Hello! My name is Jack Malcolmson, I am a sixth form student currently studying in Gloucester - however I am Shetland born and bred. I need your help! As part of my studies I have to undertake an independent project on a topic of my choice. I have chosen to answer the question: Has the upstream oil & gas sector had a negative effect on the culture, economy and environment of Shetland? In order to successfully answer the question I need to undertake primary research in order to gather public opinion on how the industry has impacted on individual lives and on society as a whole. By undertaking in this short anonymous survey you will help build an understanding of how, 40 years later, the oil has effected the traditional way of life - if it has at all. I would be most grateful if you could fill in the survey, it should only take 5-10 minutes. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mvLVVMs4w1HirLQEQs8Q36p8n9H26KEbCG0SUwPxms8/viewform If you have any questions about my project, then you can find my email address at the top of the survey Thank You! Jack