If you fail to bring your certificate your dog will be refused boarding.
  8. Anyone know who the local courier for Interlink express is ?
  9. NEW DATE Sunday 16th January Lerwick Legion names to be submitted by 1pm for a 1.30 start
  10. www.erlund-scotland.co.uk log house kits based in Shetland.
  11. Thanks guys, i got some from the co-op.
  12. HELP! Where can i get electricity tokens in Lerwick today? My local shop doesnt open till wednesday and i'll be out of power by then.
  13. Is there anywhere in Lerwick I could get Fuel today ? Does Grantfield Garage still have its 24hr Pump that takes credit/debit cards ?
  14. Siffy


    Happy Rush Day
  15. Been snowing heavily in Weisdale now for about an hour. Wormadale Hill is getting pretty bad. If travelling west i'd go now, we were going to nip into to lerwick but changed our minds when we saw wormadale.
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