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    knowledge, nonsense, music, love, tea, nicotine, alcohol, pixel manipulation, email checking, white bluetack, Steve Earle and Tom Petty
  1. more good news for new contemporary arts centre in the terrace gardens - £4m granted by the SAC http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/news/display.var.2152736.0.Aberdeen_arts_centre_project_wins_4m_funding.php http://www.peacockvisualarts.com/archive/139/ministers-gve-green-light-for-art-centre-of-the-north http://www.peacockvisualarts.com/files/NEW%20BUILDING/ExteriorElm500pix.jpg and with the LT now "restructured" it will hopefully continue business at some point very soon....
  2. support confirmed for the tour RAY BONNEVILLE http://www.raybonneville.com http://www.myspace.com/raybonneville here are all the dates Wednesday, 14th May Tollbooth, Stirling 01786 274000 8PM http://www.stirling.gov.uk/tolbooth Thursday 15th May Bogbain Adventure and Heritage Farm Inverness http://www.bogbainfarm.com 01463 772800 Friday, 16th May The Tunnels, Aberdeen 01224 211121 8PM http://www.thetunnels.co.uk Book Online - http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_scotland&query=detail&event=256756&interface= Monday, 19th May Paisley Arts Centre 0141 887 1010 8PM http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk Tuesday, 20th May The Pleasance, Edinburgh. 0131 650 9380 7.30PM http://www.pleasance.co.uk Book Online - http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_scotland&query=detail&event=256719&interface=
  3. oh and all 6 songs currently for download from his myspace
  4. Hi all thought some may be interested in this gig.... a weekend away to Aberdeen? Fallen Angels Club and Vocoustics Presents: Tim O'Brien 2006 International Bluegrass Music Association Male Vocalist of the Year 2006 International Bluegrass Music Association Song of the Year 2005 Grammy Best Traditional Folk Album 1997 International Bluegrass Music Association Album of the Year 1997 International Bluegrass Music Association Recorded Event of the Year 1993 International Bluegrass Music Association Male Vocalist of the Year Friday 16th May The Tunnels (Carnegies Brae, Aberdeen AB10 1BF. Phone 01224 211121) £9adv tickets from http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_scotland&query=detail&event=256756&interface= and 1-Up (Belmont Street, Aberdeen.) http://www.myspace.com/timobrienmusic http://www.timobrien.net/ http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h71/AndyVocoustic/571204716_l.jpg Should be a guid een!
  5. ohhh so here is where this thread disappeared off to
  6. Ooooooo the politics of it all! You are totally right about the way it was dealt with but these things do tend to go this way, at least the site wont be turned into flats!
  7. looking excellent as usual Had a quick listen to a few of them and Henrik Jansberg especially caught my ear...
  8. Scotch Mist.... I downloaded and watched it last night, pretty awesome in parts!
  9. there is only one way to settle this.... The True Truth.... There we go, its settled, end of thread.
  10. oh no dont ask that! With reference to the poll, its a rubbish poll.
  11. its not quite as simple and straight-forward as a self-indulgent board. The Lemon Tree was much more than an arts and music venue.... Post #228 from "prof-lofi" in this thread will add some perspective from someone on the inside..... http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/other-clubs-venues/46755-lemon-tree-no-more-16.html The LT goes into formal liquidation on Tues18, there is fundraising going on.... not all is lost but..............
  12. aye they are getting lots of publicity for the campaign, good luck and lets hope they get somewhere.... and the irony http://living.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1895752007
  13. Its not all doom and gloom..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/7130690.stm but this will rip up a considerable part of Union Terrace Gardens, one of the only such spaces in centre of town; and all the issue about losses and council funding etc etc etc etc etc etc....
  14. maybe Donald Trump will step in with a rescue package.....
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