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Posts posted by Malcolm

  1. I ordered some T-shirts from Jacamo recently. On Wednesday I got an e-mail from "Hermes" saying the parcel  had been delivered and as we were out  (we were in all day) the driver left the parcel in our (Green) shed (Hold on we don't have a shed) and a message saying (Please see photograph) "For security reasons I have not printed the photograph". Anyway I printed the pic, got in the car, an went shed hunting. After touring side roads, dirt tracks etc, etc and quite a few private driveways I found the shed (only to find no parcel in sight). Just as we were getting ready to drive home the Lady of the house turned up and after explaining why we were searching her property she said " Ah! it's yours, but it's in the wrong shed!". Seems the driver photographed the wrong shed and placed the parcel in the feed shed.

    Kus over 1.5 miles from us   (A total of 3 miles to retrieve it) Like myself Jacamo were not too happy.

  2. There are three types of internal heater, units to fix high up on a wall, low down units (radiator type), and ceiling mounted unit. We have ceiling units, three in total (dining room, living room and hallway) with nowt in the bedrooms. We have an electric towel rail in the bathroom (left on continually).

    Good Points
    1. Much cheaper than the oil heating in previous property. Electric cost for a year was about £1400 (£1000 standard rate of 17.55p and £400 off peak at 10.82p) which includes heating, lighting, washing machine etc but not hob / oven cooking which is gas.
    2. Installation cost was less than quote for oil or bottled gas heating.
    3. Installation was quick (less than two days) and clean.
    4. Ceiling units take up no space so positioning furniture is not compromised.
    5. Maintenance is minimal, filter cleaning only (and even this is easy with minimal dust).
    6. Each unit has it's own timer.

    Bad Points
    1. The fans can be slightly intrusive when watching a quiet TV programme.
    2. In really bad weather some back-up may be needed. We have a gas fire in the living room which was used about 10 times last winter and has yet to be used this winter.
    3. A dry form of heating, keep having to top up the dog's water bowl!
    4. Has to be reset after a power cut. Easy to do, but annoying if you are out of the house.
    5. Even with the fans the heat distribution is not always perfect.




    Hope this helps.



  3. This past couple of years the shops were over-run with calendars, Seemed like each area had one then add on local charities etc  etc etc basically it was overkill and a lot of charities were left with calendars which were still on sale in march/April. This year it seams they learned their lesson and there are less in the shops.

    Last year we got five from friends & relatives this year None! and as the old saying goes "Never buy your home a calendar or get bad luck all year" I was glad to get one in the Shetland Times.


    Happy New Year to all  :D

  4. Also had a very similar experience at the chippie in Commercial Road  (No names mentioned) so, I'm fast running out of options.. :cry:


    Only one left is the Fort and, apart from the fact that the overall quality is getting poor, they charge you 5p for a PAPER BAG to put your suppers in..

    I'm in favour of the PLASTIC BAG "surcharge" but, I was led to believe that PAPER BAGS were EXEMPT as they degrade quite easily.

    Sticks a bit when you spend £15+ on a few average to poor quality (and skimpy) suppers to get "hit" for an extra 5p under false pretences.  Surprised, under the circumstances, that they do not try to make a separate charge for the wrapping paper they use..

    Oh how I miss those days of fish n chips wrapped in newspaper.  Mmmmm  nymnymnym

  5. The "Patient Hotel" rooms are a decent size with comfy beds, dressing table, wardrobe, color tv (12 - 20 channels), modern shower room with wc and wash hand basin and internal telephone.

    You get breakfast and dinner provided in one of the two staff canteens (just put your room key on your tray).



    Tea and coffee are available in the family kitchen, there is also basic cooking facilities available too.


    You come and go as you please as you will have a key to the area door as well.


    I hope this helps and your child recovers well.




    Why has the applicant put up a sign banning people from the public beach below the house?


    With the Scottish 'right to roam', the notice is as out of place as the planning department decision


    If he's guilty of doing that, then he's just lost my support.


    Sadly he is guilty of this, there is a notice on the gate leading to the small beach which says "Private" on it.  :(

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