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Para Handy

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Para Handy last won the day on December 23 2015

Para Handy had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Anywhere in Shetland but Forvic
  1. Sorry but I don’t see the point of Marriage! Maybe the Marriage License is like the TV License. As you know if you have a TV you need a License. It does not improve the TV signal by putting it behind your TV Aerial. It’s the same with the Marriage License if you nail it behind the head of the bed it does not help to improve the sex
  2. Windows 10 is a cash cow you need apps for doing most things pounds at a time for each app I will stick to W7
  3. Charitable Trust may as well take 11 million pounds and burn it at the dump they would get more for their money
  4. Ward 3 Down Load Speed 3.75 Mbps Upload Speed 4.37 Mbps Ward 1 the speeds was faster. Down Load 10.32 Mbps Upload Speed 12.50 Mbps
  5. The Hospital has a fast broadband speed in the wards anyway up to 10 Mbps up and download It may work at the outpatients look for nhsguest
  6. The Brat care home has Internet to but public can't us it
  7. GBh now has wi-fi NHSGuest is what you look for and clicl connect no pass word requird and it is fast too. You can also get it at Unst Care and Levenwick Care homes. but sppeed is no more than 2mbph .
  8. The above was in ward 3 But in ward 1 the speeds was faster. Down Load 10.32 Mbps Upload Speed 12.50 Mbps
  9. They now have internet accses at the Gilbert Bain Hospital Down Load Speed 3.75 Mbps Upload Speed 4.37 Mbps
  10. Never gets any better than this at my Sisters in Mossbank http://www.speedtest.net/result/3445986855.png
  11. Why so much coverage of this it's not in this country after all
  12. The man is a half wit himself just can't take anything this man says seriously
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