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Posts posted by Siffy

  1. Captain’s Meeting


    Thursday 16th AUGUST 2012

    At the Lerwick branch of the BRITISH LEGION

    8pm prompt


    Please ensure ALL teams for the 2012-13 season are represented.





    Thursday 23rd AUGUST 2012

    At the Lerwick branch of the BRITISH LEGION

    8pm prompt


    Please ensure ALL teams for the 2012-13 season are represented.


    N.B. Teams not registered by the AGM will be excluded from the 2012-13 season with no exceptions.


    The association website is now www.shetland-blackball.co.uk

  2. I work occasionally at the kennels at gott farm.

    Unless your dog is on a specialised diet then the food is provided by the kennels.

    Kennel visits are welcome for people new to boarding their dog.

    Just give Gwen a call on 01595 840815 to arrange a time to go along and have a look around.

    An up to date inoculation certificate is required and must be produced when leaving your dog. If you fail to bring your certificate your dog will be refused boarding.

  3. You people need to move ISP's. I've had nothing but brilliant service from Plusnet. No problems with streaming video, downloading files and constant speeds.

    I agree 100%, moved to plusnet from pipex/tiscalli and not had any problems. Excellent service form these guys.

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