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  1. Somebody told me at the weekend that SIC staff who are designated First Aiders get paid an additional £30 per month (if I remember correctly). I find that shocking and it must add up to a pretty considerable sum. Surely the Council paying for their initial training and refreshers should be sufficient?
  2. Has anybody heard of anything spooky in the flat above the Hansel? Just heard of a little girl staying there recently who after the first night didn't want to go into the bedroom she'd been staying in because she didn't think the little boy who lived there liked her. She's only 2 & a half and hasn't done anything vaguely similar before. She said he'd gone after another day or so but before they left she insisted on leaving a couple of toys by the fireplace for him.
  3. Hopefully Sci-Fi or somewhere else will commission another series. It was getting interesting there! Supernatural is brilliant. Lost viewing is delayed til the repeat because it clashes with SN!
  4. Mmmm - home grown lettuce & sugar - nyim I also canna quite understand how folk can aet tomatoes wi salt when sugar is so much better! I mind sittin in my grandfaidders gairden wi da sugar bowl, pickin, dippin & eatin strawberries. Dem wir da days! A warm bannock & rhubarb jam is da lovely wi a cup o tae.
  5. The Return of The King comment is so accurate. That's exactly what I was reminded of when watching!
  6. A large proportion of the folk I've spoken to about this are completely on the fence about this. Wish we had a 'shrugs shoulder' smiley as that's been the reaction of many of them!
  7. Regarding the large numbers signing the Sakchai petition - there was an electronic version available and there were many signatures from outwith Shetland. I know I e-mailed the link to many friends South - either ex-pats or those who I knew would be interested in such a human rights issue.
  8. I've got the last 2 episodes saved in my sky+ along with 24 : Redemption. I'm going to savour them like a fine wine.........
  9. I'd heard a similar fate befell two visiting anglers - but they were taken to the station & were strip searched as well! Not convinced they'll be back to sample Shetland's 'warm & friendly' welcome anytime soon........
  10. Is it just me or does the pop art one look a bit like Saddam Hussein? OMG Missing WMD - Forvik?!?!?!?!
  11. I liked the suits this year - glad not to see any crushed velvet! I thought the helmet design was particularly good. And the jingly sound they made as they walked just added to the overall effect. Galley was nicely understated and the bill head picture was pretty darned good too.
  12. I tend to dip into this site once a week - there's usually a couple of pics that crack me up. http://icanhascheezburger.com
  13. Ooh - da Flumps!! I loved the way they said Pootle & Posie! I loved it as a bairn an I mind watchin repeats at lunch time when I wis in 3rd year!
  14. Paddy weighs 20st, so his doctor puts him on a diet. “I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day and repeat this for 2 weeks. You should lose 5 lbsâ€. When Paddy returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost almost 4st. in weight. “That’s amazing!†the doc said. Paddy nodded “I’ll tell you be Jesus, I taut I was gonna drop dead by da tird dayâ€. “What, from hunger?†asked the doc. “No, from the fookin’ skippinâ€!!
  15. Trumpton Jana of the Jungle Scooby Doo Battle of the Planets Ulysses Champion the Wonder Horse then I progressed to the Professionals and such like. It's really funny seeing the re-runs of those on one of the satellite channels. Still love the theme tune. I also got into watching Thunder Cats and other assorted cartoons that my younger brother watched. Can anyone else remember a cartoon that had something to do with tales from Arabia and had a flying carpet in it? It might have been on before or after the Banana Splits.
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